Economy is so bad more illegals are leaving in droves


The Government DOES KNOW...and refuse to be forthcoming as NOT to inflame the public>?


I guess you mean that the public would be "inflamed" if they knew that the "real" numbers of undocumented illegal alien immigrants, aka, messkins, wetbacks, and beaners, were much higher.

Why doesnt the government simply report that there are only like, 500 guys named "Rodriguez" who are illegally in the country?


I wouldn't know the difference.

I think they really DO know...but won't because of intent of Amnesty.


So, you think falsely holding the number down at a mere 30 million will allow them to grant amnesty?

Why doesn't the government also report that prisons only contain 18% hispanics. Who would know if this wasn't accurate?
well look at the bright side, at least when we travel thru miami, all the conveniant 24/7 store employees will speak english.
well look at the bright side, at least when we travel thru miami, all the conveniant 24/7 store employees will speak english.


Perhaps one will offer you a job.

i will never forget the day i was on my way to naples, driving thru miami, stopping at a 7/11, asking how far to 41(the lower trail to the west coast) and no one in the store spoke ENGLISH !!!! it was like being on anther planet (i lived in boca raton at the time)
Well................if all the illegals are leaving, that means there will be plenty of entry level jobs opening on our farms, in hotels, restaurants, construction, etc.

Which means the occupiers and welfare parasites can get off their asses and WORK.

Why work when you can vote Obama?

That would be a good slogan for the Dems.

well look at the bright side, at least when we travel thru miami, all the conveniant 24/7 store employees will speak english.


Perhaps one will offer you a job.

i will never forget the day i was on my way to naples, driving thru miami, stopping at a 7/11, asking how far to 41(the lower trail to the west coast) and no one in the store spoke ENGLISH !!!! it was like being on anther planet (i lived in boca raton at the time)

I can easily imagine that everyone pretended not to speak English to you.
Republican racism on display.

It's not a pretty sight.

There are millions of legal aliens who did it right. You got an issue with protecting there rights and there job opportunities?
You have it up-side down
And as far as your debt link?
that is a shame

That is from accumulation debt and when the GOP took over congress in 1995 the overall year to year deficits except 03-05 were below 250 billion
in 2007 we were within 163 billion of breaking even
The Truth about Obama's Budget Deficits, in Pictures

It amazes me you Libs make this debt issue and ignore that spending went from 2.7 trillion in2007 to 3.7 trillion in 2010, 3.5 trillion in 2009 (400 billion being BHO at least)
If there is one town in Florida where pretty much everyone speaks english,,its Sarasota,,,I have spent 36 months of my life there, I wanna go back someday. I left there in 2002 because of lack of work, now I cant take living in Naples anymore,,,(long story),,,and get this,,,when I did live in Sarasota, you could go to any Wal Mart and all of their employees were AMERICAN! right down to the cashiers,,,,in other cities I have lived in, u go to most wal marts, u will often hear broken english on the intercoms.
Economy is so bad more illegals are leaving in droves

"The share of U.S. $mall bu$ine$$e$ owned by immigrants has expanded by 50 percent since 1990, with almost one-fifth of business owners born outside the country, according to a new report by the Fiscal Policy Institute.

The conversation around immigrants’ role in the economy is often dominated by two oversimplified ideas, he says. Immigrants are either seen as strictly in competition with native-born workers for jobs, or immigration is seen as magic bullet to revive stagnant economies. While the impact of immigrants on job growth can be overstated, he says, “people sometimes don’t realize that when immigrants come into the economy, the economy also grow$.”

[Well that is one way to stop that problem Have we hit bottom yet?

Then off to Mexico with you, JRK, if you want a better 'middle class opportunity' than what you have here! :lol:

Mexico shoots illegals....and they sure as heck won't let us immigrate legally. The jobs in their country are for their citizens, not us.

A sensible policy, imho (not the shooting them part, just the jobs part). Why do we allow the hiring of illegals here? Why won't republicans quit hiring them?
When illegal aliens say this of America you know this is a brutal Obama economy.

This place is bullshit....I'm outta here....
When illegal aliens say this of America you know this is a brutal Obama economy.'s quite the......

.....for White-Wing "conservatives"!!!!!!!


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