Economy is so bad more illegals are leaving in droves

Well that is one way to stop that problem
Have we hit bottom yet?

But Valerie Jarret the Presidents top adviser and the President
himself and all the lefties here keep telling us that Obama has
done wonders with our economy.
What do these illegals know that the President doesn't? :lol:

I live in the south, and I have never seen this bad
I am not saying that to be partisan
The problem is there are no jobs for people who works with there hands. Construction needs a kick in the butt

Oil, exploration, extraction, delivery and refinement, in the STATES
Natural gas fueled turbines to create power, we need tax incentives here, HUGE POTENTIAL here
Nuclear power

When Romney is elected what ever it takes to fuel this economy has to be the forefront. BHO wasted trillions and close to 4 years trying to make an economy work that had 0 chance
When we can deliver products and goods across this nation with a battery powered semi that does not re charging for 12 straight hours, then and ONLY then with that mind set work
When solar can power a town the size of 50,000 people 7-24s, then it will work
jake, whats up with the attitude?
It is just info jake, damn you need to chill out
I have no idea why you hate so much

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.

I hate to admit it, but that was my first thought. If that many were heading back over the border, Calderon would be raising hell. He has already said in the past that they could never handle that many unemployed, needy citizens flooding back into their country. As if somehow it was our responsibility!!

I think this may be a ruse because the administration is suing states for trying to enact voter ID laws. If they can claim there are few illegals left here, that becomes their argument as to why we shouldn't go through the trouble of asking for ID at the polls.

People have been polled and there is huge support for voter ID. It's now necessary for the left to appease the majority of Americans who are concerned and that means pretending to know they are leaving. Now illegals can safely vote.

It always amazes me when they can give numbers of illegals here and which states have the most. I am guessing they know this due to the number of stolen and fake social security numbers illegals are using to get jobs as well as the number being helped by state aid for all their anchor children. Somehow, I don't think we have agents at the border counting people as they leave.
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Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

Actually there is a very large community of Americans and Canadians living in Ajijic. They buy their homes, stay there during the winter, some rent their houses out and come home during the summer.

Correct. Same for Tobasco, La Paz, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Cozumel, Ensenada, to name a few. I am in the Yucatan and the only gringo there. Love it. Reminds me of the way the US was when my folks used to tell me about the US years ago.

I have two roommate girls that work at the college there and live on the one of my 400 year old, 3 foot thick walled, pueblo, that I bought for $3240. Taxes on that are $101 per year.

It is good.

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

Actually there is a very large community of Americans and Canadians living in Ajijic. They buy their homes, stay there during the winter, some rent their houses out and come home during the summer.

Correct. Same for Tobasco, La Paz, Cabo San Lucas, Cancun, Cozumel, Ensenada, to name a few. I am in the Yucatan and the only gringo there. Love it. Reminds me of the way the US was when my folks used to tell me about the US years ago.

I have two roommate girls that work at the college there and live on the one of my 400 year old, 3 foot thick walled, pueblo, that I bought for $3240. Taxes on that are $101 per year.

It is good.


I hear stories like that from my daughter's inlaws who live in Ajijic. Her MIL is a nurse and she says the health care is more wholistic, like it was in the US before the big corporation money grab.

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.

I hate to admit it, but that was my first thought. If that many were heading back over the border, Calderon would be raising hell. He has already said in the past that they could never handle that many unemployed, needy citizens flooding back into their country. As if somehow it was our responsibility!!

I think this may be a ruse because the administration is suing states for trying to enact voter ID laws. If they can claim there are few illegals left here, that becomes their argument as to why we shouldn't go through the trouble of asking for ID at the polls.

People have been polled and there is huge support for voter ID. It's now necessary for the left to appease the majority of Americans who are concerned and that means pretending to know they are leaving. Now illegals can safely vote.

