Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

But why do dickheads like you always find it so damn necessary to go out of your way to insult the beliefs of others?
Because dumbfucks like the guy I responded to freely parade their hate filled bullshit all over the internet. If some guy is going to use their religion to denigrate millions of people, cool shit, I got something for that.

So you hate all muslims now (cause they despise homosexuals, and want to actually murder them, dead)?
How does going to Uganda to talk to gays translate into killing them?

Never mind. It doesn't.

It was because of the Christian anti-gay diatribe (helped along by C Street by the way), that Uganda decided that gays needed to be put to death.

Real good Christians you're sending there, eh?

It is a TRIBAL practice that he brought with him. He may say he does it as a Christian, but the church doesn't (and has never) supported that, and they have publicly said so as well as telling him this face to face...and when they saw he could not be counseled they regretfully withdrew what support they had given him. This is a man who was raised in brutal poverty, by tribal lunatics, and who embraced the church in a skewed and schizophrenic way..the only way he could.

The church, even the C Street church, NEVER endorsed such a heinous activity. They were appalled by it, and they told him so, and told the world so. SUPPORTING it would require they do just it. They sent missionaries to Uganda (and there are missionaries there still) who risk their lives to lead these poor people in their search for God. They do not risk their lives in order to promote genocide (which is essentially what is is, as the homosexuals that are being targeted come from one particular region and so are unique to themselves).

I don't think people who have never been involved with missionary work, who jeer at it and simplify it, really understand what risks these people take, and the amazing things they do. They go into the absolutely worst situations in the world...where the horrific crimes are taking place, where people are dying brutally and frequently, and they help people. This is what he was exposed to as a child. But nobody realizes just how bad those situations think if missionaries are there, it must be peachy! It's not. Missionaries arrive before the Red Cross, years before. Brutality breeds brutality, and of course there are people who rise up out of that mess claiming themselves to be Christian, and with a fair understanding of what it is to be Christian...but who are so warped and so sick they cannot reconcile their Christianity with what they have experienced.

The leader of Uganda is one of those. Christians will always reach out to such people because those are the places where people need us the most.
Another bigot claiming 1.7 billion muslims had a hand in 9/11.

Just like I'm the same as Mao/Stalin/Hitler lol.

Keep it coming Uncensored, you're a great entertainer I must say.

I don't think anyone believes all 1.7 billion muslims are terrorists....but you get to the point that you don't know which ones you can trust since the majority of other attacks (like Ft Hood, underwear bomber....) or attempted attacks have all been muslims! And you can't deny there are many out there that want to do the US alot of harm.

He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.

What percentage of our politicians are claiming they are going to war for "Christ"? What Christians are dancing in the street because a muslim community was bombed? What Christians rip out the intestines of muslims and hold them up as victory, along with hands covered in the blood of their "non-believers"?

It amazes me when idiots want to say that muslims and Christians are "just the same". They have to reach far and wide for Christian-proclaimed crimminals over a period of decades. Yet they overlook muslim terrorist acts that are committed almost daily, muslim human slavery trafficing, stoning women, murdering homosexuals, just in general deceit, destruction and death by thousands, on a global basis. Just where are those piles of be-headed bodies the Christians, have?
I don't think anyone believes all 1.7 billion muslims are terrorists....but you get to the point that you don't know which ones you can trust since the majority of other attacks (like Ft Hood, underwear bomber....) or attempted attacks have all been muslims! And you can't deny there are many out there that want to do the US alot of harm.

He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.

What percentage of our politicians are claiming they are going to war for "Christ"? What Christians are dancing in the street because a muslim community was bombed? What Christians rip out the intestines of muslims and hold them up as victory, along with hands covered in the blood of their "non-believers"?

It amazes me when idiots want to say that muslims and Christians are "just the same". They have to reach far and wide for Christian-proclaimed crimminals over a period of decades. Yet they overlook muslim terrorist acts that are committed almost daily, muslim human slavery trafficing, stoning women, murdering homosexuals, just in general deceit, destruction and death by thousands, on a global basis. Just where are those piles of be-headed bodies the Christians, have?

You were going real good there, making a lot of sense then you started your last paragraph.
I overlook no Muslim terror acts. I have always been one of the first to proclaim that only a small % of Muslims are terrorists but a very large of terrorists are Muslim.
Stick with the facts and you do fine. When you allow your ideology to come out, you stray from common sense into opinion only.
logical4u said:
So, you don't have the guts to call the Lord a liar
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.

