Ebola and Iraq got you sidetracked yet


Gold Member
Jul 8, 2014
Obama and his media got all off the subject of the border mess pretty quick. Worked for Clinton, every time Monica came up another cruise middle went to Iraq
Yep you got it bro!

This Ebola outbreak that started in Africa in March was created to divert attention from a border crisis that flared up in the news in May.

Man that is one clever negro, always two steps ahead of everyone.
Yep you got it bro!

This Ebola outbreak that started in Africa in March was created to divert attention from a border crisis that flared up in the news in May.

Man that is one clever negro, always two steps ahead of everyone.

you slack jawed crackers really do hate your betters :eusa_whistle:
Obama needed a bump in the polls so he illegally bombed in Iraq.

Then again he was not going to be upstaged by the new world leader Putin..
Dey puttin' people in jail for havin' ebola...

Resentment rises as fevers fall in ‘Ebola jail’
Mon, Sep 08, 2014 - Trapped since officials placed them in quarantine two weeks ago, the residents of Dolo Town are becoming increasingly resentful over their incarceration in Liberia’s open-air “Ebola jail.”
About 17,000 increasingly hungry residents in the settlement close to the international airport are forced to line up for rations of rice while soldiers corral them at gunpoint. The streets are almost empty as residents observe measures in a bid to halt a severe outbreak of a virus that has killed about 2,000 west Africans, half in Liberia. Dolo Town, 75km east of the capital, Monrovia, was locked down on Aug. 20, at the same time as West Point, a slum in the capital. While the West Point lockdown caused riots, people have largely accepted the measures to contain them in Dolo Town, but their patience is wearing thin. “I am used to going out every day to hustle for my family to eat. Now look at me, sitting here like a kid, looking at my wife and children all day,” carpenter Jallah Freeman, 56, tells reporters as he sits in front of his house. “I am tired. I am fed up with this quarantine. We beg the government to lift this thing.”

Most of the working-age inhabitants of Dolo Town are employed at a nearby plantation owned by US tire maker Firestone, the largest natural rubber operation in the world, covering almost 500km2. “We have not been going to work. We will not be able to go until the quarantine is lifted. It is regrettable, but what can we do? We want to be free. We are in jail,” Firestone employee Mohamed Fofana said. Firestone contained a possible outbreak when an employee’s wife became infected in April and has its own hospital with an isolated Ebola treatment ward. The company has scaled back production.


Children play beneath a banner about the Ebola virus in Dolo Town, Liberia, which has been quarantined to contain the spread of the fever.

At Dolo Town’s market, women sit at stalls selling pepper, oil, some fish, salt and fruit. People wander from stall to stall, searching for food among the dwindling stocks. “They don’t allow us to go anywhere. We are only allowed to go and stand at the [checkpoint] and family members from elsewhere can come there to bring us food and other things we need,” stallholder Kebeh Morris said. “We can see the trucks bringing the food, but not everyone is getting it for now. Like us: We don’t even have a ticket yet, so we don’t know when we will get the food. Until then, we have to rely on our family members out there to bring us food,” Morris added. By the beginning of last month, 30 people had died in Dolo Town, at the rate of at least three a day.

About 90 percent of the victims were churchgoers who began showing symptoms after returning from burying a congregant. The church is based in the southern part of town, an enclave for the ethnic Bassa people. Soldiers have barricaded the entry road into the town and they patrol its periphery throughout the day. Troops can also be seen with their weapons walking the streets and supervising burials. Despite the lockdown, despite the death which stalks Dolo Town, many of the inhabitants interviewed by reporters are skeptical that they are in an Ebola hotspot. “Since the government quarantined this place for about two weeks now, they have not taken any sick person from here. We have not seen any case yet,” Reginald Logan said. Monrovia resident Nathaniel Kangar had come to visit his parents when he found himself trapped by the quarantine order.


See also:

Despite warnings, Sierra Leone lockdown to proceed
Mon, Sep 08, 2014 - With west African governments increasingly desperate to contain an ever-quickening Ebola epidemic, Sierra Leone has decreed a stringent new measure: confining residents to their homes later this month.
From Sept. 19 to Sept. 21, “everybody is expected to stay indoors” as 7,000 teams of health and community workers root out hidden Ebola patients, government spokesman Abdulai Bayraytay said on Saturday from the capital, Freetown. The military and police will enforce the action, Bayraytay added. “It’s clear that we have pockets of resistance, in terms of denial,” he said. “People are still harboring loved ones at home.” “Sometimes neighbors are calling us” with information about people with Ebola, he added. “That gave us the clear indication that people are still harboring patients.”

International health organizations generally oppose such measures, saying that they add a punitive element, increase hardships to communities and diminish needed trust and cooperation. On Saturday, a representative of one agency voiced similar reservations about Sierra Leone’s policy, expressing doubts that it would be effective. He asked not to be quoted by name because of the delicacy of the matter.

The group Doctors Without Borders, which has been working in the region, said that the plan could make matters worse. “It has been our experience that lockdowns and quarantines do not help control Ebola, as they end up driving people underground and jeopardizing the trust between people and health providers,” it said on Saturday, according to news agency reports.

A top UN official in Sierra Leone said he supports the move. “The reality is that the fight against Ebola will not be won in the Ebola clinic. By the house-to-house campaign, you try to stop transmission at the family level,” UNICEF national representative Roeland Monasch said The WHO on Friday said that deaths from Ebola in west Africa had topped 2,000. Sierra Leone has recorded 491 deaths.

Despite warnings Sierra Leone lockdown to proceed - Taipei Times

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