Egypt: Obama Biggest Foreign Policy Fuck Up?

Egypt is just a continuation of obama's entire middle east policy fuck up. It will eventually be far worse than Viet Nam or Iraq ever was.
Bigger than Vietnam?

Bigger than Iraq?

Man you folks got no sense of proportionality.
Since he took office Obama is responsible for overseeing if not guiding the entire landscape of the Middle East into one Islamic takeover after another. All under the harmless guise of "Arab Spring" and democracy.

These countries were Islamic before Oblama, in fact they have been Islamic for hundreds of years.
No and no. I think you are the one confused. People who protested Mubarak are the same people protesting Morsi right now. They took down the dictator and supported Muslim Brotherhood against the guy Mubarak handpicked. And now they realized what a mistake it was to allow an islamist take control of, let alone government, but anything. Because islamists are like viruses, they invade. So now they are against the islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

If you look at Obama politics, he was behind the liberals, democrats and students; meaning forward thinking camp of the Egypt, the actual crowd who made the revolution in the first place, before it was stolen from them by islamists by their usual tactics, lying and betraying. This may or may not be to US interests, but I think for the interests of all for the long run.

No, you could not be any wronger or totally full of absolute shit than if you were Jake Starkey who also tried peddling the same horseshit.

Obama was behind the Muslim Brotherhood, he backed them and helped them overthrow Mubarak and come to power.

Obama had a chance to back the student protesters in Iran and instead he got them killed

Obama backed the Islamic Fundies in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now that's totally backfired

Obama has been the greatest destabilizing force in the Middle East in human history

You should not make fool of yourself criticizing your countries policies on matters that you lack of any understanding what so ever. Any Egyptian would be laughing at this comment of yours. I am no democrat nor republican, so I don't have any political agenda like yourself. I am trying to put you on the right track, because your perspective on this subject is a train wreck.

But if you don't want to learn, I would not give less shit about what you think...

Egypt under Obama's sock puppet Morsi was a disaster.

Chasing Mubarek from power was a huge, Huge, HUGE mistake.

Thankfully, instead of supporting Morsi, the military seems to be backing the forces of law and order and sanity, so there may be a happy ending yet. No thanks to Obama

No, you could not be any wronger or totally full of absolute shit than if you were Jake Starkey who also tried peddling the same horseshit.

Obama was behind the Muslim Brotherhood, he backed them and helped them overthrow Mubarak and come to power.

Obama had a chance to back the student protesters in Iran and instead he got them killed

Obama backed the Islamic Fundies in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now that's totally backfired

Obama has been the greatest destabilizing force in the Middle East in human history

You should not make fool of yourself criticizing your countries policies on matters that you lack of any understanding what so ever. Any Egyptian would be laughing at this comment of yours. I am no democrat nor republican, so I don't have any political agenda like yourself. I am trying to put you on the right track, because your perspective on this subject is a train wreck.

But if you don't want to learn, I would not give less shit about what you think...

Egypt under Obama's sock puppet Morsi was a disaster.

Chasing Mubarek from power was a huge, Huge, HUGE mistake.

Thankfully, instead of supporting Morsi, the military seems to be backing the forces of law and order and sanity, so there may be a happy ending yet. No thanks to Obama


Shows how blind you really are.

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