Economy is so bad more illegals are leaving in droves

so the left bitches about minorities needing ID's to vote, but they want illegals to enter the country,register to vote and get an ID to vote ,,right? well,,,a fake ID just for the election.

Well that is one way to stop that problem
Have we hit bottom yet?

Whats new, Been happening for 4 years now, and Obama has been running around trying to claim credit for Reducing the Number of Illegals Crossing, and increasing the Number Leaving.

Truth is while his Admin has over seen a Modest increase in the Number of Illegals with Criminal Records being Deported, It's the HORRIBLE economy that has drove Many Illegals to leave, and many more to not come, They were here for work, if there isn't any they wont come, that's why I have always said the key to stopping Illegal Immigration begins and Ends with Enforcing the Law against Employers who Hire them knowingly, Especially those who specifically target and Hire them so they can pay them less than the law requires.
Hopefully the educated ones stay here. Republicans can clean their houses and mow their lawns.
We do that already. How else do you think we could save our money so we can provide for ourselves and not be a burden on society when we grow old. lol
Wow, really? How cool. It's a beautiful place and have you been there yet dear? I am homesick there and love it there. I am alone in life as mom and dad are gone along with my foxy, hot, Mexican-Asian wife. So, down there, it is truly home and love playing army with all the kids in the surf.

Also, you have stunning tits.

I am Robert

wife? You called some woman your 'fiance' in multiple posts. Back to lying up a storm to get attention I see.


threat reported, asshat.

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.

same here....but where i am at there are so many,would i even know?.....:eusa_eh:
Obama has deported more illegals than any other prez. He has put more Border Patrol on the border than any other prez. he went against the prior actions of McCain and Kyl who refused to give Napalitano manpower at the border.

There are two main reasons for the apparent increase in illegals coming here.

One is a previously unexpected result of NAFTA. Before NAFTA, corn was the main staple product of Mexico. With NAFTA, the US started sending cheaper corn to Mexico which killed almost all of their internal trade.

Second, we used to bring Mexican workers to the US and then take them home. For a long while, we even sent airplanes to get them and then we flew them home. (WE treated them like shit back then too.) American growers cannot afford to pay US wages - we all know that. The pubs work for Big Business, we also know that.

By driving Mexicans out of the US, family owned businesses will be forced to sell out to big Agriculture. Americans are told a load of lies to make them hate Mexicans, demands for deportations go up, family farms go under, big business buys the farms and the pubs are happy.

Learn what you're talking about.

Okay, rw's, put your blinders on and tell me that none of this has happened.
Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.

What hate?
What lies
You want to start there?

If Mexico is such a fine place then why is it we have this issue to start with?
Any ideas?

Now about the lies
lets start with the job creation under BHO
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,509
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,227
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,530 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,335 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,558 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,874 107,384 17,751 705 5,518 11,528
2011...... 131,359 109,254 18,021 784 5,504 11,733

Now let us move straight to the inherited deficit
we spent 2.7 trillion in 2007
we spent 3.5 in 2009
that would be with the stimulus, the 50% of tarp we never got back (most of it any-way)

GM, being a success when they still owe us over 25 billion
first payment with tarp funds
second payment from an IPO that the tax payer funded

Now calling the GOP a liar is ok, but back it up with some facts and give BHO an equal share

Why did you ignore this?
threat reported, asshat.

One more time with some more details for you.

Well, finally, waited for this for a little over a month now. Before this is moved, as it should be into the General Discussion Area, I wanted to post this, since I have had to put up with this flaming gay asshole for some time now and 233 defaming, felonious postings and threads against me and my career, that, finally, he got real quiet with what is posted below to links at FB and well, he is caught. He seems to be obessed with me, with feelings. Never had a man do this to me before on the net. Nutcases, yes, but not gay nutcases too.

The ignore list does not work.

Here it is and why he never checked FB, where I store my photos and such and hundreds more pertaining to NASA and my life in the Arts and Archaeology, is beyond me. I've explained patiently I am not gay, and that he is in error, 150% of the time, so here is the proof with hundreds and hundreds of posts, comments, endorsements, dozens from ex-NASA retired folks, movie people, art people, mentioning about me and my career over the last 35 years or so since 1984, now posting there at FB about my life and art and so on, up to now at current. And also, overwhelming numbers of images he accused me of stealing and copying and so on. This is the core of online felony defamation:


And further, he not only is a stalker, but is committing a litigatable act while doing so publicly, without one provocation for same. Now, either this poster, "Conservative", should be banned for so many site violations its hard to fathom, or I will do it for him through litigation. I have done this once before with another woo-woo, Art Bell, after he sued me for $60,000,000 after having me on his radio show many times. He lost and is no longer living in the US.

Art Bell
Art Bell's Wife Denied U.S. Visa - Articles - Coast to Coast AM

There are 233 felony defamation posts here from "Conservative", stolen art work and images from me, stolen and posted here without my permission, and defamation with pathological lies and intent of malice--all d/l and copied and sent on to my attorneys. Too, I have already contacted vBulletin, the host company of this website as well and explained the situation to them also.

