Education vs Indoctrination: FDR's Depression


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
One of the differences between education and indoctrination is that education is subject to scrutiny, to thought, to defending its propositions; with indoctrination, things are just so, they are given as facts and not subject to question.

Take FDR's handling of the economy from 1933 on. We are told that Hoover was a lassiez faire capitalist who ruined the economy and FDR's New Deal saved the economy and rescued Capitalism. All total bullshit.

FDR Campaigned against Hoover saying he was a Big Government Socialist (funny, right?) The Federal Reserve actually tanked the economy by sucking out 1/3 of the money supply and started to restore it when FDR was inaugurated. The reality is that FDR did not rescue anything, he oversaw an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years.

FDR's Imaginary Economic Greatness is taught as an article of faith, not subject to question. He is given full credit for the economic growth that occurred as the Fed restored the money it stole from the economy but his Soviet style Central planning of the economy lead to 7 1/2 years of 20% unemployment never dipping below 14%. Only abating when Hitler conquered France and USA enter into WWII was all but certain.

When there's no thinking involved you can use FDR's as a base for greatness instead of record incompetence and, if not questioned, it's an error that carries through for generations!

Educated people see FDR's New Deal was a failure, the indoctrinated take it as an article of Faith that he was great and should be imitated.

See the difference?
wasting money, on (un-productive) speculation, on stocks & real-estate, generated a bubble, whose collapse bankrupted many people & businesses.

Fiscal stimulus, specifically per the advice of a leading economist of the day (Keynes), helped the US economy recover.
blame -- (un-productive) speculation
credit -- Fiscal stimulus (& Keynes)​
(everything else is logically extraneous, not directly relevant; and, by distracting from the central issues, resembles "flak" or "fans waving streamers behind the goal-posts")
wasting money, on (un-productive) speculation, on stocks & real-estate, generated a bubble, whose collapse bankrupted many people & businesses.

Fiscal stimulus, specifically per the advice of a leading economist of the day (Keynes), helped the US economy recover.
blame -- (un-productive) speculation
credit -- Fiscal stimulus (& Keynes)​
(everything else is logically extraneous, not directly relevant; and, by distracting from the central issues, resembles "flak" or "fans waving streamers behind the goal-posts")

What year did this imaginary "recovery" occur, can you point it out?

Also, in the 1930's the US economy was just beginning to see the effects of transformative technologies of electricity, wireless communication and mass production. There's no excuse for FDR's failure
:lol: Before you take the citizenship test, you have a lot to learn.
One of the differences between education and indoctrination is that education is subject to scrutiny, to thought, to defending its propositions; with indoctrination, things are just so, they are given as facts and not subject to question.

Got it, now I understand the opposition by some to the facts of climate change.

Take FDR's handling of the economy from 1933 on. We are told that Hoover was a lassiez faire capitalist who ruined the economy and FDR's New Deal saved the economy and rescued Capitalism. All total bullshit.

And Sen. Joe McCarthy really did find communists in every Federal Agency (seems like only yesterday I heard a similar 'story' from the far right.

FDR Campaigned against Hoover saying he was a Big Government Socialist (funny, right?) The Federal Reserve actually tanked the economy by sucking out 1/3 of the money supply and started to restore it when FDR was inaugurated. The reality is that FDR did not rescue anything, he oversaw an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years.

FDR was a pragmatist, born of the 1% he saw misery and tried to end it, saw greed and sought to control it, saw Fascism and defeated it. Academics have always rated his presidency in the top five; and the people elected him to the office four times.

FDR's Imaginary Economic Greatness is taught as an article of faith, not subject to question. He is given full credit for the economic growth that occurred as the Fed restored the money it stole from the economy but his Soviet style Central planning of the economy lead to 7 1/2 years of 20% unemployment never dipping below 14%. Only abating when Hitler conquered France and USA enter into WWII was all but certain.

