Economy is so bad more illegals are leaving in droves

LOL, if Romney wins, here we go again with the immigrants coming back next spring to build houses,mow our lawns and wash dishes in Asain restaurants.
LOL, if Romney wins, here we go again with the immigrants coming back next spring to build houses,mow our lawns and wash dishes in Asain restaurants.

They ain't leaving. My neighborhood would be a Ghost Town if they did. :lol:

Nobody said they stopped reproducing in the USA. It is just the net number entering the USA from Mexico is near zero. The smart ones are leaving & the dumb ones are still coming.
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Mexicans are leaving? Oh No !!!! who will mow my lawns and take one hour naps on my front lawn?

if they are doing that.....they are not probably hired a "American Mexican"....

I wish I had taken a pic of that illegal sleeping on the lawn of my complex....but I will be on the look out all summer,,,,it will make a great pic.

how did you know he was an illegal?.....
Hey. Running to the third world is an improvement. You do want those brown folks to up their quality of life, no ?

when you ran,yes, it was an improvement for America......for Costa Rica....they get yet another cowardly asshole to take care of....
Obama will bribe all of them $25.00 to stay until at least November 6.

The Dems have been trying to convince people that the economy is improved and unemployment is down. Now they tell us that the illegals are leaving because they can't find a better life here. What's wrong with this picture? Wouldn't they have left a year or two ago if they couldn't find work here? Why now when things are supposedly getting better?

Things aren't any better, but I am sure those illegals who dropped anchor are getting the welfare and free cell phones like everyone else. People likely still pay illegals under the table for cheap labor, so nothing has changed. I suspect that this is a ruse to convince us that there is no need to secure our borders and that voter ID laws are simply unnecessary. Or did Obama just grant amnesty, so he could say there are fewer illegals in the country?

Not buying any of this.
the economy is so bad even the male illegal aliens have stooped to prostitution,,,but at least they give discounts. like 5.00 hr. (thats the high rate in mexico)


How do you know what rates male Mexican prostitutes charge?

Are you in the Secret Service?
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Obama will bribe all of them $25.00 to stay until at least November 6.

The Dems have been trying to convince people that the economy is improved and unemployment is down. Now they tell us that the illegals are leaving because they can't find a better life here. What's wrong with this picture? Wouldn't they have left a year or two ago if they couldn't find work here? Why now when things are supposedly getting better?

Things aren't any better, but I am sure those illegals who dropped anchor are getting the welfare and free cell phones like everyone else. People likely still pay illegals under the table for cheap labor, so nothing has changed. I suspect that this is a ruse to convince us that there is no need to secure our borders and that voter ID laws are simply unnecessary. Or did Obama just grant amnesty, so he could say there are fewer illegals in the country?

Not buying any of this.

In my experience the housing industry is where the illegals have harmed this country the most
By far
I live In Florida when I am not traveling to do the work I have chosen to do and I can promise you there is NO work in Florida for any-one, much less the illegals
You might find some spotty work in the south Florida mega rich areas, but back in the day the large contractors ignored the "framers" who were 100% illegal (as an example) those days are over. There is not near enough work to go around. those larger contractors have the political pull to make sure there competition is doing by the books I can promise you
That did not happen until recently
Well................if all the illegals are leaving, that means there will be plenty of entry level jobs opening on our farms, in hotels, restaurants, construction, etc.

Which means the occupiers and welfare parasites can get off their asses and WORK.

Why work when you can vote Obama?
Obama will bribe all of them $25.00 to stay until at least November 6.

The Dems have been trying to convince people that the economy is improved and unemployment is down. Now they tell us that the illegals are leaving because they can't find a better life here. What's wrong with this picture? Wouldn't they have left a year or two ago if they couldn't find work here? Why now when things are supposedly getting better?

Things aren't any better, but I am sure those illegals who dropped anchor are getting the welfare and free cell phones like everyone else. People likely still pay illegals under the table for cheap labor, so nothing has changed. I suspect that this is a ruse to convince us that there is no need to secure our borders and that voter ID laws are simply unnecessary. Or did Obama just grant amnesty, so he could say there are fewer illegals in the country?

Not buying any of this.

In my experience the housing industry is where the illegals have harmed this country the most
By far
I live In Florida when I am not traveling to do the work I have chosen to do and I can promise you there is NO work in Florida for any-one, much less the illegals
You might find some spotty work in the south Florida mega rich areas, but back in the day the large contractors ignored the "framers" who were 100% illegal (as an example) those days are over. There is not near enough work to go around. those larger contractors have the political pull to make sure there competition is doing by the books I can promise you
That did not happen until recently

:eusa_boohoo: disagrees.

