EFF YOU RUBIO! He holds up the tax bill for REFUNDABLE CHILD TAX CREDIT.?

He is looking to score political points for a future Presidential run with OUR MONEY.

FUCK MARCO RUBIO he is not a conservative.


The treasury shouldnt be used for welfare.

They are low income working people. Tell the corps to pay them more.

That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?
Oh good. So you believe in women's rights. Fund the abortion now or pay for an unwanted kid for 20 years. More if they become a criminal.

He is looking to score political points for a future Presidential run with OUR MONEY.

FUCK MARCO RUBIO he is not a conservative.


The treasury shouldnt be used for welfare.

They are low income working people. Tell the corps to pay them more.

That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?
Oh good. So you believe in women's rights. Fund the abortion now or pay for an unwanted kid for 20 years. More if they become a criminal.

Its not like they don't have a choice.

Listen to yourselves for just a minute once in a while and realize just how fucked up in the head you actually are...only then can you change your weird, twisted ideologies.

You're saying that expecting piece of shit lowlifes to have protected sex is way too much to ask...yet asking others to pay for and support killing babies and or financially supporting the baby for its lifetime is a rational expectation.
Think about how fucking pathetic and ignorant that actually sounds.
The Stock Market took off after Hillary lost and not one second before!


Charts are cute

Cute? You know what's cute? You tards trying to refute facts with ignorant bluster.

, but don't take away from the fact that OVER 5 TRILLION dollars of wealth has been added to the economy since Trump won.

Can President Trump take all credit for $5.4 trillion in stock gains since election?

You know, you really should read your own links, retard:

But Trump isn’t the lone factor in stocks’ rise the past 12 months. Analysts cite an uptick in most of the world’s economies as propelling the market higher, and say the president can’t take credit for rebounds in Europe or Japan.

“He’s had the wind at his back,” says Tom Block, a policy analyst at New York-based Fundstrat Global Advisors. Trump is just being Trump, he adds.

“My take,” says Block, “is that Trump is brilliant at marketing the Trump brand.”

Trump’s self-promotion could backfire.

“Let Trump take credit, but he’ll also own it should the market ever tank,” says Axel Merk, president of Merk Investments.
Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
worried, no, doing what is right. they don't contribute to that pool of money to get a refund. fk, learn fking something.

It's like a poker pot, if you don't anti up, you don't get to play and win the pot. are you saying someone that isn't in the pot should win the poker pot? is that what you're saying?

You need to learn something dumbshit. Actually, the working poor do contribute to the tax pool. It is called the FICA tax, you know, Social Security, and they pay it from the first dollar. And every year the government tosses all that money into the very "pool" you are talking about.

Actually, the Earned Income Tax Credit is specifically structured to pay back part of that FICA tax. It was why it was first adopted and it is how it is designed. The more you earn, the more you get back, until you get to a certain point, and that is because of the increased amount of Social Security taxes PAID as incomes rise.

If you think about, parents probably deserve to get some of their Social Security tax back for EVERY FUTURE TAXPAYER they raise.

I am sorry you did not pay attention in school. Pay back part of the FICA tax? These people are paying a few hundred in taxes needed to support those programs now, and they are getting refunds of thousands of dollars.

When it comes time for these poor to retire on Social Security and go on Medicare, where will the funds come from to pay them?
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What Really Happened to the Stock Market During the Obama Years

Obama had nothing to do with the economy. What did he do? No, the feds held his hand. They kept interest rates low only raising them twice in his 8 years.

Can Obama Take the Credit?

Many market observers have pointed out that the stock market’s run under Obama may not have been all or even mostly Obama’s doing.

The 44th president of the United States got a huge assist from the Federal Reserve, which took the unusual position of keeping short-term interest rates near zero for almost the entire duration of Obama’s two terms. The Fed, in fact, only lifted rates two times — for a total of half a percentage point — near the end of the Obama administration.

A dummy could have had the same result. Which is ironically what was elected. Twice.

What did Obama do, specifically, to help the economy?
They are low income working people. Tell the corps to pay them more.

That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?

Do you understand people's situations change. Perhaps you and the OP can lobby the corps to pay more. That would help solve the problem , no?

"Corps" don't need to pay more. You people begging for more pay is just a new way to discreetly beg for more free shit.
We need fewer bottom feeders begging for less shit that's all. Run the 20-50 million wetbacks out and watch pay scales climb. Simple shit.