If war is the answer why didn't the invasion and occupation of Iraq and now Afghanistan boom the economy?

When there's no thinking involved you can use FDR's as a base for greatness instead of record incompetence and, if not questioned, it's an error that carries through for generations!

Frank, it's better to leave the debate on FDR to others, you being a partisan hack (and none too bright) have no credibility with any but the echo chamber.

Educated people see FDR's New Deal was a failure, the indoctrinated take it as an article of Faith that he was great and should be imitated.

Please name the educated people (in your mind that might very well be those who completed High School)

See the difference?

Nope. I see a partisan hack who has consumed so much kool-aid his blood sugar has caused mental impairment.
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One of the differences between education and indoctrination is that education is subject to scrutiny, to thought, to defending its propositions; with indoctrination, things are just so, they are given as facts and not subject to question.

Got it, now I understand the opposition by some to the facts of climate change.

Take FDR's handling of the economy from 1933 on. We are told that Hoover was a lassiez faire capitalist who ruined the economy and FDR's New Deal saved the economy and rescued Capitalism. All total bullshit.

And Sen. Joe McCarthy really did find communists in every Federal Agency (seems like only yesterday I heard a similar 'story' from the far right.

FDR Campaigned against Hoover saying he was a Big Government Socialist (funny, right?) The Federal Reserve actually tanked the economy by sucking out 1/3 of the money supply and started to restore it when FDR was inaugurated. The reality is that FDR did not rescue anything, he oversaw an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years.

FDR was a pragmatist, born of the 1% he saw misery and tried to end it, saw greed and sought to control it, saw Fascism and defeated it. Academics have always rated his presidency in the top five; and the people elected him to the office four times.

FDR's Imaginary Economic Greatness is taught as an article of faith, not subject to question. He is given full credit for the economic growth that occurred as the Fed restored the money it stole from the economy but his Soviet style Central planning of the economy lead to 7 1/2 years of 20% unemployment never dipping below 14%. Only abating when Hitler conquered France and USA enter into WWII was all but certain.

If war is the answer why didn't the invasion and occupation of Iraq and now Afghanistan boom the economy?

When there's no thinking involved you can use FDR's as a base for greatness instead of record incompetence and, if not questioned, it's an error that carries through for generations!

Frank, it's better to leave the debate on FDR to others, you being a partisan hack (and none too bright) have no credibility with any but the echo chamber.

Educated people see FDR's New Deal was a failure, the indoctrinated take it as an article of Faith that he was great and should be imitated.

Please name the educated people (in your mind that might very well be those who completed High School)

See the difference?

Nope. I see a partisan hack who has consumed so much kool-aid his blood sugar has caused mental impairment.

1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found geniune Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.
Can it be done? Make FDR, rated by 238 noted historians and presidential scholars, less than great by simply repeating he was not great? Since historians began rating presidents FDR has been in the top three greatest presidents, and the question is why?
In a way the people of that generation also rated FDR as the greatest, electing him four times, a record likely now to stand for a long time. So both the experts and the people rated FDR as great, so the problem for conservatives is how to bring FDR down from that number one position?
Well one thing conservatives could do is elect someone better, say a Bush, Reagan, Harding, or other, but that hasn't worked yet, so they say it the great conservative president is in the future, say a Romney or even a Palin. In this area they have been pretty inept.
So the conservative campaign against FDR, usually ends up with: historians are liberal, colleges are liberal, educated people are liberal, poor people are liberal, Americans are liberal, so what does one expect from all those liberals?
But conservatives have one more big gun: liberals are like socialists, and socialists are like communists.
One of the differences between education and indoctrination is that education is subject to scrutiny, to thought, to defending its propositions; with indoctrination, things are just so, they are given as facts and not subject to question.

Got it, now I understand the opposition by some to the facts of climate change.

Take FDR's handling of the economy from 1933 on. We are told that Hoover was a lassiez faire capitalist who ruined the economy and FDR's New Deal saved the economy and rescued Capitalism. All total bullshit.

