Economy shrinks at fastest quarterly rate on record

For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

Trump now can brag about a record breaking Presidency

Worst economy ever
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

Trump now can brag about a record breaking Presidency

Worst economy ever
He will have the highest deficit and biggest bailouts too!
All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
Democrats did this deliberately.

This is what democrats do. They are abusers. If you didn't burn the toast I wouldn't have to break both your eye sockets. If you don't let blacks rob you and burn your house down we will have to burn your city down.

Springfield Oregon is dealing with democrats rationally. A group of insurrectionists thought they could start shit elsewhere and got met with a Wall of residents. There was only the police to protect them.
All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
So China attacked us? Where was the commander in chief?

He's trying to do something, but his political opposition controls the House and they are fighting for China. Democrats are in favor of the Biden virus
Is it’s the Biden virus? Blame anyone but the guy in power right? Pathetic.

My God you're stupid. I'm making fun of you idiots for causing this the Trump virus. You idiots are the dumbest people on the planet
All because of a virus Obama and Biden paid for and China released on the world... Place blame where it belongs moron..
So China attacked us? Where was the commander in chief?

He's trying to do something, but his political opposition controls the House and they are fighting for China. Democrats are in favor of the Biden virus
Is it’s the Biden virus? Blame anyone but the guy in power right? Pathetic.

My God you're stupid. I'm making fun of you idiots for causing this the Trump virus. You idiots are the dumbest people on the planet
Trumps incompetence isn’t funny.
The economy was a complete distortion long before this virus came around. And it was a bipartisan effort. Did people really think they could kick that can down the road forever? Pfft. Get real.

This bug has served as a great distraction away from the Keynesian policies that got us here, though.

End of the day, a feller gotta sleep in the bed he helps make. Such is life.

Those who understand the failures of Keynesian economics are prepared and will be just fine. Though I would advise getting yourself and your wealth out of the country before the zombies start eating each other. It's going to get much, much worse.
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We need real leadership.
I'm sorry, "Brain," so you are saying Obama was real leadership or Biden WILL BE real leadership because their positions never change? How many videos do you want me to pull of Ears and Biden before having positions 180° opposite what they say today?

Trump promotes social distancing and masks in the morning and opening up and not using masks in the evening. He’s a joke.
So Trump's a joke for changing his position as facts and circumstances change, but Fauci and others ARE NOT a joke as they have gone from not needing a mask at all to now telling us to wear goggles? Trump is a joke for saying the malarial drug might help and now months later being shown right?

Nancy and Biden ARE NOT a joke for calling Trump a "xenophobe" back in March when he pulled travel from China?

Right, got it.
Trump is a joke for playing both sides of the fence and having ten worst pandemic response. Is trump for or against masks today?
So, in other words, he's like every other politician in your lifetime. Obama didn't just play the fence, he BROKE IT using his IRS to literally suppress Romney organizations to help get himself reelected.
My God you're stupid. I'm making fun of you idiots for causing this the Trump virus. You idiots are the dumbest people on the planet
Trumps incompetence isn’t funny.

Neither is the Democrats trying to trip and blame him every step of the way. You're blatantly anti-American and downright evil
Trump is anti-American. He’s brought us to ruin with his worthless pandemic response.
We need real leadership.
I'm sorry, "Brain," so you are saying Obama was real leadership or Biden WILL BE real leadership because their positions never change? How many videos do you want me to pull of Ears and Biden before having positions 180° opposite what they say today?

Trump promotes social distancing and masks in the morning and opening up and not using masks in the evening. He’s a joke.
So Trump's a joke for changing his position as facts and circumstances change, but Fauci and others ARE NOT a joke as they have gone from not needing a mask at all to now telling us to wear goggles? Trump is a joke for saying the malarial drug might help and now months later being shown right?

Nancy and Biden ARE NOT a joke for calling Trump a "xenophobe" back in March when he pulled travel from China?

Right, got it.
Trump is a joke for playing both sides of the fence and having ten worst pandemic response. Is trump for or against masks today?
So, in other words, he's like every other politician in your lifetime. Obama didn't just play the fence, he BROKE IT using his IRS to literally suppress Romney organizations to help get himself reelected.
The country never shut down under Obama. I don’t like politicians, but this is the worst.
Its our fault for almost everything that's happening. Instead of demanding that all our so called political leaders get together & work out something anything that makes things better, what we do is ignore anything that the opposing political party proposes, its all hate & attacks, the unthinking uncaring extremes of both party's who only want what they think works for just them self's. total disregard for anything but self interest. Both party's stink big time.
The country never shut down under Obama.

