ED SPACER for president....but in 2016...

Wow, crazy old Ed Spacer. I haven't seen you in years. I figured you were locked up in the loony bin somewhere. You seem to like posting in your own threads about as much as Mal does. Well, maybe not AS much, but close.

Read my substance.here in GA,i am making a difference,creating programs and proposals for our nation to come back to being a self reliant,responsible country,away from the entitlement society weve become.
Wow, crazy old Ed Spacer. I haven't seen you in years. I figured you were locked up in the loony bin somewhere. You seem to like posting in your own threads about as much as Mal does. Well, maybe not AS much, but close.

Read my substance.here in GA,i am making a difference,creating programs and proposals for our nation to come back to being a self reliant,responsible country,away from the entitlement society weve become.

Weren't you saying that about a decade ago?
Yes,but here in GA,i have likeminded people who support my ideas.in DE,i was constantly fighting liberals. If youd like a PDF of my proposals,i can email.....

You seem genuine. But suppose you actually won the Presidency, what then?

With no power base in Congress ( members of your own party ) both parties will work to thwart you at every turn. You will be made into a joke.

Trickle Down doesn't work economically and it won't work politically. Power must be built from the ground up. This is why a third party candidate is always destined to fail as president.

But, if you work not on an eight year plan, but a 20+ year plan, getting members of your party elected from around the country, you might actually have a chance to change things.

You will need a minimum of 20% of the Congres, both House and Senate, to have enough power to swing things into your favor.

I'm sorry to say that even if I agreed with your policies, I couldn't vote for someone who didn't understand how the Washington power structure works.

If youre serious, then adjusting your plans and building your own power structure is paramount for your success. I hope, if for no other reason it would shake the powers that be to their core, that you actually do find some success in your endeavor.

Good luck to you.
Dude. This is a thread you created, and more than half of the posts in this thread are you bumping your thread, talking about how awesome you are.

You guys read the OP?

apparently Ed lost his job at HSBC for whistle-blowing. He found out their headquarters was in Iran. I always suspected that. Good job Ed.

LOL, great stuff! Woot!



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