And Sen. Joe McCarthy really did find communists in every Federal Agency (seems like only yesterday I heard a similar 'story' from the far right.

FDR Campaigned against Hoover saying he was a Big Government Socialist (funny, right?) The Federal Reserve actually tanked the economy by sucking out 1/3 of the money supply and started to restore it when FDR was inaugurated. The reality is that FDR did not rescue anything, he oversaw an economy worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years.

FDR was a pragmatist, born of the 1% he saw misery and tried to end it, saw greed and sought to control it, saw Fascism and defeated it. Academics have always rated his presidency in the top five; and the people elected him to the office four times.

FDR's Imaginary Economic Greatness is taught as an article of faith, not subject to question. He is given full credit for the economic growth that occurred as the Fed restored the money it stole from the economy but his Soviet style Central planning of the economy lead to 7 1/2 years of 20% unemployment never dipping below 14%. Only abating when Hitler conquered France and USA enter into WWII was all but certain.

If war is the answer why didn't the invasion and occupation of Iraq and now Afghanistan boom the economy?

When there's no thinking involved you can use FDR's as a base for greatness instead of record incompetence and, if not questioned, it's an error that carries through for generations!

Frank, it's better to leave the debate on FDR to others, you being a partisan hack (and none too bright) have no credibility with any but the echo chamber.

Educated people see FDR's New Deal was a failure, the indoctrinated take it as an article of Faith that he was great and should be imitated.

Please name the educated people (in your mind that might very well be those who completed High School)

See the difference?

Nope. I see a partisan hack who has consumed so much kool-aid his blood sugar has caused mental impairment.

1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found genuine Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.

Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.
Nope. I see a partisan hack who has consumed so much kool-aid his blood sugar has caused mental impairment.

1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found genuine Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.

Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.

This is LOL funny. FDR put people to work in what year did the unemployment rate get under 10%, oh that would be with......drum roll please....World War 2! So the New Deal was a joke that PROLONGED the misery and then we have a WAR that got us out, and you liberals say war never solves anything, IMAGINE THAT!

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The common view among economic historians is that the Great Depression ended with the advent of World War II.

Gee you think?

2)McCarthy went after Hollywood and was RIGHT. HE just made the mistake of taking on the Defense, so all of you liberals that hate the defense department, should thank them for dicrediting a guy who was smoking commies out of Hollywood, left and right.
And I know, go ahead and tell me which Hollywood "victum" was not really a commie.
1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found genuine Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.

Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.

This is LOL funny. FDR put people to work in what year did the unemployment rate get under 10%, oh that would be with......drum roll please....World War 2! So the New Deal was a joke that PROLONGED the misery and then we have a WAR that got us out, and you liberals say war never solves anything, IMAGINE THAT!

Great Depression - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The common view among economic historians is that the Great Depression ended with the advent of World War II.

Gee you think?

2)McCarthy went after Hollywood and was RIGHT. HE just made the mistake of taking on the Defense, so all of you liberals that hate the defense department, should thank them for dicrediting a guy who was smoking commies out of Hollywood, left and right.
And I know, go ahead and tell me which Hollywood "victum" was not really a commie.

1. Study history, and look around you. See what was built by the WPA. FDR would have been able to do more but for the Supreme Court and the Conservatives of the day who put ideology above pragmatism. Did FDR make mistakes? Yep. And like Obama he did not have a road map on how to fix the mess he inherited.

Did FDR mitigate the misery of America? Did he instill a sense that Fear was the only thing our people needed to fear? FDR was a leader, a leader with a vision not a ready made ideology - like Reagan and Romney (maybe, who really knows what he will do?).

FDR put people to work. They in turn put their earnings into the economy providing jobs for others in their communities. FDR could not fix everything in his first term, nor make everything better in his second. But by 1938 the WPA employed over 3 million workers and many of their projects remain in effect and useful today.

