Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election

Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
9 million comes in at a whopping 0.057% of all registered voters in the United States.
You lost in a landslide. Stop your whining.
I heard a rumor.............that Hillary lost and she didn't get to appoint Supreme Court Justices and couldn't rig the courts........

Is it true...........WOW..............
I heard a rumor.............that Hillary lost and she didn't get to appoint Supreme Court Justices and couldn't rig the courts........

Is it true...........WOW..............
Orange POTUS you folks own. And all the appointments so far, are quite moderate.
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
9 million comes in at a whopping 0.057% of all registered voters in the United States.
You lost in a landslide. Stop your whining.
Picked-up seats in the Senate. House victory by Democrats would not be significant as compared to other midterms. But, when 19% of you new members come from one state as a result of a change in election laws...that’s usurpation of the democratic process.
Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
I don’t like post to get hijacked by other topics. My fault. I got off on a tangent about college campuses. Hate how PC and intolerant they have become though. But I feel Socialist/Democrats use them as a political tool.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
I don’t like post to get hijacked by other topics. My fault. I got off on a tangent about college campuses. Hate how PC and intolerant they have become.
Okay, I sign off, Sir.
Very good
I heard a rumor.............that Hillary lost and she didn't get to appoint Supreme Court Justices and couldn't rig the courts........

Is it true...........WOW..............
Orange POTUS you folks own. And all the appointments so far, are quite moderate.
We voted for him..............yup............you lost..............yup.............

Oh well..........maybe Hillary can get an ALMOST TROPHY..............she almost one the election.
That will cheer her up.
You guys have to get over your TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome. Trump is in trouble because he is a crook, a liar and a scammer. Not to mention flagrantly incompetent. No amount of deflection will change that.
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Picked-up seats in the Senate. House victory by Democrats would not be significant as compared to other midterms. But, when 19% of you new members come from one state as a result of a change in election laws...that’s usurpation of the democratic process.

Just a reminder...8 MILLION more people voted Dem in the mid term.

3 million more voted Dem in 2016.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg

Nice playback reflection articles. I'm starting to wonder if part of TRUMP's thinking in the Barr appointment is a follow up of the Kavanaugh appointment. Is TRUMP trying to wake up the never-TRUMP republican establishment/uniparty with these appointments?

Looking at the vastly different optics of the Bush and McCain funerals. McCain's funeral was before the Kavanaugh smear, and G. W. Bush seemed to have no issues with participating in using McCains death as a way to attack TRUMP and inextension the Office of the Presidency. I wonder if the Kavanaugh witch hunt caused Bush to have some regrets in how he has allowed himself to be used the establishment/uniparty.

It should be a wakeup call for the establishment/uniparty republicans if the left tries to smear Barr in order to keep Rosenstein in power of the Mueller investigation.

Is TRUMP trying to show the never-TRUMP republican establishment/uniparty that they have lost any power they thought they may have once had, and there is no uniparty.
Looks like the Trumpers have been triggered.

You guys have to get over your TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome. Trump is in trouble because he is a crook, a liar and a scammer. Not to mention flagrantly incompetent. No amount of deflection will change that.

What will happen when they realize, or find out, that POTUS is a Putin puppet.
Looks like the Trumpers have been triggered.

Well........that was the purpose of the thread.......just a repeat of old news that is the prep for investigation after investigation next year.........Show me the facts on how this ties to GRU....

Thanks in advance..........Were they in the room with Trump and Stormy doing it...........LOL

Or did they file taxes for some way back when.....

Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
Yes, we have the Constitution to back us up. Our founding fathers foresaw what the left would do, pack government dependent losers into cities simply to buy votes. You're corrupt and can't even see it.
You guys have to get over your TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome. Trump is in trouble because he is a crook, a liar and a scammer. Not to mention flagrantly incompetent. No amount of deflection will change that.

What will happen when they realize, or find out, that POTUS is a Putin puppet.
Obama was a puppet for the religious murderous thugs in Iran and democrats didn't seem to mind that too much. I don't think Trump has given Putin billions of cash to fund terrorism like Obungo did.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
They know how to profit from lying. People put up with it until it's about them. Then they see the light about liars. And lying is just how the DNC rolls when it loses, which is a lot and may be more as more people catch on to it. The DNC does pretty well in colleges, where they have nothing but naiveté to work with, and some professors who never had to eke out a living by serving the public rather enjoy not having to battle with the reality of people who live where the rubber hits the road.

I think to balance education, schools should not receive federal funding without half or more of their faculty having a minimum of 10 years experience in the military, with half of that being on the front lines. That's the only way you can attain a balance in world leadership, and military experience is a teacher of ethics like no other. You can't intimidate military people with blatant lies and ignorance of how the world works. That way, when the shoe drops on someone, it hits the correct target.

Also, this delegitimizing of Trump would evaporate with more realistic minds managing the university atmosphere with reality, not experimentalistic theory.

The Russia Investigation would have happened whether Clinton won or lost. Russia's intereference in the 2016 Election was an all out assault on US government, and as such, the investigation would be ongoing regardless of who sits in the White House. But had Clinton won, Comey would not have been fired to end the Russian Investigation, and there would be no need for a Special Counsel.

