Zone1 Ectopic Pregnancy Seek Emergency Room

You're misunderstanding the process. PP doesn't treat problem pregnancies or the complications of pregnancy, even if the treatment for that complication is abortion. PP only does "elective abortions". If you have problems with your pregnancy, PP is not where you go.

A surgical abortion was performed. Yes the tube had burst and the fetus had died, but they still performed an abortion to remove it and repair the damage.

My posts are neither reckless nor heartless. My posts told you that an ectopic pregnancy only ends one way.

You are so fortunate she was at the hospital when her tube burst.
You are a dangerous idiot.
Surgery on the fallopian tube is not an abortion

She was not at the hospital when her tube burst, your assumotions prove your low intelligence

People, an abortion wont save your life, go to an emergency room, not to planned parenthood, planned parenthood does not perform health care
You are a dangerous idiot.
Surgery on the fallopian tube is not an abortion

She was not at the hospital when her tube burst, your assumotions prove your low intelligence

People, an abortion wont save your life, go to an emergency room, not to planned parenthood, planned parenthood does not perform health care
In July 2023, the Idaho legislature replaced the trigger ban’s existing affirmative defense provisions with exceptions and amended the definition of abortion to include “[t]he removal of a dead unborn child,” “[t]he removal of an ectopic or molar pregnancy,” and “[t]he treatment of a woman who is no longer pregnant.”

The state of Idaho agrees with Dragonlady's definition of abortion. They made a point off expanding the definition actually.
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Did you read my post, an ectopic pregnancy is in the fallopian tube. You dont know what is being discussed. Ectopic pregnancy never result in a birth. They are extreme, life threatening emergencies.

If and when the sugeon removes the fallopian tube, the beginning to form fetus being inside the fallopian is removed as well
I know. However fallopian repair due to ectopic pregnancies is not an abortion.
You are a dangerous idiot.
Surgery on the fallopian tube is not an abortion

She was not at the hospital when her tube burst, your assumotions prove your low intelligence

People, an abortion wont save your life, go to an emergency room, not to planned parenthood, planned parenthood does not perform health care

This is the Trump Cult.

I come here and wish you well through your loss and her suffering, and you call me vile names and lie about what I posted.

Hate and insults for people who express sympathy.
This is the Trump Cult.

I come here and wish you well through your loss and her suffering, and you call me vile names and lie about what I posted.

Hate and insults for people who express sympathy.
You are not sincere, we have had enough chats here where you have been exrremely vile.

This latest rant of your can kill women.

Planned Parenthood can not provide health care for an ecptopic pregnancy.

Run to the Emergency Room, your life depends on it.
Like I said, they did surgery, not an abortion. The pregnancy, fetus, burst in the fallopian tube. At that point it is 100% dead. Removing what is now dead tissue is an operation, not an abortion. By all definitions of the word abortion.

You are reckless to state an abortion is performed. What if a young woman has an ectopic pregnancy who has read your posts and goes to Planned Parenthood thinking they can help her, she gets to planned parenthood which can not perform what you call an abortion. That lost time can result in her dying.

Reckless and heartless, for politics

A woman who has pain in her gut, that gets worst and worst, better get to an emergency room.
Exactly. The baby died before it was born.
This is the Trump Cult.

I come here and wish you well through your loss and her suffering, and you call me vile names and lie about what I posted.

Hate and insults for people who express sympathy.
Except you don't know a woman's anatomy. An abortion cannot be done on an already dead baby. That is fact. Having an Ectopic pregnancy means the baby is nearly dead. An abortion centre would make it worse. It is a medical emergency that needs a hospital. Keep on with your Trump cult delusion.
The point is that doctors in many red states will now not help with fixing an ectopic pregnancy.

They fear that they'll go to jail for doing so, because new "pro-life" laws say they'll go to jail if they do so.
An Ectopic pregnancy requires immediate emergency medical attention. It is a life threatening condition. You can not wait until morning and wait in line.

Most likely, almost always the first symptom is severe cramping, severe as in you will be crying and demanding to go to the emergency room. If you go to planned parenthood you are wasting precious time.
Oh, so you hate Planned Parenthood. Bully for you.

Your post is silly because no one could know they're dealing with an ectopic pregnancy before being examined. When a loved one obviously requires emergency care just call 911 or take them to the hospital yourself. Don't be mansplaining shit to women and getting all pissy. Be glad when things turn out okay.
You are not sincere, we have had enough chats here where you have been exrremely vile.

This latest rant of your can kill women.

Planned Parenthood can not provide health care for an ecptopic pregnancy.

Run to the Emergency Room, your life depends on it.
No one, except you, thinks a woman with an ectopic pregnancy would ever even think of going to planned parenthood for their medical treatment of the condition?

Catholics considered the removal in an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion, and had problems with it, for years...

They finally came to their senses, and accept the procedure as a necessity, like the removal of cancer.

You're misunderstanding the process. PP doesn't treat problem pregnancies or the complications of pregnancy, even if the treatment for that complication is abortion. PP only does "elective abortions". If you have problems with your pregnancy, PP is not where you go.

A surgical abortion was performed. Yes the tube had burst and the fetus had died, but they still performed an abortion to remove it and repair the damage.

My posts are neither reckless nor heartless. My posts told you that an ectopic pregnancy only ends one way.

You are so fortunate she was at the hospital when her tube burst.

Oh, so you hate Planned Parenthood. Bully for you.

Your post is silly because no one could know they're dealing with an ectopic pregnancy before being examined. When a loved one obviously requires emergency care just call 911 or take them to the hospital yourself. Don't be mansplaining shit to women and getting all pissy. Be glad when things turn out okay.

I'm a woman and I get mansplained here all the time. Are you kidding me
No one, except you, thinks a woman with an ectopic pregnancy would ever even think of going to planned parenthood for their medical treatment of the condition?

Catholics considered the removal in an ectopic pregnancy, an abortion, and had problems with it, for years...

They finally came to their senses, and accept the procedure as a necessity, like the removal of cancer.

A woman poster in this thread mixed up Trisomy 13, which would require a C Section, with an ectopic pregnancy. So.
A woman poster in this thread mixed up Trisomy 13, which would require a C Section, with an ectopic pregnancy. So.
It appears that she linked to the wrong article.....

Here is the article on women not getting the abortion care needed, during their ectopic pregnancies due to Doctors being in fear of being jailed by the state.

Both women, were permanently damaged.

I am perfect fine you idiotic dunce. Your government is murdering pregnant women and you're arguing what exactly here??????

Do you know the difference between an ectopic pg and a fetus dx with Trisomy 13?

Because the article you linked was about the latter. You do know this, right?

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