2. In our belief system it is better to let 10 guilty persons free than to err and incarcerate 1 innocent. Not that those numbers reflect anything of the McCarthy witch hunt days. In our society people can believe what they want, vote for who they want and campaign for who they want. Or do you disagree with that?
Nope. I see a partisan hack who has consumed so much kool-aid his blood sugar has caused mental impairment.

1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found genuine Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.

Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.

I said it before, the only other person who talked so much about his intelligence was Freddo Corleone so I always think of you as USMB's Freddo.

1. The initial premise of this thread was indoctrination vs. education using the Imaginary Greatness of FDR as the centerpiece. We were taught that FDR was great. We were taught that FDR saved Capitalism and the Middle Class prospered under FDR, but when we look at the record and question instead of sane, logical answers like "the New Deal dropped unemployment to 4% within 2 years" like we could say about how Harding, Coolidge and Mellon handled a similar economic circumstance a decade before, we are given platitudes and treated as heretics. That's not education, that's faith.

What year did FDR's New Deal end the Depression?

2. Freddo, name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy. I can name many genuine 100% USSR Certified Communist spies who were outed by Sen McCarthy.
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1. In your educated opinion, what year did FDR's New Deal rescue the US economy? Did you research it at all?

2. McCarthy found genuine Verona certified Communist spies throughout the US government and the WH.

Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.

I said it before, the only other person who talked so much about his intelligence was Freddo Corleone so I always think of you as USMB's Freddo.

1. The initial premise of this thread was indoctrination vs. education using the Imaginary Greatness of FDR as the centerpiece. We were taught that FDR was great. We were taught that FDR saved Capitalism and the Middle Class prospered under FDR, but when we look at the record and question instead of sane, logical answers like "the New Deal dropped unemployment to 4% within 2 years" like we could say about how Harding, Coolidge and Mellon handled a similar economic circumstance a decade before, we are given platitudes and treated as heretics. That's not education, that's faith.

What year did FDR's New Deal end the Depression?

2. Freddo, name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy. I can name many genuine 100% USSR Certified Communist spies who were outed by Sen McCarthy.

You still don't get it. Not that I'm surprised. Keep in mind these words: "There are liears, damn liars and statistics". But I'm sure that's way over your head too.
Can it be done? Make FDR, rated by 238 noted historians and presidential scholars, less than great by simply repeating he was not great? Since historians began rating presidents FDR has been in the top three greatest presidents, and the question is why?
In a way the people of that generation also rated FDR as the greatest, electing him four times, a record likely now to stand for a long time. So both the experts and the people rated FDR as great, so the problem for conservatives is how to bring FDR down from that number one position?
Well one thing conservatives could do is elect someone better, say a Bush, Reagan, Harding, or other, but that hasn't worked yet, so they say it the great conservative president is in the future, say a Romney or even a Palin. In this area they have been pretty inept.
So the conservative campaign against FDR, usually ends up with: historians are liberal, colleges are liberal, educated people are liberal, poor people are liberal, Americans are liberal, so what does one expect from all those liberals?
But conservatives have one more big gun: liberals are like socialists, and socialists are like communists.

You just described Frank's whole tired meme, very concise and eloquent.
Before a I answer let me be clear. You're a partisan hack, not very bright and parrot the talking points of the right wing (Fascists in many respects). You lack any of the qualities of "Americana", are a callous conservatives who doesn't give a moments concern for anyone but himself. It's why I belittle you constantly, why I call Warrior an asshole at every opportunity, why I laugh at the stupidity or Willow Tree and Stephanie and become nauseas whenever I read PC's defense of conservatism.

1. FDR put people to work. The world economy was in chaos, Fascism was the growing ideology in parts of Europe and Asia as well as Communism. The threat of revolution here was real as the discrepancy between the 1% and the rest of of our people had never been greater (until possible now). Hoover sent troops to disperse the veterans of the first World War, read about the bonus army.

