Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

You used Iran to back your views that muslims in general are responsible for 9/11 and killing gays,

Hey stupid, there is something known as Sharia. This is Islamic law. When Iran, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Tunisia put homosexuals to death, they do so in accordance with and based on Sharia, Islamic law.

Fuck but you are stupid. I mean, I don't know if it's desperation because of the hole you've dug yourself in, but fuck you are stupid..

So why is it again that Uganda is putting homosexuals to death?

Oh yeah...........

Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push Twitter
Published: January 3, 2010

KAMPALA, Uganda — Last March, three American evangelical Christians, whose teachings about “curing” homosexuals have been widely discredited in the United States, arrived here in Uganda’s capital to give a series of talks.

The theme of the event, according to Stephen Langa, its Ugandan organizer, was “the gay agenda — that whole hidden and dark agenda” — and the threat homosexuals posed to Bible-based values and the traditional African family.

For three days, according to participants and audio recordings, thousands of Ugandans, including police officers, teachers and national politicians, listened raptly to the Americans, who were presented as experts on homosexuality. The visitors discussed how to make gay people straight, how gay men often sodomized teenage boys and how “the gay movement is an evil institution” whose goal is “to defeat the marriage-based society and replace it with a culture of sexual promiscuity.”

Now the three Americans are finding themselves on the defensive, saying they had no intention of helping stoke the kind of anger that could lead to what came next: a bill to impose a death sentence for homosexual behavior.

Americans’ Role Seen in Uganda Anti-Gay Push -
Texans have been known to put homosexuals to death as well.
Something about dragging them with a truck?
Hell of a way to go out in drag.
How does going to Uganda to talk to gays translate into killing them?

Never mind. It doesn't.
How does going to Uganda to talk to gays translate into killing them?

Never mind. It doesn't.

It was because of the Christian anti-gay diatribe (helped along by C Street by the way), that Uganda decided that gays needed to be put to death.

Real good Christians you're sending there, eh?
No it's not. It's because of their psychotic leader, who is using Christianity as a front for a tribal agenda.
Where do you get judgement of faith out of that? It's not about faith, it's about tribal warfare.
Where do you get judgement of faith out of that? It's not about faith, it's about tribal warfare.

Judgement of faith is what one set of Christians does to another set. Wanna see it in action? Watch Northern and Southern Baptists debate the Bible sometime.

And......fwiw........all the different sects of Christianity is kinda like a whole bunch of different tribes.

Whenever someone tells me they're Chrisitian, the first question I ask is "what variety?" because even though they may be Christian, they don't always agree.

They actually ARE kinda tribal in how they judge the faith of other Christians.
You know strange thing. I tried to search the net for gay catfish and could not find any.

A part of gods master plan reinforcing that eating catfish is just as bad as homosexuality?
Where do you get judgement of faith out of that? It's not about faith, it's about tribal warfare.

Judgement of faith is what one set of Christians does to another set. Wanna see it in action? Watch Northern and Southern Baptists debate the Bible sometime.

And......fwiw........all the different sects of Christianity is kinda like a whole bunch of different tribes.

Whenever someone tells me they're Chrisitian, the first question I ask is "what variety?" because even though they may be Christian, they don't always agree.

They actually ARE kinda tribal in how they judge the faith of other Christians.

All very interesting.

Has nothing to do with the situation in Uganda.
You know strange thing. I tried to search the net for gay catfish and could not find any.

A part of gods master plan reinforcing that eating catfish is just as bad as homosexuality?

Well I personally think eating catfish is a bad idea...anything that thrives on human shit and has to be killed with a board and a nail can't be meant for human consumption.
Where do you get judgement of faith out of that? It's not about faith, it's about tribal warfare.

Judgement of faith is what one set of Christians does to another set. Wanna see it in action? Watch Northern and Southern Baptists debate the Bible sometime.

And......fwiw........all the different sects of Christianity is kinda like a whole bunch of different tribes.

Whenever someone tells me they're Chrisitian, the first question I ask is "what variety?" because even though they may be Christian, they don't always agree.