I am a little confused here. So, it is a problem when people demand more pay from corporations for doing the same work. But it is not a problem when corporations demand more after tax income doing the same work. This corporate tax cut is FREE MONEY. Those corporations don't do any additional work, they don't make any additional investments, they don't even have to hire a single additional person. But they get FREE MONEY. It is a government handout. So why is that not a problem?

.GOV gives "free money" to businesses to stimulate job growth and increase wages....Watch how this works:
More profit = more growth
More profit = hire wages
More profit = improved working conditions

I realize you want to spoon feed your pet humans, DaShawn, ShaQuita, Hector and Guadalupe a little more but let me show you how that works:
More welfare = a newer Cadillac
More welfare = more weed and 40's
More welfare = a new pit bull

I guess you still believe in Santa Claus too. No, more profit does not necessarily lead to more growth. Matter of fact, every time we have cut corporate taxes in the past we have seen a decline in the rate of GDP growth. Back when the corporate tax rate was north of fifty percent we consistently saw double digit GDP growth. Now, we think four percent is a kick ass rate. I promise you, when this corporate tax rate goes through three percent will be celebrated.

More profits do not lead to more hiring. Matter of fact, last time we had a tax holiday on repatriated profits most of the companies that took advantage of that provision actually LAID OFF WORKERS. Tell me, if you can achieve more "profits" doing the same amount of work and with the same number of workers, why would you hire more, especially if there was no additional DEMAND. Damn, but this is some simple shit.

And hell no, more profits sure as hell don't lead to better working conditions. What a company spends on improving the conditions of their workers is fully tax deductible. For example, if they spend an extra dollar on better toilet paper for the employee restroom and the corporate tax rate is 35%, well that extra dollar only costs them sixty-five cents in lost profits. But when the tax rate is 20% that extra dollar costs them eighty cents. So the cost of improving employee working conditions actually GOES UP when taxes are cut.

That is all basic business. And you know what else is basic business. The 40 is one of the most profitable items in the alcohol industry's inventory. And in states where it is legal, weed generates significant tax revenue and fuels jobs. Even where it is illegal that money tends to go back into the economy. New cars sales do the same, as do pit bulls that propel dog food sales and vet practices. The fact is, every single one of the things you mentioned has a greater multiplier and higher velocity than a corporate tax cut. Of course, you have no clue as to what either of those things are or how they stimulate the economy.
Dan Gilbert , a billionaire, Detroit now called Gilbertville, gets again another 250 million of tax payer money to build the highest hi rise in MI. Why does he need tax payer money, him and his billionaire friends?? Every year he has his hand out. He owns Quicken Loans , he owns most of Cleveland as well.

Corp welfare seems fine with you Cons.

Who gave him the loan? No, it wasn't anyone. He is getting tax breaks from the state which will eventually reap more money than that from taxes created by the jobs once the property is built.

You just couldn't pass up another opportunity to show your stupidity could you?

You might seek counseling for that habit as it cannot be good for your self-esteem.
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Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
worried, no, doing what is right. they don't contribute to that pool of money to get a refund. fk, learn fking something.

It's like a poker pot, if you don't anti up, you don't get to play and win the pot. are you saying someone that isn't in the pot should win the poker pot? is that what you're saying?

You need to learn something dumbshit. Actually, the working poor do contribute to the tax pool. It is called the FICA tax, you know, Social Security, and they pay it from the first dollar. And every year the government tosses all that money into the very "pool" you are talking about.

Actually, the Earned Income Tax Credit is specifically structured to pay back part of that FICA tax. It was why it was first adopted and it is how it is designed. The more you earn, the more you get back, until you get to a certain point, and that is because of the increased amount of Social Security taxes PAID as incomes rise.

If you think about, parents probably deserve to get some of their Social Security tax back for EVERY FUTURE TAXPAYER they raise.

I am sorry you did not pay attention in school. Pay back part of the FICA tax? These people are paying a few hundred in taxes needed to support those programs now, and they are getting refunds of thousands of dollars.

When it comes time for these poor to retire and go on Medicaid, where will the funds come from to pay them?

From the taxes their KIDS pay, dumbass. Exactly where retirees get their Medicare now, along with the premiums they pay. When you retire, you go on Medicare, not Medicaid. I am pretty sure my kids pay more in taxes than you make in a year.
That bill was passed by a bipartisan Congress controlled by which party?

Yeah, the economy was doing so great under Jimmy Carter that Reagan ran it into the ground. Oh, how I long for a misery index of 21.98%!

Can you ever get any facts straight in your deluded little mind?