There would not be an ongoing Obstruction of Justice investigation, because Clinton would not be offering pardons to those who refuse to co-operate, or tweeting insults at her attorney general for recusing himself (as he was legally required to do). Or firing people who don't do violate the Constitution where she tells them to.

The Russian Investigation has NOTHING to do with Hillary Clinton and EVERYTHING to do with the criminal activity of the Trump Family in getting Dumb Donald elected, and everything they've done since they've been elected, including taking bribes from the Saudi's, the Chinese, and others. There is now a massive "pay for play" investigation going on over all of these hundreds of hotel rooms the Saudi's have been booking in the US since the election.
they didn't even try to ''hide'' their HATE--hate of America/Trump/etc
....they BLATANTLY [ unwittingly ] showed they disagreed with America's election system
...they disagreed with America's civil/FAIR/election system--meaning they are like nazis/Idi Amin/Pol Pot/thugs/bandits/etc--they want it their way= force/lies/violence/etc
Trump fucked up the corrupt gravy train of the Washington insiders.

He has to go so they can fleece the taxpayers and get power and money.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
They know how to profit from lying. People put up with it until it's about them. Then they see the light about liars. And lying is just how the DNC rolls when it loses, which is a lot and may be more as more people catch on to it. The DNC does pretty well in colleges, where they have nothing but naiveté to work with, and some professors who never had to eke out a living by serving the public rather enjoy not having to battle with the reality of people who live where the rubber hits the road.

I think to balance education, schools should not receive federal funding without half or more of their faculty having a minimum of 10 years experience in the military, with half of that being on the front lines. That's the only way you can attain a balance in world leadership, and military experience is a teacher of ethics like no other. You can't intimidate military people with blatant lies and ignorance of how the world works. That way, when the shoe drops on someone, it hits the correct target.

Also, this delegitimizing of Trump would evaporate with more realistic minds managing the university atmosphere with reality, not experimentalistic theory.

The Russia Investigation would have happened whether Clinton won or lost. Russia's intereference in the 2016 Election was an all out assault on US government, and as such, the investigation would be ongoing regardless of who sits in the White House. But had Clinton won, Comey would not have been fired to end the Russian Investigation, and there would be no need for a Special Counsel.

There would not be an ongoing Obstruction of Justice investigation, because Clinton would not be offering pardons to those who refuse to co-operate, or tweeting insults at her attorney general for recusing himself (as he was legally required to do). Or firing people who don't do violate the Constitution where she tells them to.

The Russian Investigation has NOTHING to do with Hillary Clinton and EVERYTHING to do with the criminal activity of the Trump Family in getting Dumb Donald elected, and everything they've done since they've been elected, including taking bribes from the Saudi's, the Chinese, and others. There is now a massive "pay for play" investigation going on over all of these hundreds of hotel rooms the Saudi's have been booking in the US since the election.
You really believe that crap, huh. The only cheating in 2016 was Hillary and the Democrat party to cheat Bernie out of the nomination. Why don't you investigate that?
You guys have to get over your TDS, Trump Denial Syndrome. Trump is in trouble because he is a crook, a liar and a scammer. Not to mention flagrantly incompetent. No amount of deflection will change that.

What will happen when they realize, or find out, that POTUS is a Putin puppet.
America has partnered with people hostile to it in the past. We live in a world of people who are hostile to all others. Somehow, the human race gets through it beating back the Hitlers of life. Fortunately for us, Putin's only interest is the Russian people's welfare. You can't damn a man for championing his own people, so long as he's not on a genocide kick like Saddam Hussein and as was Adolph Hitler. If I remember correctly, the Russian people ultimately sided against Herr Hitler back in the forties of the last century. The Russian people, like the rest of the human race, has made its share of mistakes, but on the other hand, it has held back its oil wealth to make them capable long into the future. They're flat out not stupid people at all. They conceded bad government for one that would tolerate free enterprise, after all, and tore the wall down themselves after conferring with past United States Presidents.

This Russia-all-bad charge is way off the mark, and the shoe doesn't fit. Yeah, it's inconvenient to deal with someone exactly like us--interested in the welfare of its own people, but I just can't demonize a people who have one more Leonardo da Vinci painting/sculpture/artworks than any other single country, plus their landmass spans two continents rather than one.

they didn't even try to ''hide'' their HATE--hate of America/Trump/etc
....they BLATANTLY [ unwittingly ] showed they disagreed with America's election system
...they disagreed with America's civil/FAIR/election system--meaning they are like nazis/Idi Amin/Pol Pot/thugs/bandits/etc--they want it their way= force/lies/violence/etc

What everyone is disagreeing with is the idea that Trump was ever qualified for the job of President. Or that he had the character or ability to carry out the job.

Trump is a thug. Has always been a thug, and this is what the country is like when it's run by a narcissistic, racist thug, with no respect for the law, or its institutions. Trump is constantly undermining the Department of Justice because he's spent his entire life fearing and hating the cops, and trying to keep from getting himself arrested or charged.

US banks won't deal with him because he was using a bankrtuptcy scam to enrich himself while screwing the banks. His history of shady dealings is undeniable.

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