Edgar Killen, KKK leader who was convicted in 1964 Mississippi Burning slayings, has died in prison

All those years of keeping that scum alive and finally he gets the death penalty. Just like Charles Manson, live much longer than they should of. But hey liberals don't like the death penalty because those guilty sons of bitches could one day be them.
I’m watching the movie now. Not the first time of course but my opinion is there are hundreds maybe even thousands of white men who lynched innocent black people and didn’t deserve to live out long free happy lives but they did. This Edgar ray is just one of many evil southern men in the first half of the last century. Today their grandkids are republicans.

Yeah, maybe, but the Klan was all Democrat at one time. Remember George Wallace or Robert Byrd? Today everybody wants to be the greater negrophilist, but do you know the history here?

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years
Yes, at one time. So now you know that the parties flipped. All those Democrats back then today vote GOP.

It's obvious when you watch the movie which characters would be voting for Trump and which ones would be voting for Biden. The white racists today vote GOP.

Glad you understand history and how the parties changed/flip flopped.

Both parties are racist. Unfortunately for the Democrats ALL they have in their current offerings is a hack politician promising special shit to non-whites and the LGBTQP community if they vote for him.

I don't know much about Edgar Ray Killen, but after reading this thread his motives may not have been about murder. I really don't know, but will look it up to see what was going on through his mind.

After watching Mississippi Burning it seems like whites wanted to make sure to keep blacks scared and in their place. They couldn't look at them wrong, they couldn't wink at a white woman. They couldn't drink from the same place or eat at the same counters. Back of the bus.

What Edgar's motives were are the same motives that all whites had back then. They wish they had slavery back that's for sure. And even the people in the south who never saw a lynching but knew who was doing the lynching, was guilty. That's why I say I agreed with Nat Turner's decision to go on a killing rampage and kill every white man woman and child he could get his hands on. No white was innocent. Little Eichmanns.
troll away

You started trolling me dude with shit you would only post anonymously.
I think he was talking to me ya dumb fuks

Could be. You are following me around like a dog in heat on other threads. You don't believe in God; don't believe in your country; don't know shit about history.
All those years of keeping that scum alive and finally he gets the death penalty. Just like Charles Manson, live much longer than they should of. But hey liberals don't like the death penalty because those guilty sons of bitches could one day be them.
I’m watching the movie now. Not the first time of course but my opinion is there are hundreds maybe even thousands of white men who lynched innocent black people and didn’t deserve to live out long free happy lives but they did. This Edgar ray is just one of many evil southern men in the first half of the last century. Today their grandkids are republicans.

Yeah, maybe, but the Klan was all Democrat at one time. Remember George Wallace or Robert Byrd? Today everybody wants to be the greater negrophilist, but do you know the history here?

Before Charlottesville, Democrats voted for racist policies for more than 100 years
Yes, at one time. So now you know that the parties flipped. All those Democrats back then today vote GOP.

It's obvious when you watch the movie which characters would be voting for Trump and which ones would be voting for Biden. The white racists today vote GOP.

Glad you understand history and how the parties changed/flip flopped.

Both parties are racist. Unfortunately for the Democrats ALL they have in their current offerings is a hack politician promising special shit to non-whites and the LGBTQP community if they vote for him.

I don't know much about Edgar Ray Killen, but after reading this thread his motives may not have been about murder. I really don't know, but will look it up to see what was going on through his mind.

After watching Mississippi Burning it seems like whites wanted to make sure to keep blacks scared and in their place. They couldn't look at them wrong, they couldn't wink at a white woman. They couldn't drink from the same place or eat at the same counters. Back of the bus.

What Edgar's motives were are the same motives that all whites had back then. They wish they had slavery back that's for sure. And even the people in the south who never saw a lynching but knew who was doing the lynching, was guilty. That's why I say I agreed with Nat Turner's decision to go on a killing rampage and kill every white man woman and child he could get his hands on. No white was innocent. Little Eichmanns.
troll away

You started trolling me dude with shit you would only post anonymously.
Why is that? Do you fancy yourself as some sort of tough guy who people would be afraid of in real life?

The best way to get the answer to that question is to follow these steps:

1) Go to PM and PM the person you have a problem with

2) Tell me to name the time and the place

Now, if they didn't show up, they would no longer have any credibility, would they?
You two idiots don’t even realize you’re on the same side. Shows how much the two of you are hearing.

Most people here are so confrontational, they look for a fight first. Hell, I just told the guy if he wanted an answer to his question, there isn't but one real way to find the answer. Nobody is going to beat the shit out of you over the Internet. Those who do don't talk; those who talk don't do so the best way to arrive at the honest answer was laid out for the guy. And I'm telling people the truth: Most people being disrespectful smart asses don't act that way in public and talk that trash for an obvious reason.

Sometimes, because of a different culture (as opposed to Internet Keyboard Commandos with their Cheetos and pot induced bravado) If someone talked to you the way some posters try to talk to each other here, they were calling you out. So, I really don't know when people are too stupid to PM some guy that have a personal problem with and when they are talking trash because they lack intestinal fortitude. The only solution to find out and retain the ability to post here is to offer them options.

