Education Facts

Curious how double-entry accounting is 700 years old but it is too complicated for everybody.

...and there's the broken record's other tune, played over and over and over and over and over...


"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

"Science fiction!"

"Reading list!"

"Double-entry accounting!"

That's the whole playlist right there. Nothing else, ever.

Better redundant at saying something than blather about nothing. Link us to a post where you have provided useful information about anything.

How many different subjects are covered by good science fiction?

List of science fiction themes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Science fiction is used throughout this book as a springboard for discussing both the fundamental principles of science and cutting-edge science research. Short scenes from science fiction movies and television episodes are critiqued in light of our current understanding of science. Class discussion focuses on discerning the level of plausibility of the science depicted in each scene. To this end, four general categories are useful. A handful of examples from some of the best movies turn out to be solidly based on good science—the things that we see on the screen are actually known to happen, essentially as depicted or as described in the dialog. An example that falls into this first category is the relativistic time dilation described in the opening scene of the original (1967) version of the Planet of the Apes. A second category includes things which are possible in principle, but beyond our current technology. That is to say, it hasn’t happened yet, but there is nothing in the laws of science to forbid it from happening. An example is the sentient android, Commander Data, in the TV series Star Trek: The Next Generation.

I disagree with him in that I think movies and TV shows are crap compared to properly selected books.

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