Eating catfish is just as sinful as homosexuality

Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.
Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

According to that verse none will inherit the kingdom of god.
Sorry bout that,

Sodomy- is an "anal or other copulation-like act, especially between males or between male persons or between human being and animal," and one who practices sodomy is a "sodomite.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10 as follows:

Do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived! Fornicators, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, sodomites, thieves, the greedy, drunkards, revilers, robbers—none of these will inherit the kingdom of God.

No homosexuality is not exempt.

According to that verse none will inherit the kingdom of god.

1. If you aint in then where are you?

You must believe.

The Bible says that, "If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." As you yield your life to Him, God will help you turn from your sins. You cannot overcome sin without His help. The Bible says, "Unless you repent you will all likewise perish."

The Bible teaches that we cannot be saved through our own efforts, or works. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast."

Some people believe that they cannot be saved because they have done too many bad things. Do not listen to this lie. The Bible says, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."

The Bible compares our salvation experience to becoming a "new creation" or being "born again". "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."


So, how do you go about getting saved? It is very simple. You need to pray to God. Just talk to Him like you would your very best friend, because no one loves you as much as God does. Just pour your heart out to Him and tell Him how sorry you are for the sins you have committed and the pain they have caused Him. Thank Him for sending Jesus to die on the cross in your place and for raising Him from the dead. Ask Jesus to come into your heart, to save your soul, and to become the Lord of your life, so that you can spend eternity in Heaven.

Remember the Bible says, "If you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved." It really is that simple. This is not a magic spell. The exact words do not matter as much as the attitude of your heart. If you do not truly mean what you say, you will still go to Hell.

Assurance of salvation.

If you prayed a prayer similar to the one described above and you meant it with all your heart, then you can be assured that you are saved and will go to Heaven. No one can take this away from you. For this not to be true, God would have to be a liar. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, whoever hears My Word and believes Him Who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand."

By faith in Jesus you can be saved because all of us are sinners.
I don't think anyone believes all 1.7 billion muslims are terrorists....but you get to the point that you don't know which ones you can trust since the majority of other attacks (like Ft Hood, underwear bomber....) or attempted attacks have all been muslims! And you can't deny there are many out there that want to do the US alot of harm.

He's the one who categorically said it.

It all depends on what you label as attacks, I view our entire foreign policy as disgusting and murderous. We've killed hundreds of thousands of people, all of our bureacrats who install our foreign policy are christians, but I'm not going to blame christianity for our foreign policy or blame all christians for the acts of our christian bureacrats.

What percentage of christians make up our bureacrats? What percentage of muslims make up terrorists? .000001% for both? Not a high enough number certainly for anyone to rationalize being a bigot against either group.

What percentage of our politicians are claiming they are going to war for "Christ"? What Christians are dancing in the street because a muslim community was bombed? What Christians rip out the intestines of muslims and hold them up as victory, along with hands covered in the blood of their "non-believers"?

It amazes me when idiots want to say that muslims and Christians are "just the same". They have to reach far and wide for Christian-proclaimed crimminals over a period of decades. Yet they overlook muslim terrorist acts that are committed almost daily, muslim human slavery trafficing, stoning women, murdering homosexuals, just in general deceit, destruction and death by thousands, on a global basis. Just where are those piles of be-headed bodies the Christians, have?

What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.
What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

So you can show where US Service men are being told that when they bomb enemy positions that they must say "I Bomb thee in the name of Jesus?"

Yer bullshitting again, the wars by the USA have nothing to do with religion, they are not "Christian," as you lie, but the purely military act of the nation.
What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

So you can show where US Service men are being told that when they bomb enemy positions that they must say "I Bomb thee in the name of Jesus?"

Yer bullshitting again, the wars by the USA have nothing to do with religion, they are not "Christian," as you lie, but the purely military act of the nation.