  1. The country never had SARS-2 under Obama.
  2. It's the DEMOCRATS who want to keep and have kept everything shut down.
  3. We never had a 9 trillion dollar additional deficit under Trump like Obama.
  4. We never had a mini-depression under Trump like Obama.
  5. We never federalized the auto industry, the banking industry, healthcare and half a dozen other things under Trump like Obama.
  6. We didn't create the JV Team ISIS under Trump like Obama.
  7. We didn't lose four good Americans in a gun-running operation under Trump like Obama.
  8. We didn't shut down the government to harm every ordinary citizen possible under Trump like Obama.
  9. We didn't have a Sect. of State lining her pockets for favors and selling uranium to the Russians with a secret server under Trump like Obama.
  10. And we didn't spy on and try to trip up the next Administration under Trump like Obama.
My God you're stupid. I'm making fun of you idiots for causing this the Trump virus. You idiots are the dumbest people on the planet
Trumps incompetence isn’t funny.

Neither is the Democrats trying to trip and blame him every step of the way. You're blatantly anti-American and downright evil
Trump is anti-American. He’s brought us to ruin with his worthless pandemic response.

Biden was clearly worse causing the Biden virus to spread faster by fighting Trump on travel restrictions. Stop being a dumb ass. Clearly Biden has done nothing but undercut Trump. That is anti-American. Not because of Trump but because of the virus. Biden did everything he could to make the virus worse with this idiotic Get Trump shit.

There are two parties in this county. With the Democrat party overtly trying to trip Trump and make him fail dealing with the Biden virus, it will work. It is working. Congratulations, you have blood on your hands, all Democrats do
The country never shut down under Obama.

  1. The country never had SARS-2 under Obama.
  2. It's the DEMOCRATS who want to keep and have kept everything shut down.
  3. We never had a 9 trillion dollar additional deficit under Trump like Obama.
  4. We never had a mini-depression under Trump like Obama.
  5. We never federalized the auto industry, the banking industry, healthcare and half a dozen other things under Trump like Obama.
  6. We didn't create the JV Team ISIS under Trump like Obama.
  7. We didn't lose four good Americans in a gun-running operation under Trump like Obama.
  8. We didn't shut down the government to harm every ordinary citizen possible under Trump like Obama.
  9. We didn't have a Sect. of State lining her pockets for favors and selling uranium to the Russians with a secret server under Trump like Obama.
  10. And we didn't spy on and try to trip up the next Administration under Trump like Obama.
And most countries handled it way better. Stop making excuses, his response has been awful. Worst drop to GDP ever and the most deaths.
Well duh you stupid fcking left loons... absolutely nobody saw this coming.

Well you assquacks didn't anyway....sane people did
My God you're stupid. I'm making fun of you idiots for causing this the Trump virus. You idiots are the dumbest people on the planet
Trumps incompetence isn’t funny.

Neither is the Democrats trying to trip and blame him every step of the way. You're blatantly anti-American and downright evil
Trump is anti-American. He’s brought us to ruin with his worthless pandemic response.

Biden was clearly worse causing the Biden virus to spread faster by fighting Trump on travel restrictions. Stop being a dumb ass. Clearly Biden has done nothing but undercut Trump. That is anti-American. Not because of Trump but because of the virus. Biden did everything he could to make the virus worse with this idiotic Get Trump shit.

There are two parties in this county. With the Democrat party overtly trying to trip Trump and make him fail dealing with the Biden virus, it will work. It is working. Congratulations, you have blood on your hands, all Democrats do
Dems didn’t make trump awful. The people who elected him are to blame.
Biden was clearly worse causing the Biden virus to spread faster by fighting Trump on travel restrictions. Stop being a dumb ass. Clearly Biden has done nothing but undercut Trump. That is anti-American. Not because of Trump but because of the virus. Biden did everything he could to make the virus worse with this idiotic Get Trump shit.

There are two parties in this county. With the Democrat party overtly trying to trip Trump and make him fail dealing with the Biden virus, it will work. It is working. Congratulations, you have blood on your hands, all Democrats do
Dems didn’t make trump awful. The people who elected him are to blame.

Strawman, that isn't what I said
And most countries handled it way better.
Another silly, meaningless comment without defining what "better" is supposed to be, as if we could apply other country's methods to ours.
Stop making excuses, his response has been awful.
Yet that's all you do.
Worst drop to GDP ever and the most deaths.
Another meaningless unqualified comment as the situation has no standard to compare it to as its never happened here before and no more deaths than many common annual causes. Ironic that most of the deaths happened in Democrat controlled regions and 40-80% of them in the nursing homes.
We should have infection rate growth down to 5% max and restaurants and stadiums open. There is not going to be a V shaped recovery. We and, worse, our kids are fucked. I hope Trump chokes on Big Mac
For context, Trump promised 4.0% GDP annual growth. God help us all.

And you want a bumbling, scatterbrained old codger like Biden to manage the recovery.

Think about that for a minute.

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