Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election

Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
They know how to profit from lying. People put up with it until it's about them. Then they see the light about liars. And lying is just how the DNC rolls when it loses, which is a lot and may be more as more people catch on to it. The DNC does pretty well in colleges, where they have nothing but naiveté to work with, and some professors who never had to eke out a living by serving the public rather enjoy not having to battle with the reality of people who live where the rubber hits the road.

I think to balance education, schools should not receive federal funding without half or more of their faculty having a minimum of 10 years experience in the military, with half of that being on the front lines. That's the only way you can attain a balance in world leadership, and military experience is a teacher of ethics like no other. You can't intimidate military people with blatant lies and ignorance of how the world works. That way, when the shoe drops on someone, it hits the correct target.

Also, this delegitimizing of Trump would evaporate with more realistic minds managing the university atmosphere with reality, not experimentalistic theory.
College campuses are cesspools of indoctrination.
No. College campuses are places of higher education.
No doubt about it. However, life has a pragmatic side to it, which often gets ignored, if not marginalized and oft disdained. Many universities are funded by pragmatic conservatives whose values are perverted into wasteful or disdainful causes most unintended by the giver. It's like a theft. That's why my family's money will never go to a university that seems grounded in practicality. It only takes one or two demagogues to destroy the balance a university has when it respects both the cutting edge of science as well as the sincerity of rightfulness toward the needs of ordinary people who work so hard to make ends meet they cannot afford to send their own children to such an institution. Just look at the school in California that claims it is dedicated to ensuring that women get ahead in life. And what does it teach them? It teaches them to pervert the truth and go for the gold, including yell rape when they're not being raped, but as a method of getting attention to a pet rock project, like Madam Christine Blasey Ford feigning an abuse against an innocent man merely because he was of a different political perspective that she personally disdained, and in order to prevent him from gaining a seat on the Supreme Court which he merited, she brought up charges against him so heinous that people were convinced her blatant lies were the truth. False witness is expressly prohibited in a book that has resolved human issues for centuries because it turns people against someone who is innocent and qualified. If the best people are lied about in every instance, it boomerangs Peter's Principle into validity for promotion of the unqualified to take over jobs that take more brains than they have to meet its demands.

That defeats what America stands for.

Engaging bright instructor type people into the body of the University simply means anti-American values are less likely to bloom in the cesspools that some universities that promote such avarice as lying their butts off to get attention rather than dealing honestly and fairly with other human beings whose lives have a track record of improving other people. That's what America should always strive to be--a place of right and order, of giving and taking based on merit and cooperative efforts between unlike human beings.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Trump's supporters refuse to see this, but his behaviors have fueled much of this rage.

So, he brought much of this on himself. That was a choice he made, and continues to make.
When push comes to being shoved around by liars, a man has a right to shove back. Don't like it? awwwwwwwww
Trump's supporters refuse to see this, but his behaviors have fueled much of this rage. So, he brought much of this on himself. That was a choice he made, and continues to make.
When push comes to being shoved around by liars, a man has a right to shove back. Don't like it? awwwwwwwww
Well, you and he clearly think his way is the only way to do it.

Fine with me.
The ongoing effort is by Trump himself on twitter.
I don't follow his tweets. Did the POTUS post something??
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
They know how to profit from lying. People put up with it until it's about them. Then they see the light about liars. And lying is just how the DNC rolls when it loses, which is a lot and may be more as more people catch on to it. The DNC does pretty well in colleges, where they have nothing but naiveté to work with, and some professors who never had to eke out a living by serving the public rather enjoy not having to battle with the reality of people who live where the rubber hits the road.

I think to balance education, schools should not receive federal funding without half or more of their faculty having a minimum of 10 years experience in the military, with half of that being on the front lines. That's the only way you can attain a balance in world leadership, and military experience is a teacher of ethics like no other. You can't intimidate military people with blatant lies and ignorance of how the world works. That way, when the shoe drops on someone, it hits the correct target.