I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

The above is copy and pasted, might I suggest you take a course in 1st grade level reading, I'm sure there's some available online.
What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

So you can show where US Service men are being told that when they bomb enemy positions that they must say "I Bomb thee in the name of Jesus?"

Yer bullshitting again, the wars by the USA have nothing to do with religion, they are not "Christian," as you lie, but the purely military act of the nation.

He specifically stated that it did not have anything to do with religion. Can't you read?
What's the excuse for killing matter? I'm not using the word terrorist. I'm saying our bureacrats who claim to be christian are responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, whatever label you want to put on that have at it. I never said they did it in the name of christ or anything to do with religion. Killing/murdering is a flaw in humans as a species, it can't be blamed on christianity, islam or any religion.

Why do you put things in quotes that were never said? Does it make it into a more sentimental way of playing the victim card?

Sadly, murder will always be done by humans, people worshipping the same god but a different prophet won't keep murder from happening.

So you can show where US Service men are being told that when they bomb enemy positions that they must say "I Bomb thee in the name of Jesus?"

Yer bullshitting again, the wars by the USA have nothing to do with religion, they are not "Christian," as you lie, but the purely military act of the nation.

He specifically stated that it did not have anything to do with religion. Can't you read?

I'm not sure if you've ever chatted with Uncensored, but all discussions are like this. He invents things you said and sticks to it, even if he quotes you saying the exact opposite.

You have to talk to him and the many competeing voices and false assumptions going on in his head. For instance since I don't believe in god, he informed me I'm the same as Mao/Stalin.
that is what the bible and Doctors of theology at the local siminary tell me.

Preacher often lie.

Preachers have told me it was a sin to dance, go to movies, have long hair (on a man), etc.

Interestingly enough...........Yeshua had long hair and was male. I'd also be willing to bet that He danced at weddings.

Movies weren't invented yet though, but I'd be willing to bet He'd go watch a few.

I asked about the water into wine thing and Jesus drinking wine and the preacher told me that they did not have any good water and had to drink wine. I would still go to hell for drinking.

they actually had two types of wine ... everyday wine, which was fermented a little, like beer maybe, or possibly mead. Not super heady, not super great.

Then they had the GOOD wine which was fairly intoxicating.

At weddings they would often have both kinds...I think they'd start out with the good stuff and then when that was gone, serve the crap. Kind of like weddings today.

Jesus turned the water into GOOD wine.
And there is zero reference to Jesus' hair being long.

Chances are, it was quite short, like the hair of his contemporary Jewish males.
For fish to be considered clean to eat they must have fins and scales. It is in Leviticus. I can't quote chapter and verse though.
the same book that says hosexuality is a sin as well.
And a sin is a sin.

You are Incorrectly Equating Jewish Ceremonial Law to Moral Law.

Homosexuality is listed with Child Sacrifice and Beastiality...

Chapter 18 says nothing about Fish. ;)


Can you show me the scripture that indicates a distinction between "ceremonial" law and "moral" law?
And there is zero reference to Jesus' hair being long.

Chances are, it was quite short, like the hair of his contemporary Jewish males.

Jesus was a radical, an outsider and nonconformer to many things contemporary Jewish of his day as an adult.

The images of Jesus through history are as varied as the people that embrace him.
I do believe the current historical accounts offered by religous scholars are more accurate than the earlier ones. The earlier ones relied more on myths of the early church while the most recent ones support your opinion and show Jesus the Jew and Jesus and the world of Judaism.
And there is zero reference to Jesus' hair being long.

Chances are, it was quite short, like the hair of his contemporary Jewish males.

Jesus was a radical, an outsider and nonconformer to many things contemporary Jewish of his day as an adult.

The images of Jesus through history are as varied as the people that embrace him.
I do believe the current historical accounts offered by religous scholars are more accurate than the earlier ones. The earlier ones relied more on myths of the early church while the most recent ones support your opinion and show Jesus the Jew and Jesus and the world of Judaism.

I've never seen any valid evidence that Jesus even existed. What are you going by?

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