They actually ARE kinda tribal in how they judge the faith of other Christians.

All very interesting.

Has nothing to do with the situation in Uganda.


C Street politics: The Christian mafia is advocating the death penalty for homosexuals in Uganda. The Family at C Street, aka the Christian mafia, is backing proposed anti-gay legislation in Uganda that will sentence homosexuals to death.

The Family at C Street is actively supporting the Ugandan leaders who are championing this draconian legislation, legislation that would institute the death penalty for homosexuality.

C Street has been a Christian fundamentalist frat house for US congressman and senators. The house, sometimes referred to as the "C Street Complex", is home base for the Family.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, and David Bahati, a key Ugandan lawmaker, are both active members of the Family, and the major force behind the legislation. Indeed, they represent the Family in Uganda. Bahati organizes the Family's Ugandan National Prayer Breakfast and oversees an African student leadership program designed to create future leaders for Africa, into which the Family has poured millions of dollars.

Continue reading on C Street politics: The Family sponsors death for homosexuals in Uganda - Portland Progressive | C Street politics: The Family sponsors death for homosexuals in Uganda - Portland Progressive |

C Street politics: The Family sponsors death for homosexuals in Uganda - Portland Progressive |
You know strange thing. I tried to search the net for gay catfish and could not find any.

A part of gods master plan reinforcing that eating catfish is just as bad as homosexuality?

Well I personally think eating catfish is a bad idea...anything that thrives on human shit and has to be killed with a board and a nail can't be meant for human consumption.

Ahh so you do not know about Channel Catfish?
They are the only good catfish.

Lobster however live in the slime in the bottom of the ocean. So do oysters, etc.

You did however describe politicians pretty well.
You know strange thing. I tried to search the net for gay catfish and could not find any.

A part of gods master plan reinforcing that eating catfish is just as bad as homosexuality?

Well I personally think eating catfish is a bad idea...anything that thrives on human shit and has to be killed with a board and a nail can't be meant for human consumption.

Ahh so you do not know about Channel Catfish?
They are the only good catfish.

Lobster however live in the slime in the bottom of the ocean. So do oysters, etc.

You did however describe politicians pretty well.

Oysters do not live in slime. They have to have very clean water to live. Any change in that clean water for any period of time kills them.
Now it gets fun, as you've finally exposed that you're blaming citizens of the country for what their military tyrannical dictators do.

Iran isn't a military dictatorship, shit fer brains. It is the result of a popular uprising that DEMANDED a theocracy.

Fuck but you are stupid. I mean, I don't know if it's desperation because of the hole you've dug yourself in, but fuck you are stupid..

You are good at deleting parts of quotes in order to cover yourself. But it doesn't do much because a simple scroll up and people can see the rest of what was said.

You brought up Saudi Arabia, not me, KING Abdullah runs that country. You're blaming the muslim citizens for sharia law in Saudi Arabia, like I said blaming the citizens for what their tyrannical dictator does. Which is another example of why your stupidity should result in you being in straitjacket somewhere with heavily padded walls.

Don't worry I'm patient, I can keep walking you through this very slowly and point out the many mistakes you manage to make in your short, 1-2 sentence posts.
You know, I don't know about the Christian Mafia. I do know that the information on this alleged "support" is really skinny, despite the fact that it has been hinted at for years. My understanding is that the church or whatever it is was visiting Uganda and ministering to the lunatic running that country, but that they withdrew their support and denounced the slaughter of gays.