This childish shit of denigrating and belittling people just because you disagree with them shows that those doing so don't have a Hell of a lot going for them. I don't need to call you names nor trash talk you. The facts speak for themselves. Keyboard Commandos who cannot participate in a civil discussion are told how to arrive at the right answer IF they are trying to imply they want to challenge you. If they don't, then you overlook their abject stupidity because the name calling, stalking, and trolling are for people whose shoe size is bigger than their IQ. The guy asked me a question. I gave him an answer. On my part, the conversation is neutral at this point. He now knows where I stand and if people looking for something other than civil discourse are encouraged to use PM. Nobody really likes the never ending pissing contests when you think you're interacting with adults.
Baptist preacher as well.

Look at the hatred being spewed by those here on this thread. If hate is wrong; it is wrong. A half century ago, people thought racial integration was wrong and they would say the same thing about the destruction of the race via integration and inter-racial marriage. They had different values. For either side to think death is a net positive only says that neither side has a monopoly on human virtue.
Ahhh, the old, 'intolerance of intolerance is just as bad' schtick.

Bite me. Dishonesty seems to be a trait among those who hate white people.
And general sh1tbaggery seems to be a trait among white people who hate other races. Along with the general dishonesty in that they do not even the balls to own up to their racism.
Baptist preacher as well.

Look at the hatred being spewed by those here on this thread. If hate is wrong; it is wrong. A half century ago, people thought racial integration was wrong and they would say the same thing about the destruction of the race via integration and inter-racial marriage. They had different values. For either side to think death is a net positive only says that neither side has a monopoly on human virtue.
Ahhh, the old, 'intolerance of intolerance is just as bad' schtick.

Bite me. Dishonesty seems to be a trait among those who hate white people.
And general sh1tbaggery seems to be a trait among white people who hate other races. Along with the general dishonesty in that they do not even the balls to own up to their racism.

I don't know what sh1tbaggery is, so pardon my ignorance. I have strong reservations about what some are calling White Nationalists, the MAGA crowd (though I voted for Trump as the lesser of two evils), and those who are obsessed with the Trump wall worship thing. Right now I have no supporters of any consequence on either side. If you are accusing me of racism, then I cannot fix your ignorance. Any time someone levels that charge, the accused have been conditioned, Pavlovian style, to chant that idiotic mantra that they don't care whether you're black, white, Muslim, etc., etc. The fact is the stupid build the wall types would love to put a bullet in me, but they can't do anything from the comfort of their keyboards. Check out my posts in the immigration forum here.

I can tell you that I'm know the destiny of the white people and their history as well. These are things not taught in this New World Order. So, to stand up for the history, destiny and status quo of my ancestors leads you to think I'm a racist. I'm not offended by your ignorance. Well guess what. The racists are equally whizzed and call me names when I disagree with them. Some days you can't win for losing. I'm not sitting idly by and allowing America to become a One Race/ One Religion / One World utopia for globalists and heathen profiteers and, at the same time, I've never made my living nor got my thrills by abusing others. I did not get where I am in life on the backs of the sweat of another person.

My racial brethren walk around in total darkness. While they have an innate sense of cultural (racial) integrity, they are a servant race. For that reason, the version of White supremacy that some may believe - along with those whose ideology is double minded (again see recent posts in the immigration forum here) shows that they do not have qualified leadership. If my ancestors were racist as you allege, they probably would not have fought in world wars for the Liberty of others and never asked them for a dime. If my ancestors were racist as you are implying, I would not have come from a long line of missionaries. And, the United States sends out more missionaries than any other nation on the globe. The closest nation to us sends out only 25 percent of the number of missionaries that the U.S. does. I belong to a race that has sent TRILLIONS of dollars to help other countries; sent in our troops at no cost to fight wars in foreign countries, then assist in rebuilding. But, because they believe they are entitled to their own homeland to fulfill their destiny and preserve their culture, they were treated as animals. No wonder you had people like Killen. Extremism begat extremism. Anti-white race racists have no moral high ground. Right is Right and Wrong is Wrong. I call it like I see it. Neither side has a monopoly on human virtue and neither side has a winning strategy at this point. So, don't worry about hurting my feelings. I whiz all sides off equally. I won't defend evil from Whites nor from Blacks and not from political propaganda prostitutes that feed off the chaos, confrontations, and ugliness that accompanies unjust actions. Put simply: It doesn't matter what people call me.
Your missionaries spread hate.

For those of you who saw the movie Machine Gun Preacher (based on a true story), Tommy might just be right. You do what you have to do to save the innocent. If Tommy thinks that is hate. Okay.
Im looking at the weirdos swarming over Africa spreading homophobic shite. They have blood on their hands.

Have no idea what you're in reference to, but I'm sure you're capable of accessing that movie or at least some reviews if you were trying to imply something toward me.

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