Zone1 Ectopic Pregnancy Seek Emergency Room

It appears that she linked to the wrong article.....

Here is the article on women not getting the abortion care needed, during their ectopic pregnancies due to Doctors being in fear of being jailed by the state.

Both women, were permanently damaged.

Well then whose fault is that? The drs fault, right? Because they don't know the law? That they are beholden to follow?

You do not go to an abortion clinic for an ectopic pg. It is a medical EMERGENCY. You go to the ER. It is not an abortion. There is virtually no chance that embryo will develop into a fetus, but there is a GREAT chance that an exploded fallopian tube will kill you.

We all know this. The gaslighting is wasting time, and is stupid, frankly.
I am a woman, and I'm not in favor of murdering future women because they're inconvenient

No, you’re in favour of murdering living women who dared to spread their legs. And you would know that abortions are not a matter of “convenience”.

If you really were a woman, you would know that, and you would care that your sisters and daughters and friends were dying.

How many children did you have Sue? How many miscarriages. The surgical care I received for both of my miscarriages, is now illegal in 22 states.

I cannot imagine going to the emergency room, cramping and bleeding and being sent home and told there was nothing to be done because I wasn’t dying YET.

No woman in her right mind would ever vote for republican abortion, policies, and put everyone woman of childbearing age at risk.
Like anyone want idiots in DC to put together guidelines for medical procedures. Screw every single one of you supporting the shit that is happening in Red States. My son is an ER doctor and says all these laws do is create suffering - which ultimately is the point from you perverse right wingers.
No, you’re in favour of murdering living women who dared to spread their legs. And you would know that abortions are not a matter of “convenience”.

If you really were a woman, you would know that, and you would care that your sisters and daughters and friends were dying.

How many children did you have Sue? How many miscarriages. The surgical care I received for both of my miscarriages, is now illegal in 22 states.

I cannot imagine going to the emergency room, cramping and bleeding and being sent home and told there was nothing to be done because I wasn’t dying YET.

No woman in her right mind would ever vote for republican abortion, policies, and put everyone woman of childbearing age at risk.

Find that for me. Find where "surgical care for a miscarriage" is "illegal in 22 states". Links.
Let me first tell you I'm sorry for what happened. I hope both of you are doing fine.



Jennifer Adkins, of Caldwell, lead plaintiff in the case, was pregnant with her second child when she learned at 12 weeks of pregnancy that her baby was unlikely to survive because of multiple conditions, including the likelihood of Turner syndrome, which usually results in miscarriage. Even if she didn’t miscarry, Jennifer was likely to develop mirror syndrome, which could lead to edema and preeclampsia—both life-threatening conditions—if left untreated. She was able to obtain abortion care by traveling with her husband to Oregon—but only after receiving financial assistance from two abortion funds.

Both States argued that their abortion bans are more important than the EMTALA act.

So when you say that it's not a pro-life position you are arguing from personal opinion not objective fact.
KEEP IT SIMPLE trust a women and her doctor, to know what is best regards her pregnancy'.
Quit telling everypne women can get health care at planned parenthood.
The women that have to use planned parenthood for their women's health care, know exactly what planned parenthood can do. Their health care services are a separate division from their abortion clinics.....

And they only cover minimal reproductive healthcare, all the necessary screenings and exams or connections to get the exams at mammography clinics etc, pregnancy care and nutrition guidance, prescriptions...., birth control methods, pap smears or connection for them....and stuff like that..... If the mammo comes back with cancer, or the pap smear with cancer, then they have to get their treatment and healthcare for their disease or cancer, elsewhere....plan parenthood will give them the medical connections they will need.
The women that have to use planned parenthood for their women's health care, know exactly what planned parenthood can do.
Bullshit, if they knew exactly what planned parenthood does they would know exactly how to prevent pregnancy and not end up at Planned Parenthood to begin with

It is dangerous to state an abortion is used to end ectopic pregnancies.

Women, if you have pain in your abdomen, and it seems to get worst, go to the emergency room. If you think you need an abortion the wasted time can kill you.
Bullshit, if they knew exactly what planned parenthood does they would know exactly how to prevent pregnancy and not end up at Planned Parenthood to begin with

It is dangerous to state an abortion is used to end ectopic pregnancies.

Women, if you have pain in your abdomen, and it seems to get worst, go to the emergency room. If you think you need an abortion the wasted time can kill you.
You are giving good advice, if you are pregnant (or not) and in pain, go to the emergency soon as possible...

I've read that there is medication if early enough, to terminate your wrongly implanted and developing baby in the Fallopian tube, before it grows to the point of rupturing your tube.

The sooner you get medical emergency care, the better your chances...

I'm sorry the both of you had to go through this!
I've read that there is medication if early enough, to terminate your wrongly implanted and developing baby in the Fallopian tube, before it grows to the point of rupturing your tube.
Yes, there is medicine which is adminstered by doctors. Not 100% safe.

The only women that would get that medicine is a woman planning on getting pregnant and thus under a doctors care monitoring the pregnancy.

Most women with an ectopic pregnancy do not know they are pregnant, it happens that early in a pregnancy.

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