I've searched and searched for more information, and all I can find are old articles with suppositions and accusations...but absolutely no hard evidence. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

I know the mainstream Christian community will never support the slaughter of homosexuals. It won't happen, and it hasn't.
I have the guts to stand in front of you and attempt to stop you every day, every second, every hour when you try to shove your religous beliefs down my throat or anyone's throat.
I will not allow you to make your bogus claims that gay folk are immoral citizens because of your backward ignorant belief that a book says it is so.
You are a person and have no authority to declare a damn thing about another human being that is different than you and is a law abiding citizen. You and your higher than thou attitude is not acceptable to me and the Christian church I go to. You may walk like a zombie and do exactly what someone else tells you to do because "the Bible says so" but we do not turn our backs on the facts. Jesus NEVER said a damn thing about gay folks.
I, unlike you, follow Jesus. Persecute all you want. Those of us that are Christlike are now in the majority and are running the likes of you off.
Get used to it.
That is what guts is all about. BTW, your post is a pack of lies.
We call that rank hearsay in my world. I do not lie Moe.
Get used to it. The facts are on our side.
Peace be with you. Read your Bible and next time, love thy neighbor and do not judge him.
Fat chance.

Did Yeshua say that immoral sex was sinful behavior?
Did Yeshua say that lewdness was sinful behavior?

That "Book" is what your preacher uses to teach (even though he twists it for his own purposes). That Book is our link to the Lord.
Thank you for showing just what type of "Christian" you are, that would be a cafeteria Christian (you know, pick and choose what "you" want, not what the Lord teaches).

Please demonstrate where I persecuted, anyone. I have stated that several behaviors were sinful (some of which I am also guilty). Unlike you, that choose to deliberately misrepresent the "Word" and lie to others, possibly causing them to sin more.

You are not interested in "facts". They were presented in this thread and you acted like you could not even read what was in front of your face. You are calling me a liar? What have I lied about?

It figures, you are a dawg fan.

Just exactly WHO determines what is "immoral"? Christine O'donnell? Shit.....that woman thinks that masturbation is a sin because it incorporates lust. And exactly WHAT constitutes "lewd" behavior? Because of the moral standard that you impose based on your narrow beliefs?

Let me ask it "lewd" to notice a nice pair of tits that are bare and bouncing while walking along the beach? Because it's normal behavior in Europe and the Med.

You don't think you persecute anyone? Really? Because you sure as hell go after those who don't fit in your own little narrow slice of what you concieve God as being.

The only sin is to limit the Is. Don't. (from Illusions by Richard Bach).

Christine O'Donnell is not the Lord.

There are specific Biblical statements for what is and what is not, immoral. Lewd acts have not been re-defined by the homosexual activists, yet. They still mean the same thing.
Your words would be an example of those that Yeshua was speaking of when He said you were more concerned with the rule of men, than the will of the Lord.

Are we "re-defining" go after, now? I have not attacked anyone for presenting a valid point of view. I have offered a different view with Biblical statements or stories to back up my understanding. I can't say that has been the case for the homosexual activists on this board. They basically are telling people: because I said, it is not immoral. They will not list their authority. They will not list their Biblical references, unless they are being extremely vauge, and never in context of the Biblical story.

I would say that it is immoral to focus on another person's body with thoughts about their body, only. There is no consideration for personality or their family relationships: mother, sister, daughter, only a demeaning, objectification of a person. If you see another person and simply admire them for being beautiful or athletic, or what ever, without wanting them to be an OBJECT for your lusts, then I would say that is NOT immoral.

I don't have a "little narrow slice" for what I thing the Lord is. The Lord is way bigger than I can understand or know. He gave us rules to obey, after, the Hebrews petitioned Moses for Him to do so. Yeshua spoke of similar sins against the Father. Those are pretty clear. They do not come from me, but I can see the sense that they make. It is the homosexual activists that want to "preach" to Christians about how "Christians should behave", using Biblical references, yet ignore and defy the Biblical references to homosexual acts. What is up with that? Is it deliberate deception? Do you meet enough ignorant (Biblically, worldly) Christians, that this works on some? Or do you really believe that humans have the power to VOID, the Lord's Word?
logical4u said:
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.

Would you demonstrate with the gospels to where Yeshua, lied? Could you provide a list of people that could: make more food when a small amount was present, control the weather, walk on water, heal others, ...... and come back from the dead and be seen for forty days afterward?

Paul didn't know Yeshua when he was living. He saw him "after" his physical body had been crucified.

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