I searched a 50 mile radius around Orlando, FL zip 32801, and found:

Your search found more than 500 jobs. Listed below are the 500 most recent, representing at least 1,701 position(s), that matched your criteria.
The Dems have been trying to convince people that the economy is improved and unemployment is down. Now they tell us that the illegals are leaving because they can't find a better life here. What's wrong with this picture? Wouldn't they have left a year or two ago if they couldn't find work here? Why now when things are supposedly getting better?

Things aren't any better, but I am sure those illegals who dropped anchor are getting the welfare and free cell phones like everyone else. People likely still pay illegals under the table for cheap labor, so nothing has changed. I suspect that this is a ruse to convince us that there is no need to secure our borders and that voter ID laws are simply unnecessary. Or did Obama just grant amnesty, so he could say there are fewer illegals in the country?

Not buying any of this.

In my experience the housing industry is where the illegals have harmed this country the most
By far
I live In Florida when I am not traveling to do the work I have chosen to do and I can promise you there is NO work in Florida for any-one, much less the illegals
You might find some spotty work in the south Florida mega rich areas, but back in the day the large contractors ignored the "framers" who were 100% illegal (as an example) those days are over. There is not near enough work to go around. those larger contractors have the political pull to make sure there competition is doing by the books I can promise you
That did not happen until recently

:eusa_boohoo: disagrees.

I searched a 50 mile radius around Orlando, FL zip 32801, and found:

Your search found more than 500 jobs. Listed below are the 500 most recent, representing at least 1,701 position(s), that matched your criteria.

People and web sites taking applications and actually hiring are completely 2 different things
I can do the same and have my e mail account filled with web sites promising me jobs in hours

9% UE rate and thats with the same issues the national UE rate is facing
a ever changing "available work force" number

If there is 1700 un-filled jobs available in the o-ville area that # would not be at +9%
In my experience the housing industry is where the illegals have harmed this country the most
By far
I live In Florida when I am not traveling to do the work I have chosen to do and I can promise you there is NO work in Florida for any-one, much less the illegals
You might find some spotty work in the south Florida mega rich areas, but back in the day the large contractors ignored the "framers" who were 100% illegal (as an example) those days are over. There is not near enough work to go around. those larger contractors have the political pull to make sure there competition is doing by the books I can promise you
That did not happen until recently

:eusa_boohoo: disagrees.

I searched a 50 mile radius around Orlando, FL zip 32801, and found:

Your search found more than 500 jobs. Listed below are the 500 most recent, representing at least 1,701 position(s), that matched your criteria.

People and web sites taking applications and actually hiring are completely 2 different things
I can do the same and have my e mail account filled with web sites promising me jobs in hours

9% UE rate and thats with the same issues the national UE rate is facing
a ever changing "available work force" number

If there is 1700 un-filled jobs available in the o-ville area that # would not be at +9%


Why do you assume that just because there are jobs, there are people qualified to do them?

Furthermore, why assume that just because there are jobs, anyone applies for them?

Either way, the notion that employers would advertise jobs that simply do not exist is absurd: What would be the motivation? Some vast right-wing conspiracy theory?

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.


The Government DOES KNOW...and refuse to be forthcoming as NOT to inflame the public>?

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.


The Government DOES KNOW...and refuse to be forthcoming as NOT to inflame the public>?


I guess you mean that the public would be "inflamed" if they knew that the "real" numbers of undocumented illegal alien immigrants, aka, messkins, wetbacks, and beaners, were much higher.

Why doesnt the government simply report that there are only like, 500 guys named "Rodriguez" who are illegally in the country?


I wouldn't know the difference.

How on earth can these things be verified?

The assholes are undocumented, so how on earth do we know how many of these parasites are here or not here.

Where I live, I see NO difference whatsoever.

This is another rouse by the left.


The Government DOES KNOW...and refuse to be forthcoming as NOT to inflame the public>?


I guess you mean that the public would be "inflamed" if they knew that the "real" numbers of undocumented illegal alien immigrants, aka, messkins, wetbacks, and beaners, were much higher.

Why doesnt the government simply report that there are only like, 500 guys named "Rodriguez" who are illegally in the country?


I wouldn't know the difference.

I think they really DO know...but won't because of intent of Amnesty.

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