Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record

It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDA data.

This is so bad.

Seems that you are quite happy? Has the Democrats in Congress done anything to help you since they promised to, once allowed to rule congress in 2018?

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I'm sure you can't do the same thing. At least not honestly.

However this thread is about the catastrophic crash in the economy.

Do you have anything substantial. to contribute or is all you have to contribute is trying to change the subject?
It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDA data.

This is so bad.

Seems that you are quite happy? Has the Democrats in Congress done anything to help you since they promised to, once allowed to rule congress in 2018?

I've been a registered Independent since 1978.

I've voted a variety of parties through the decades.

I'm sure you can't do the same thing. At least not honestly.

However this thread is about the catastrophic crash in the economy.

Do you have anything substantial. to contribute or is all you have to contribute is trying to change the subject?
Again, it seems that you are quite happy with the economy shrinking because of the Kung Flu and the Progs working in Collusion to close this economy, so they can strut like peacocks(or just cocks) in how bad the economy now is, because Russian Collusion didnt work, Stormy Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, or Ukraine didnt work. So now, with a disease that only kills .05% of the population the United States must be closed until Joe Biden gets elected then the disease will disappear....
Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record
It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDP data. This is so bad.
And yet you Progs have worked so HARD for it! How can you possibly be surprised?

Sooo, I guess you thought putting everyone out of work, closing millions of businesses, schools, industries, restaurants, stores, and keeping them that way until every last virus was gone if hell has to freeze over, would be a GOOD thing?
Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record
It's the largest one quarter decrease since the government started reporting quarterly GDP data. This is so bad.
And yet you Progs have worked so HARD for it! How can you possibly be surprised?

Sooo, I guess you thought putting everyone out of work, closing millions of businesses, schools, industries, restaurants, stores, and keeping them that way until every last virus was gone if hell has to freeze over, would be a GOOD thing?
We need real leadership. Trump promotes social distancing and masks in the morning and opening up and not using masks in the evening. He’s a joke.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Wow! Who knew shutting down the economy would slow down the economy.

We need to investigate this. :cuckoo:
Before the pandemic Trump had the best economy on record.
Democrats know that the economy will bounce back if Trump is elected.
If Biden and the socialists are elected the US economy is toast.
Before the pandemic Trump had the best economy on record.
Democrats know that the economy will bounce back if Trump is elected.
If Biden and the socialists are elected the US economy is toast.
Remember when trump made fun of presidents who couldn’t hit 3%? Yeah that’s him now. Stop your exaggerations on how good it was. Trump policy failed and he was lucky to ride the Obama economy.
All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
So China attacked us? Where was the commander in chief?
If this is warfare, it is not the traditional kind. It is more dangerous. Should we up the ante? Was Trump supposed to be in China? They obviously do not care about their own. For like prog with Alinsky leanings...The ends justifies the means. A second attack may wipe out our economy. Do you think we will all survive wearing our new fangled masks and goggles and all the new stuff while the food supply shrinks in a huge manner? While the utilities we use degrades and the water supplies become less usable. If it did not become political which ws mostly Progs, we may be in better shape because of it. The outright hatred for Trump and the deplorables by the Progs and the violence and deaths from the riots tells us you do not give a flying ph uk about nothing but the Prog agendas. And we should starts with abortions.
There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.

It's not? Have you seen his approval rating?
One point higher than Barry Hussein on the same day.

All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
So China attacked us? Where was the commander in chief?
If this is warfare, it is not the traditional kind. It is more dangerous. Should we up the ante? Was Trump supposed to be in China? They obviously do not care about their own. For like prog with Alinsky leanings...The ends justifies the means. A second attack may wipe out our economy. Do you think we will all survive wearing our new fangled masks and goggles and all the new stuff while the food supply shrinks in a huge manner? While the utilities we use degrades and the water supplies become less usable. If it did not become political which ws mostly Progs, we may be in better shape because of it. The outright hatred for Trump and the deplorables by the Progs and the violence and deaths from the riots tells us you do not give a flying ph uk about nothing but the Prog agendas. And we should starts with abortions.
Trump made it political. He’s more worried about getting re-elected than leading.
We need real leadership.
I'm sorry, "Brain," so you are saying Obama was real leadership or Biden WILL BE real leadership because their positions never change? How many videos do you want me to pull of Ears and Biden before having positions 180° opposite what they say today?

Trump promotes social distancing and masks in the morning and opening up and not using masks in the evening. He’s a joke.
So Trump's a joke for changing his position as facts and circumstances change, but Fauci and others ARE NOT a joke as they have gone from not needing a mask at all to now telling us to wear goggles? Trump is a joke for saying the malarial drug might help and now months later being shown right?

Nancy and Biden ARE NOT a joke for calling Trump a "xenophobe" back in March when he pulled travel from China?

Right, got it.
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

Thanks, Obama!

This was because of the Obama funded Wuhan Flu and the close coordination between the CCP and the DNXi to control the outbreak to maximize damage to the US GDP.
All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
So China attacked us? Where was the commander in chief?
If this is warfare, it is not the traditional kind. It is more dangerous. Should we up the ante? Was Trump supposed to be in China? They obviously do not care about their own. For like prog with Alinsky leanings...The ends justifies the means. A second attack may wipe out our economy. Do you think we will all survive wearing our new fangled masks and goggles and all the new stuff while the food supply shrinks in a huge manner? While the utilities we use degrades and the water supplies become less usable. If it did not become political which ws mostly Progs, we may be in better shape because of it. The outright hatred for Trump and the deplorables by the Progs and the violence and deaths from the riots tells us you do not give a flying ph uk about nothing but the Prog agendas. And we should starts with abortions.
Trump made it political. He’s more worried about getting re-elected than leading.
You must mean like when Obama pulled our troops out of Iraq against all recommendations going into 2012 to get reelected to satisfy his base that lead to creating ISIS and their killing millions,
displacing half of Europe and doing a trillion dollars damage, not to mention all it cost us plus uncounted dead American soldiers? You mean like that?
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.
Your BULL SHIT ain't cuttin' it... DUMB FUCK.

There's a PANDEMIC going on and THAT is why the economy is suffering, because DEMOCRAT MAYORS AND GOVERNORS have SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN, so trying to blame it on president Trump AIN'T WORKIN', dumbass.

Welcome to the Trump Recession.

But hey, let the assfuck Trumpettes cry & blame the pandemic. What pandemic? It was a low risk virus that Trump had under complete control. So if he had it under complete control, how did it destroy the economy?

Let's review:

Clinton: balanced the budget
Bush: Great Recession
Obama: Brought us back
Trump: Trump Recession .

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