See: List of strikes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

FDR was calm, focused and assured the American People that fear was the only thing to fear. You and your kind use fear as a tool to gain power (Hello Reichstag fire) and hate (Hello Kristalinacht).

Open you eyes, try (in your case it will be hard work) to think about the consequence of what you believe you want.

2. McCarthy was a drunk demagogue who ruined peoples lives. An asshole, much like today's callous conservatives.

Obama's plan is to put people to work. You're to damn dumb to understand that is the ultimate solution to our economic mess. Putting more money into the hands of the few only increases the likelihood we will become a pure plutocracy, the fascism of the 21st Century.

I said it before, the only other person who talked so much about his intelligence was Freddo Corleone so I always think of you as USMB's Freddo.

1. The initial premise of this thread was indoctrination vs. education using the Imaginary Greatness of FDR as the centerpiece. We were taught that FDR was great. We were taught that FDR saved Capitalism and the Middle Class prospered under FDR, but when we look at the record and question instead of sane, logical answers like "the New Deal dropped unemployment to 4% within 2 years" like we could say about how Harding, Coolidge and Mellon handled a similar economic circumstance a decade before, we are given platitudes and treated as heretics. That's not education, that's faith.

What year did FDR's New Deal end the Depression?

2. Freddo, name one person whose life was ruined by McCarthy. I can name many genuine 100% USSR Certified Communist spies who were outed by Sen McCarthy.

You still don't get it. Not that I'm surprised. Keep in mind these words: "There are liears, damn liars and statistics". But I'm sure that's way over your head too.

Sure, Freddo.


Watch and learn how it works works with education instead of indoctrination.

"The economic situation in 1920 was grim. By that year unemployment had jumped from 4 percent to nearly 12 percent, and GNP declined 17 percent. No wonder, then, that Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover — falsely characterized as a supporter of laissez-faire economics — urged President Harding to consider an array of interventions to turn the economy around. Hoover was ignored.

Instead of "fiscal stimulus," Harding cut the government's budget nearly in half between 1920 and 1922. The rest of Harding's approach was equally laissez-faire. Tax rates were slashed for all income groups. The national debt was reduced by one-third.

...By the late summer of 1921, signs of recovery were already visible. The following year, unemployment was back down to 6.7 percent and it was only 2.4 percent by 1923."

Real numbers. Real Success. Real Greatness.
That's not a hard source, it's a source with a point of view.
That's not a hard source, it's a source with a point of view.

Dropped unemployment from 12% to 2% in 2 1/2 years is a fact.

A fact

Not opinion


It really happened

Not platitudes about saving Capitalism and the Middle Class, real events, a real record, real success

What do you have to tell us about FDR's Greatness in response?

Do you have facts to offer or just feel-good stuff you learned your whole live? You were indoctrinated.

See the difference?
Can it be done? Make FDR, rated by 238 noted historians and presidential scholars, less than great by simply repeating he was not great? Since historians began rating presidents FDR has been in the top three greatest presidents, and the question is why?
In a way the people of that generation also rated FDR as the greatest, electing him four times, a record likely now to stand for a long time. So both the experts and the people rated FDR as great, so the problem for conservatives is how to bring FDR down from that number one position?
Well one thing conservatives could do is elect someone better, say a Bush, Reagan, Harding, or other, but that hasn't worked yet, so they say it the great conservative president is in the future, say a Romney or even a Palin. In this area they have been pretty inept.
So the conservative campaign against FDR, usually ends up with: historians are liberal, colleges are liberal, educated people are liberal, poor people are liberal, Americans are liberal, so what does one expect from all those liberals?
But conservatives have one more big gun: liberals are like socialists, and socialists are like communists.

FDR was an awesome wartime Prez. No one will ever say he wasn't.

But his policies did nothing to end the GD. That was done by WW II. Hell. He taxed the shit out of business and anyone else he could tax to pay for all the Fed programs he instituted.

He in effect extended the GD.

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