ED SPACER for president....but in 2016...

Ed Spacer

Jan 16, 2012
Thats my real name. Not afraid to show my identity.
I would love to jump in,but it may be too late,for that sort of undertaking right now,unless something changes.

Let me give you a bio on myself-
Son of technical applications engineer and inventor,edward t.spacer. He has three patents on semiconductor etching patterns still used to this day.(he passed in 2000.)
graduated PENNRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL 1985(gpa 3.92)
created a blueprint and architectual design which became the Harleysville National Bank and Trust,in Hatfield,PA.(my names on the cornerstone)
graduated indian valley technical college in 1987.associates degree in accounting.
graduated cecil community college,northeast,md.1989,BA,business management,and changed to architectual design.
I created and project managed several subdivisions in 1989-1991.
graduated UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE,1993,masters of liberal arts,majored in architectual and industrial design(dual major)
started my own business as an architect,designer,and contractor under AIA as design collaborative,inc.still registered in delaware architects with old address.
also,worked as a credit underwriter,then IT specialist and fraud investigator with several banks,from 1993-2005,while running my multiservice company,and conservative newsletters.
lost job at HSBC BANK due to whistleblowing(found that HSVC was doing business and had headquarters in iran,amongst other things.
focused on my design and build business,also,gave fraud symposiums to deputy commissioners for the maryland department of business licensing and regulation as a consultant.
did IT investigation for FBI,homeland security,antiterrorism.
successfully provided intel with prodigy software,and psychological patterning,to catch 28 terrorists abroad gridding their pinpoint on the WWW with the devices they were using.
City councilman ,city of middletown,de-2001-2004,helped eliminate the rown water tax,brought in LOWES,HOME DEPOT,RUBY TUESDAYS,and AUTO ZONE.
moved to holyoke,ma in 2005,got engaged,still.
Moved to georgia,became law enforcement certified,county deputy sheriff parttie,which ends this week(funding cut)and still maintaining my business as a contractor and architect.

RNC-still member,attended the 2004 convention in NYC as a delegate for the state of delaware.
if anyones read my posts,im a breakaway,and dont toe the partyline. I belive in true leadership,representing government of the people,by the people,for the peopke,as anyone whos gotten to read my proposals can see maybe im extreme but the proposals i make are needed to bring us back to the glory of BEING THE BEST nation in the world.

i know my proposals work,i need the backing and people support to make it happen. Unlike alot of people from either parties,im very transparant,and stick to my core values,and constantly grow and evolve as the individual i am. An ordinary amerucan,but,passionate,and proud.
Im also an integral part of that pajamahedeen that discovered the bush docs were faked,plus being a certified IT specialist,i also can certify that the birth doc obama offered was a FRAUD.
I also started and founded the FOUNDATION NATIONAL REFORM PARTY(symbol-lion)in 2003,reviving that too,while,still being a conservative grassroots activist,not toeing ANYLINE at all.
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Im also a musician,and can play 19 different instruments,and a graphic designer too.
Most important of all,im not an armchair.
i am making a difference.
i have proposals to eliminate government imposed redistributive taxation.
Reverse and eliminate wilsonian and FDR progessive programs like SSA and eliminate the general fund and evolve the system to citizen future investment accounts handled electively by each citizen held by the US treasury.
eliminate all foreign aid and spending.
eliminate all entitlements and invoke a cando profitable capitalist evironment for all us citizens.
eliminate illegal immigration,as well as the excuse and dependence for such by businessess.
rollback professional redistributive programs like affirmative action,where only MERIT and QUALIFICATIONS count in getting ajob.
Responsibility and control of all levels of government jurisdiction will be back in the hands of the majority vote of the people,and elected officials will only be able to act,transparantly,in a manner as to perform in such manner only,and not unto themselves. Budgetary profitability is returned directly back to the citizen government investor at each and every level of government jurisdiction.
Make it so that all socialistic communist divisioning is totalky eliminated,and that,native born,or legally naturalized,we represent ourselves,individually,equal,as AMERICAN CITIZENS.
Turns out the majority is for Obama- despite a tidal wave of Pub propaganda, but good luck. Sorry about the Pub cutbacks on do nothing government workers like cops...
Check again. Other polls show potentially crushing defeat,but i think as an ordinary american i can do better than all.
Complete elimination of the entitlement society,restore the responsible society.
Ill probably support the Republican incumbant in 2016, unless this nation is in serious danger by whomever that is. Which i doubt.
Read what im all about. Responsible immigration,checking background,affiliations,disease check,and make sure all citizen applicants have at least a high school education,and can read,write,and speak functional english.RESTORE AND ESTABLISH ENGLISH AS THE NATIONAL LANGUAGE.
It is entitlement society,thats why druggies and drunks and obese,all self inflicted prpblems,line up by the droves,trying to get SSI clsiming inability to work. Thats an entitlement society. A handout supportvstolen from someone and redistributed to those who dont earn it

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