It always amazes me when they can give numbers of illegals here and which states have the most. I am guessing they know this due to the number of stolen and fake social security numbers illegals are using to get jobs as well as the number being helped by state aid for all their anchor children. Somehow, I don't think we have agents at the border counting people as they leave.

You maybe right
But it seems to me to be a double negative
Any-way There is no work in Florida

The photo ID thing just blows me away. You have to have a photo ID to do everything in life but vote
Its another issue that BHO is missing the big picture
Another problem would be to enforce it in the areas in which the liberals have control, sort of like the Gore debacle
Dem voting procedure
run by Dems
works in all but 3 counties in the state, and there the 3 most liberal counties in the state
Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

Wow, such dis-information. My main home for the last 23 years is in Majahual, Quintana Roo state, Yucatan, Mexico and I live on the beach there and am the only gringo in the town. I am bilingual so that helps since no one talks English.

Mexico does not shoot illegals. I cross both ends of the place and they just want to know all about VEX, my jeep, my weapons, and have a smoke together.

I also teach Mayan History at the university there in Tulum and they are most glad to have me.

Where are you getting this information you posted. Have you been down there yet?


My daughter and her husband went to Tulum for their honeymoon. Brought home some beautiful pics.

Wow, really? How cool. It's a beautiful place and have you been there yet dear? I am homesick there and love it there. I am alone in life as mom and dad are gone along with my foxy, hot, Mexican-Asian wife. So, down there, it is truly home and love playing army with all the kids in the surf.

Also, you have stunning tits.

I am Robert
Wow, such dis-information. My main home for the last 23 years is in Majahual, Quintana Roo state, Yucatan, Mexico and I live on the beach there and am the only gringo in the town. I am bilingual so that helps since no one talks English.

Mexico does not shoot illegals. I cross both ends of the place and they just want to know all about VEX, my jeep, my weapons, and have a smoke together.

I also teach Mayan History at the university there in Tulum and they are most glad to have me.

Where are you getting this information you posted. Have you been down there yet?


My daughter and her husband went to Tulum for their honeymoon. Brought home some beautiful pics.

Wow, really? How cool. It's a beautiful place and have you been there yet dear? I am homesick there and love it there. I am alone in life as mom and dad are gone along with my foxy, hot, Mexican-Asian wife. So, down there, it is truly home and love playing army with all the kids in the surf.

Also, you have stunning tits.

I am Robert

wife? You called some woman your 'fiance' in multiple posts. Back to lying up a storm to get attention I see.
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[Well that is one way to stop that problem Have we hit bottom yet?

Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.
And cons continue to say that immigration is so bad.

Mitt happens!

GM is alive?
They used tarp funds to make there first payment (Bet that was a not planned, Huh?) then they used a tax payer funded IPO to make there second
PJ I do not understand so much about being a Liberal

Supporting your beliefs on events that really occurred is one thing, but to just say its a good thing because it makes BHO look good is another

And for the record with out the tax payer and GWB in Dec of 2008, GM never makes it to Jan 2009 (he actually made them put up every-thing they had, I still dis agreed with it as congress did)

Any-way legal immigration is not the issue, and appears that the economy is gotten so bad we do not have an illegal problem as bad as it was

Go figure
Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

Wow, such dis-information. My main home for the last 23 years is in Majahual, Quintana Roo state, Yucatan, Mexico and I live on the beach there and am the only gringo in the town. I am bilingual so that helps since no one talks English.

Mexico does not shoot illegals. I cross both ends of the place and they just want to know all about VEX, my jeep, my weapons, and have a smoke together.

I also teach Mayan History at the university there in Tulum and they are most glad to have me.

Where are you getting this information you posted. Have you been down there yet?


Yes, I lived there for awhile, been to Yucatan too. You saying you live in Mexico illegally?

That you got a job there, without having to fill out the paperwork to prove that only you can do that job? That you didn't have to have a report from the police here in order to move there? Or do you have dual citizenship and you're just lying to make Mexico look good? Or who did you bribe?

