Egypt: Alsissi Police Executed Italian Student!

You have a habit of claiming that anyone that disagrees with you is afflicted with a psychosis. That, in itself, is a psychosis. Factually, most Iranians that left Iran with the fall of the Shah, were part of the upper merchant class, mid to high level bureaucrats or government officials under the Shah. Of course they had no fear of the SAVAK, they were part of the establishment. Again, Iran is an Islamic Republic, but it is far more free than Saudi Arabia and the like. In fact, with Erdogan, Turkey is not much different than Iran. The Iranians are not shelling the Kurds of Iran these days as Erdogan is doing with the Turkish and now Syrian Kurds.

The one who has a psychoses is you. No normal person posts day in and day out around the clock like you do. As for Iranians, you do not know it all. Many left who had money and many were not well off at all. Iranians came from all different social classes to escape when those crazies took power, and Iranians are still fleeing those crazies. I see young Iranian girls working as cashiers around here who must have come with their parents, and I ask them when they left.

Well, you don't disappoint.

Are you denying that psychotic you hasn't been posting morning, afternoon and nighttime? All people have to do is check the Search feature and see how much you have posted like some maniac.

Yes, check. They will see that you post more often than I, or others you accuse.

That's right -- check, the Search option to see how Montelatici posted like there was no tomorrow. For some reason he is keeping a very low profile on one particular forum,and up until recently he would post on it all during the day and night like he had no other life. Have you been so quiet on that forum because they keep making a fool out of you or is there some other reason?

A bit of both as he is about to become "unbusy" over there, just one more of his known outbursts and PFFFFFT
You are projecting. As usual. Sally the Energizer Bunny poster.

I clicked on page 6 on the Search option just for the heck of it. It turned out to be February 10th. Going forward from this page and then backwards from it, the liar known as Montelatici posted approximately 40 times. I don't know why he wouldn't admit to this, but instead wants to blame others for posting a lot. Pick another page previous to February 10th, and at times you will see this liar posing some times 50 or more a day. Show us, liar, when I have ever posted as much as you have. I have a life, and evidently you don't. Are you going to give us a hint, liar, as to why you are keeping such a low profile on a forum that you were practically spending all day on? Maybe you have to give your fingers a rest because not only were you posting a lot there, but we really don't know how many forums you are actually on around the web. As one English poster made a remark once, you sound like someone who was on a British forum, and there could be some truth to this since you called IRosie by a term that is used in Great Britain. I believe the word was "twat." Even though Montelatici is keeping a low profile on his most favorite forum in the whole wide world, when he feels the time is ripe to begin posting there again, the readers will see the true Energizer Bunny at work. And not only the Energizer Bunny, but also the Road Runner going "Beep, beep, get out of my way so that I can finish up my 50 posts for the day."

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