Maj of Cons, both house and senate. Gramm–Leach–Bliley were 3 Republicans. I imagine he passed it due to stopping his impeachment. Or perhaps the economy was doing so well but I think he probably made a deal , not to get impeached.

Can you get your facts straight?

OMG, you stupid twit!

The sponsors of the bill have nothing to do with the final vote totals.

I see you chose to ignore my comment on the Misery Index because it totally destroyed that weak-assed comment of yours.


Oh the Pubs wanted freedom and they sure got it, led us right into a depression. Yes it was a Gop bill (not partisan) and congress that voted for it was GOP.

I take it you are so stupid you don't realize that you just ied and contradicted yourself in two sentences.

Still nothing on the Misery Index? I guess you are admitting that you lied on that?

GOP bill and GOP congress voted on the bill that lead us into the depression of 2008. What don't you understand. Freedom for the banks and wall street to steal money.

Let me get this straight. You are blaming a banking bill passed during the Clinton administration in 1999 for a housing bubble bursting in 2008 during the end of Bush 43's term? So Fannie and Freddie had nothing to do with it?

Why do you call it a depression? Do you not know what that terms means either?

What grade were you in when you dropped out, or when did you suffer a traumatic brain injury? No one can be this stupid without assistance.
Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
Effective tax rate is all that matters. I already posted the Bloomberg study that shows the wealthy will pay a higher effective tax rate.
He is looking to score political points for a future Presidential run with OUR MONEY.

FUCK MARCO RUBIO he is not a conservative.


The treasury shouldnt be used for welfare.

They are low income working people. Tell the corps to pay them more.

That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?

Do you understand people's situations change. Perhaps you and the OP can lobby the corps to pay more. That would help solve the problem , no?

"Corps" don't need to pay more. You people begging for more pay is just a new way to discreetly beg for more free shit.
We need fewer bottom feeders begging for less shit that's all. Run the 20-50 million wetbacks out and watch pay scales climb. Simple shit.

I am a little confused here. So, it is a problem when people demand more pay from corporations for doing the same work. But it is not a problem when corporations demand more after tax income doing the same work. This corporate tax cut is FREE MONEY. Those corporations don't do any additional work, they don't make any additional investments, they don't even have to hire a single additional person. But they get FREE MONEY. It is a government handout. So why is that not a problem?
Are you retarded? Serious question.

Keeping money they earned is not free money or a handout.

What the fuck are they teaching kids today?
What grade were you in when you dropped out, or when did you suffer a traumatic brain injury? No one can be this stupid without assistance.

I don't think she dropped out. Considering how deeply shes been indoctrinated by our liberal college system, I think she graduated, with high honors.
Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
Effective tax rate is all that matters. I already posted the Bloomberg study that shows the wealthy will pay a higher effective tax rate.

I missed that and would be interested to see it. Post it again because it doesn't make any sense. What loopholes and deductions were eliminated to offset the cut in marginal rates.
Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
Effective tax rate is all that matters. I already posted the Bloomberg study that shows the wealthy will pay a higher effective tax rate.

I missed that and would be interested to see it. Post it again because it doesn't make any sense. What loopholes and deductions were eliminated to offset the cut in marginal rates.
How Your Taxes Might Change Under the GOP Plan
Shit, the rich get a feast and you're worried about the poor getting a small crumb?
worried, no, doing what is right. they don't contribute to that pool of money to get a refund. fk, learn fking something.

It's like a poker pot, if you don't anti up, you don't get to play and win the pot. are you saying someone that isn't in the pot should win the poker pot? is that what you're saying?

You need to learn something dumbshit. Actually, the working poor do contribute to the tax pool. It is called the FICA tax, you know, Social Security, and they pay it from the first dollar. And every year the government tosses all that money into the very "pool" you are talking about.

Actually, the Earned Income Tax Credit is specifically structured to pay back part of that FICA tax. It was why it was first adopted and it is how it is designed. The more you earn, the more you get back, until you get to a certain point, and that is because of the increased amount of Social Security taxes PAID as incomes rise.

If you think about, parents probably deserve to get some of their Social Security tax back for EVERY FUTURE TAXPAYER they raise.

I am sorry you did not pay attention in school. Pay back part of the FICA tax? These people are paying a few hundred in taxes needed to support those programs now, and they are getting refunds of thousands of dollars.

When it comes time for these poor to retire and go on Medicaid, where will the funds come from to pay them?

From the taxes their KIDS pay, dumbass. Exactly where retirees get their Medicare now, along with the premiums they pay. When you retire, you go on Medicare, not Medicaid. I am pretty sure my kids pay more in taxes than you make in a year.

