Economic comparisons Trump vs Biden


Diamond Member
Nov 6, 2021
I do sure miss mean tweets right about now. It's undeniable the economy and this country was in better hands with Trump. Fantasy to assume otherwise

Dare you to post the number of employed people and GDP in 2020.

Dare you.
Democrats war on energy will soon lead to gas stations with no gas.

Take note of who the democrats in your community are. Watch them around kids, and make them know they are responsible.
Democrats war on energy will soon lead to gas stations with no gas.

Take note of who the democrats in your community are. Watch them around kids, and make them know they are responsible.
Been there. I still remember steering the car as my father pushed it down the road after we ran out of gas, and nothing was available at the pump. Those were not fun times, but the left is getting that utopia they asked for.
Been there. I still remember steering the car as my father pushed it down the road after we ran out of gas, and nothing was available at the pump. Those were not fun times, but the left is getting that utopia they asked for.
When supplies become scarce, Democrats go to the back of the line
GDP growth was negative.

June 2020 saw GDP negative growth of 32%. Awesome.
Few months into the Plandemic? That's your basis of comparison LOL of course GDP would be done if everyone was ordered to stay home by the creepy murder elf Fauci
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Biden was handed a recovering economy, low gas prices, low inflation, and a pandemic on the outs. He screwed it all up. Stop pretending he didn't. Oh and he was also handed a secure border and he screwed that up also.
Trump was handed a growing economy too be he acts like he did all the hard work.

The economy Biden was handed was nothing like a healthy economy. Millions had left the work force because of death, disease or just retired early. Supply chains had been distributed globally. Pent up demand was unleashed. Massive industries had spun down and resources shifted elsewhere. Stop pretending like everything was great in 2020.
Democrats love pedo Peter's border policies. They are excited to see waves of unaccompanied minors they can confuse, manipulate, and mutilate.
Check your graphic dude. June 2020 was your comparison.
Not for GDP was it? Which as we all know would be down when everyone was ordered to stay home for "2 weeks to flatten the curve" which turned into a never ending destruction of our country planned to facilitate the Great Reset
Trump was handed a growing economy too be he acts like he did all the hard work.

The economy Biden was handed was nothing like a healthy economy. Millions had left the work force because of death, disease or just retired early. Supply chains had been distributed globally. Pent up demand was unleashed. Massive industries had spun down and resources shifted elsewhere. Stop pretending like everything was great in 2020.
Biden was handed a recovering economy. He screwed it up. There were no shortages either, oh and Trump had the best economy ever till the pandemic.

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