You sure are full of shit. Wow, so illiterate. Like the many woo woos who still traffic here. Oh well.

1. Ok, for what its worth, you file a title 3 and migrate legally, as the myraids do here.

2. I am a contract Archeologist-Artist for NASA, our space program. I applied for my Title 3 in 1988. when down there on assignment in El Salvador. I then went back to Quintana Roo and scouted for a home to buy.

I went then to Tobasco to see it, and buy peppers and eat and scout women. I found my wife there, teaching in the school. We courted, I married her and now automatically had another Title 3, but it did not matter then-I was home free.

I ran with her to the far sides of the world until her epilepsy did her in.

3. You do NOT report to any police.

4. I applied to teach at the college like applying for any other job overseas. I was working on my Doctorate and love the college for its facility for me to study and work as I taught.

5. I have dual citizenship.

6. Any day asshole.


In this area we are seeing people migrating back to Mexico. The reason is no jobs, it is a fact of life there is no new federal policy in place to deter, there are local and state policies that have deter illegal immigrants. So they would have more of an impact than the federal government.
Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.

Your post is accurate, thank you. Mexico so rocks!!!! I am 5000 miles to the right of Ghengis Kahn, easy on the RW crap. We are not all like the liberal bleeding heart fuck RW that are amongst us today.


Well that is one way to stop that problem
Have we hit bottom yet?

The left is out there claiming that the economy improved and unemployment is down. If that had any truth to it, of course the illegals would not be leaving in droves. Even with the economy still being crap and unemployment as bad as ever, the government has increased welfare rolls and added more to the pot, like the free cell phones.

The illegals aren't going anywhere. The left just wants to be able to roll their eyes when states insist on voter IDs and they can claim that there are so few illegals here that it's not necessary to worry about voter fraud.

Obama is trying to appease people who want secure borders and, at the same time, appease the illegals by granting backdoor amnesty. He might be claiming there are less illegals here simply because he legitimized them and doesn't consider them illegal aliens any more.

I think it's smart to question everything put out there by the liberal media and the Obama administration.
Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.

What hate?
What lies
You want to start there?

If Mexico is such a fine place then why is it we have this issue to start with?
Any ideas?

Now about the lies
lets start with the job creation under BHO
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,509
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,227
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,530 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,335 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,558 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,874 107,384 17,751 705 5,518 11,528
2011...... 131,359 109,254 18,021 784 5,504 11,733

Now let us move straight to the inherited deficit
we spent 2.7 trillion in 2007
we spent 3.5 in 2009
that would be with the stimulus, the 50% of tarp we never got back (most of it any-way)

GM, being a success when they still owe us over 25 billion
first payment with tarp funds
second payment from an IPO that the tax payer funded

Now calling the GOP a liar is ok, but back it up with some facts and give BHO an equal share
My daughter and her husband went to Tulum for their honeymoon. Brought home some beautiful pics.

Wow, really? How cool. It's a beautiful place and have you been there yet dear? I am homesick there and love it there. I am alone in life as mom and dad are gone along with my foxy, hot, Mexican-Asian wife. So, down there, it is truly home and love playing army with all the kids in the surf.

Also, you have stunning tits.

I am Robert

wife? You called some woman your 'fiance' in multiple posts. Back to lying up a storm to get attention I see.

What the FUCK, Dude?!?
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Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.

Yeah, there are a lot of retired Americans living in Mexico because their social security goes further down there. Big difference between going down there ILLEGALLY and moving down there with MONEY!!

Yes, they do shoot illegals, they even shot at one of their own that was swimming back across the rio grande. If you are caught in their country illegally, you are sent packing at your own expense. You would be lucky not to do jailtime.

I didn't say they shoot all illegals, but they certainly do shoot them, especially as they are trying to cross the border into their country.

BTW, if you are in their country legally and you do a demonstration down mainstreet with the American flag, you will be immediately deported at your own expense.

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