Would you demonstrate with the gospels to where Yeshua, lied? Could you provide a list of people that could: make more food when a small amount was present, control the weather, walk on water, heal others, ...... and come back from the dead and be seen for forty days afterward?

Paul didn't know Yeshua when he was living. He saw him "after" his physical body had been crucified.

so this same Paul that wrote most of the new testament did not even know Jesus when he was alive?
Mustlims and Christians and Jews all believe in the god of Abraham.

But that ain't what the preachers say in church.
That fact does not fill the plate.

that is what the bible and Doctors of theology at the local siminary tell me.

Preacher often lie.

Preachers have told me it was a sin to dance, go to movies, have long hair (on a man), etc.
Mustlims and Christians and Jews all believe in the god of Abraham.

But that ain't what the preachers say in church.
That fact does not fill the plate.

that is what the bible and Doctors of theology at the local siminary tell me.

Preacher often lie.

Preachers have told me it was a sin to dance, go to movies, have long hair (on a man), etc.

Interestingly enough...........Yeshua had long hair and was male. I'd also be willing to bet that He danced at weddings.

Movies weren't invented yet though, but I'd be willing to bet He'd go watch a few.
But that ain't what the preachers say in church.
That fact does not fill the plate.

that is what the bible and Doctors of theology at the local siminary tell me.

Preacher often lie.

Preachers have told me it was a sin to dance, go to movies, have long hair (on a man), etc.

Interestingly enough...........Yeshua had long hair and was male. I'd also be willing to bet that He danced at weddings.

Movies weren't invented yet though, but I'd be willing to bet He'd go watch a few.

I asked about the water into wine thing and Jesus drinking wine and the preacher told me that they did not have any good water and had to drink wine. I would still go to hell for drinking.
that is what the bible and Doctors of theology at the local siminary tell me.

Preacher often lie.

Preachers have told me it was a sin to dance, go to movies, have long hair (on a man), etc.

Interestingly enough...........Yeshua had long hair and was male. I'd also be willing to bet that He danced at weddings.

Movies weren't invented yet though, but I'd be willing to bet He'd go watch a few.

I asked about the water into wine thing and Jesus drinking wine and the preacher told me that they did not have any good water and had to drink wine. I would still go to hell for drinking.

Really? Next time you talk to someone like that, hit 'em up with Psalm 104:15.
Oh hell, I'm your huckleberry.

Jesus was a liar. He's not a god, he's not even a demigod, he was a Palestinian Jew that thought he was the only begotten son of an ancient semitic god named Yahweh. He was just a man, nothing more, nothing less. He said he didn't come to change the laws, but to fulfill prophesy, but those prophesies didn't say shit about only the sin free casting stones, working on the sabbath, eating whatever you wanted, etc. He also didn't fulfill the requirements to be the Jewish Messiah.

I actually blame Paul for most of the shit, though. He was an opportunistic little bastard that cashed in big-time on his friend getting beaten half to death, then crucified. Paul was a sinister little creep that got a lot of people killed in horrible ways. Beheading was too good for him.

Would you demonstrate with the gospels to where Yeshua, lied? Could you provide a list of people that could: make more food when a small amount was present, control the weather, walk on water, heal others, ...... and come back from the dead and be seen for forty days afterward?

Paul didn't know Yeshua when he was living. He saw him "after" his physical body had been crucified.

so this same Paul that wrote most of the new testament did not even know Jesus when he was alive?

Yeshua has never died. Paul knew Him after He was resurrected. Otherwise there would be five gospels.
Would you demonstrate with the gospels to where Yeshua, lied? Could you provide a list of people that could: make more food when a small amount was present, control the weather, walk on water, heal others, ...... and come back from the dead and be seen for forty days afterward?

Paul didn't know Yeshua when he was living. He saw him "after" his physical body had been crucified.

so this same Paul that wrote most of the new testament did not even know Jesus when he was alive?

Yeshua has never died. Paul knew Him after He was resurrected. Otherwise there would be five gospels.
Umm how could he be ressurected if he had never died?
Eating catfish is not sinful.
That is under mosaic law.
Christians are exempt from mosaic law after Christ's death.

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