Also, this delegitimizing of Trump would evaporate with more realistic minds managing the university atmosphere with reality, not experimentalistic theory.
College campuses are cesspools of indoctrination.
No. College campuses are places of higher education.
No doubt about it. However, life has a pragmatic side to it, which often gets ignored, if not marginalized and oft disdained. Many universities are funded by pragmatic conservatives whose values are perverted into wasteful or disdainful causes most unintended by the giver. It's like a theft. That's why my family's money will never go to a university that seems grounded in practicality. It only takes one or two demagogues to destroy the balance a university has when it respects both the cutting edge of science as well as the sincerity of rightfulness toward the needs of ordinary people who work so hard to make ends meet they cannot afford to send their own children to such an institution. Just look at the school in California that claims it is dedicated to ensuring that women get ahead in life. And what does it teach them? It teaches them to pervert the truth and go for the gold, including yell rape when they're not being raped, but as a method of getting attention to a pet rock project, like Madam Christine Blasey Ford feigning an abuse against an innocent man merely because he was of a different political perspective that she personally disdained, and in order to prevent him from gaining a seat on the Supreme Court which he merited, she brought up charges against him so heinous that people were convinced her blatant lies were the truth. False witness is expressly prohibited in a book that has resolved human issues for centuries because it turns people against someone who is innocent and qualified. If the best people are lied about in every instance, it boomerangs Peter's Principle into validity for promotion of the unqualified to take over jobs that take more brains than they have to meet its demands.

That defeats what America stands for.

Engaging bright instructor type people into the body of the University simply means anti-American values are less likely to bloom in the cesspools that some universities that promote such avarice as lying their butts off to get attention rather than dealing honestly and fairly with other human beings whose lives have a track record of improving other people. That's what America should always strive to be--a place of right and order, of giving and taking based on merit and cooperative efforts between unlike human beings.
Curious, did you go to college, university, technical school??
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
Trump can't even prove he is a legitimate adult male human being. He appears to be a big baby who never grew mentally to maturity and remained a permanent petulant child.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
19% of Socialist/Democratic Party gains in House came from California alone.
United States House of Representatives elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
Trump can't even prove he is a legitimate adult male human being. He appears to be a big baby who never grew mentally to maturity and remained a permanent petulant child.
His grade school name calling won him the Republican primary. Apparently Republicans are impressed by making fun of Rand Paul's hair, and calling others names like little Marco, low energy Jeb, lyin Ted, etc.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
You are welcome
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
9 million comes in at a whopping 0.057% of all registered voters in the United States.
Socialist/Democrats and their media co-conspirators began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one. BTW...when is anyone going to investigate Clinton campaign misdeeds with regards to conspiring with DNC to undercut Sanders campaign?
How Hillary and the Democrats Played the Russia Card | RealClearPolitics
Why is it only Democrats like Clinton’s and Wasserman-Schultz that get away with scrubbing computer hard drives before turning them over to authorities? Seems like media sure treated Obama differently. They have been attacking Trump since 2016 campaign.
A Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story of the Torrid Romance Between Barack Obama and the Mainstream Media by Bernard Goldberg
"began a campaign to make Trump’s election seem illegitimate from day one."
3 million votes says that it did not Seem illegitimate. It was. The EC has your back.
And nine (9) Million more Americans voted Democrat instead of Republican for the midterms election and replaced the Republican-controlled House of Reps with a Democrat one. And they did so with full knowledge that a Democrat House of Reps would put Trump in check and lead to investigations into possible wrongdoings and foolish mistakes made by Trump and his administration.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.
Trumpers are in denial. Now, they think 9 million votes came out of California to reject, elect and replace 40 Trump supporting Representatives from all over rhe country.
19% of Socialist/Democratic Party gains in House came from California alone.
United States House of Representatives elections, 2018 - Ballotpedia
Socialist didn't win any seats. You are just making crap up or repeating a propaganda talking point.
Yep. California vote harvesting sure came in handy. So now we will have divided government and nothing will get done. But Socialist/Democrats will make fools of themselves and like Robespierre their reign of terror will come to a close. 2020 GOP will take back the House.

Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
I don’t like post to get hijacked by other topics. My fault. I got off on a tangent about college campuses. Hate how PC and intolerant they have become though. But I feel Socialist/Democrats use them as a political tool.
Conservative BS. Suppress the vote of anyone not a Cracker. BTW, republicans already showed themselves to be fools. Immigration bill passed? How about a new and cheap HCA? Pay down the debt? Yeah, POTUS hood winked all you Orange Snake Oil guzzlers. Sleep well and watch out for your 401K. He's coming for that next.
What’s any of that have to do with the effort to imply that Russia stole the election?
Everything and nothing. This is after all a politics forum.
The post was about a concerted effort to delegitimize a President and efforts to overturn an election through subterfuge.
"Effort to Delegitimize Trump 2016 Win Began Days After His Election"

Thank you for the reminder.
I don’t like post to get hijacked by other topics. My fault. I got off on a tangent about college campuses. Hate how PC and intolerant they have become.
Okay, I sign off, Sir.

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