Considering I make nothing a year, I can almost guarantee that to be true. I did type Medicaid instead of Medicare. Mea culpa.

You can argue in circles all day long, but the poor do not deserve a refund on their payroll taxes anymore than they deserve free money from any source.

A few years back, my daughter who lives with me got her tax refund that included the EITC. Her total refund was almost dollar for dollar what I paid in taxes for that year. She lived under my roof, I watched her kids while she worked, and yet the government deemed it acceptable to give her my tax dollars just because that douche she married turned out to be a deadbeat Dad. That's criminal! I paid her EITC!

She gave me the vast majority of that refund!
The rich tax rate went from 39 to 37% and you people are acting like they cut it to zero.

Get a fucking life, or a job, so then you can start paying taxes.
They are low income working people. Tell the corps to pay them more.

That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?

Do you understand people's situations change. Perhaps you and the OP can lobby the corps to pay more. That would help solve the problem , no?

"Corps" don't need to pay more. You people begging for more pay is just a new way to discreetly beg for more free shit.
We need fewer bottom feeders begging for less shit that's all. Run the 20-50 million wetbacks out and watch pay scales climb. Simple shit.

I am a little confused here. So, it is a problem when people demand more pay from corporations for doing the same work. But it is not a problem when corporations demand more after tax income doing the same work. This corporate tax cut is FREE MONEY. Those corporations don't do any additional work, they don't make any additional investments, they don't even have to hire a single additional person. But they get FREE MONEY. It is a government handout. So why is that not a problem?
Are you retarded? Serious question.

Keeping money they earned is not free money or a handout.

What the fuck are they teaching kids today?

Please, the keep more of their money argument has no basis in Economics. It's a tired old meme. The government has the money. Corporations are required to pay taxes. It part of the cost of doing business in this country and it kind of goes along with the protections this country offers, like protection of intellectual property, infrastructure, a judicial system to protect them, the police department, the fire department that shows up if the factory catches on fire, the water system that gets them their water and the sewage system that takes away their waste. What, you think that shit is free? The question is not what are they teaching kids today, the question is how can you be so damn stupid.

So yeah, if a corporation gets a tax cut they get more money for doing NOTHING EXTRA. That is called FREE MONEY.
The rich tax rate went from 39 to 37% and you people are acting like they cut it to zero.

Get a fucking life, or a job, so then you can start paying taxes.

That two percent for the highest one percent of earners is more than SEVENTY PERCENT of the population makes WORKING THAT JOB.
That makes no sense...why would people have children if they can't afford them on their own?
Let that question simmer for a minute...now consider the ignorance.
So people get pissed at other people for not paying enough for the children they decided to have?....Think about how fucking retarded that is.
And we wonder why this nation is so fucked up and divided...we actually have people here who honestly believe it is the responsibility of others to pay for their children and their fucked up decision making.
It's unbelievable that you wacks will admit that shit in public. Gee, I wonder what type of character you are.....hmmm?

Do you understand people's situations change. Perhaps you and the OP can lobby the corps to pay more. That would help solve the problem , no?

"Corps" don't need to pay more. You people begging for more pay is just a new way to discreetly beg for more free shit.
We need fewer bottom feeders begging for less shit that's all. Run the 20-50 million wetbacks out and watch pay scales climb. Simple shit.

I am a little confused here. So, it is a problem when people demand more pay from corporations for doing the same work. But it is not a problem when corporations demand more after tax income doing the same work. This corporate tax cut is FREE MONEY. Those corporations don't do any additional work, they don't make any additional investments, they don't even have to hire a single additional person. But they get FREE MONEY. It is a government handout. So why is that not a problem?
Are you retarded? Serious question.

Keeping money they earned is not free money or a handout.

What the fuck are they teaching kids today?

Please, the keep more of their money argument has no basis in Economics. It's a tired old meme. The government has the money. Corporations are required to pay taxes. It part of the cost of doing business in this country and it kind of goes along with the protections this country offers, like protection of intellectual property, infrastructure, a judicial system to protect them, the police department, the fire department that shows up if the factory catches on fire, the water system that gets them their water and the sewage system that takes away their waste. What, you think that shit is free? The question is not what are they teaching kids today, the question is how can you be so damn stupid.

So yeah, if a corporation gets a tax cut they get more money for doing NOTHING EXTRA. That is called FREE MONEY.
Insanity. It is their money to start with. Stop being a greedy pig.

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