I hope the defamation stops and thank you all for your kind words and mails to my yahoo account, FB and two of you ex NASA people to NASA, and elsewhere to tell me what is going on here and this person called "Conservative'.

This site is good, very retro, but good. And I did not know it was "anonymous" or I would not have joined since I am a public person and have always used my name since 1983-84 on the internet. However, there are good topics and reads here that are enjoyable. PS-- for the four or so woo-woos here that stalk me also, please put me on your ignore list, that way, it is as if I am not here.

Now, that the attorneys have your address, location and your CV as is normal in felony defamation cases, you will be handed a $30,000,000 lawsuit, along with your place of work, this website and its owner, VBulletin, the host company for this website.

With you, go somewhere else, or I will do it for you. I have a right to post on this site like anyone else without felony defamation by a violent homosexual and your bizarre stalking.

No threat at all. A promise.

And this post is passed on to the powers that be here as well, as always.

The Illegals were taking over the housing industry in the south, it was out of control
Well the bubble took care of that
What else have they left to do?
The Ag business is mostly done with Machine now and the ones who pick the fruit in California and The south have been here for ever. Most of them have a green card as they have someone or some group to support them
OMG - you could not be more wrong.

Mexico does NOT shoot illegals and there are many Americans and other nationalities who live there year round or partial years.

There is already so much "disinformation" about Mexico and Mexicans already. Please don't fan the rw hate flames by posting more lies.

What hate?
What lies
You want to start there?

If Mexico is such a fine place then why is it we have this issue to start with?
Any ideas?

Now about the lies
lets start with the job creation under BHO
2003...... 129,999 108,416 21,816 572 6,735 14,509
2004...... 131,435 109,814 21,882 591 6,976 14,315
2005...... 133,703 111,899 22,190 628 7,336 14,227
2006...... 136,086 114,113 22,530 684 7,691 14,155
2007...... 137,598 115,380 22,233 724 7,630 13,879
2008...... 136,790 114,281 21,335 767 7,162 13,406
2009...... 130,807 108,252 18,558 694 6,016 11,847

2010...... 129,874 107,384 17,751 705 5,518 11,528
2011...... 131,359 109,254 18,021 784 5,504 11,733

Now let us move straight to the inherited deficit
we spent 2.7 trillion in 2007
we spent 3.5 in 2009
that would be with the stimulus, the 50% of tarp we never got back (most of it any-way)

GM, being a success when they still owe us over 25 billion
first payment with tarp funds
second payment from an IPO that the tax payer funded

Now calling the GOP a liar is ok, but back it up with some facts and give BHO an equal share

Why did you ignore this?
thats what he does....and yet in another thread he said the Right wingers do this all the time....and i told him he does it too....and here you see it.....
Hopefully the educated ones stay here. Republicans can clean their houses and mow their lawns.

So how long have you been a Government Employee? :lol:

How long do you want to remain one? :lol:

Someday, with that attitude, you might get bit in the ass, and have to find a real job. :lmao:
The Obamacrats have dedtroyed so many jobs that the smart Mexicans are leaving in droves. We are left with the stupid lazy ones. The ones who think like this Left Wingnut member of the Democrat Undergorund:

Left Wingnut Fantasy Land / Democrat Mentality
I'm inclined to think that there are many valuable roles in society other than "wage-earner". In a society where individuals are paid fairly for their work you wind up with a better quality of life, a richer culture, more options and opportunity, more happiness in general, and a slightly lower labor participation rate.

Congratulations Obamacrats.

You have stopped the flow of Mexican immigrates into the USA by destroying the economy & jobs.

PEW Hispanic Research Center: Net migration from Mexico dips to zero

Democrats took control on January 1, 2007. Notice the drastic drop in jobs after that?!?!?!?!

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Hopefully the educated ones stay here. Republicans can clean their houses and mow their lawns.

So how long have you been a Government Employee? :lol:

How long do you want to remain one? :lol:

Someday, with that attitude, you might get bit in the ass, and have to find a real job. :lmao:

It is amazing the liberal mind has gotten so far from reality
See where the NY Times is given a dose of reality to there employees?
I didn't ignore anything that is germane to my point.

And cons continue to say that immigration is so bad.

Mitt happens!

Mittens has said that he will cut funds to border security.

The Obamacrats have dedtroyed so many jobs that the smart Mexicans are leaving in droves. We are left with the stupid lazy ones.

President Obama deported criminals and the "Dream Act" is aimed at keeping those who are educated.

Don't take my word for anything. Look it up for yourself. BUT - don't let my FACTS stop you from posting more radical rabid right wing web sites.
Hey. Running to the third world is an improvement. You do want those brown folks to up their quality of life, no ?
Mexicans are leaving? Oh No !!!! who will mow my lawns and take one hour naps on my front lawn?

if they are doing that.....they are not probably hired a "American Mexican"....

I wish I had taken a pic of that illegal sleeping on the lawn of my complex....but I will be on the look out all summer,,,,it will make a great pic.

Well, don't look to Mittens for any help. He said he couldn't hire more illegals now he's running for prez.

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