Egypt: Obama Biggest Foreign Policy Fuck Up?

...Hard to take seriously right?"

time's awastin'....

He could have done the same here he did to support the Iranian students: nothing


And look what happened in Iran now, Ahmadinejad lost the elections. This is a good thing, no?
Ha ha ha ha. What an imbecile. The candidates are hand picked by the "supreme leader". Two months before the elections they let all the students out early, all the controversial writers and controversial opposition members were either put under house arrest or in prison. The rest were killed or tortured. If you really think this guy is any different than Ahmadinejad, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah, you clearly know too much.

The idea behind political analysis is to put different perspectives on the table and try to have a better view on a subject because as a fact, matters are not as easy as they seem after the fact.

But for conspiracy theorists and forum trolls, everything is soooo clear and they know sooooo much, everybody else is an imbecile for not being able to realize the sooooo clear and sooooo easy to calculate outcomes. But when you look at them closely, probably they can not even get their credit card payments straight.

Mullah realized something in decades of political experience; politics require flexibility. This is an obvious driving force behind western politics. Take US. US can be a pro-war country and anti-war country at the same time. You can have a president who wants to wage wars and all of a sudden another looking for ways to end the war. This is something none of the middle east countries have, because they are lacking of democratic freedoms. Thats why once they get into any conflicts, they have to go all the way till it consumes them.

Mullah realized that and now for the sake of keeping Iran under their control, they allowed some fresh democratic air in. So now for the first time, Iran is using its inner dynamics to change the voice of the country speaking to the outside world. This is obviously much more than what they have done for the last 30 years. So this is something.

But of course you can never anticipate the outcome. It could lead to many things and maybe nothing. A hope would be a revolution driven by the youth, but islam is nothing like any other big religions in the world. Iran being shia is another big factor. Shia and sunni countries are going to have different paths for sure, cause shia and sunni are practically 2 separate religions and currently fighting to each other.

So, to make anything out of this mess needs good analytical skills and a variety of different perspectives. Not a forum troll bashing about how "ALL" the students and "ALL" the writers and "ALL" the opposition leaders of Iran, while he has no knowledge of any of their names or what they are opposing to or what their feeling are. You just read somewhere some small note how "all" of this and "all" of that happened and all your knowledge on this subject is limited to that and you think you are criticizing a president who managed to get most of the electoral votes of this country creating a political in the middle east mess that nobody was able to progress a bit in the last 100s of years.

So to summarize; you are just another guy shit himself while trying to fart, nothing more...
And look what happened in Iran now, Ahmadinejad lost the elections. This is a good thing, no?
Ha ha ha ha. What an imbecile. The candidates are hand picked by the "supreme leader". Two months before the elections they let all the students out early, all the controversial writers and controversial opposition members were either put under house arrest or in prison. The rest were killed or tortured. If you really think this guy is any different than Ahmadinejad, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah, you clearly know too much.

The idea behind political analysis is to put different perspectives on the table and try to have a better view on a subject because as a fact, matters are not as easy as they seem after the fact.

But for conspiracy theorists and forum trolls, everything is soooo clear and they know sooooo much, everybody else is an imbecile for not being able to realize the sooooo clear and sooooo easy to calculate outcomes. But when you look at them closely, probably they can not even get their credit card payments straight.

Mullah realized something in decades of political experience; politics require flexibility. This is an obvious driving force behind western politics. Take US. US can be a pro-war country and anti-war country at the same time. You can have a president who wants to wage wars and all of a sudden another looking for ways to end the war. This is something none of the middle east countries have, because they are lacking of democratic freedoms. Thats why once they get into any conflicts, they have to go all the way till it consumes them.

Mullah realized that and now for the sake of keeping Iran under their control, they allowed some fresh democratic air in. So now for the first time, Iran is using its inner dynamics to change the voice of the country speaking to the outside world. This is obviously much more than what they have done for the last 30 years. So this is something.

But of course you can never anticipate the outcome. It could lead to many things and maybe nothing. A hope would be a revolution driven by the youth, but islam is nothing like any other big religions in the world. Iran being shia is another big factor. Shia and sunni countries are going to have different paths for sure, cause shia and sunni are practically 2 separate religions and currently fighting to each other.

So, to make anything out of this mess needs good analytical skills and a variety of different perspectives. Not a forum troll bashing about how "ALL" the students and "ALL" the writers and "ALL" the opposition leaders of Iran, while he has no knowledge of any of their names or what they are opposing to or what their feeling are. You just read somewhere some small note how "all" of this and "all" of that happened and all your knowledge on this subject is limited to that and you think you are criticizing a president who managed to get most of the electoral votes of this country creating a political in the middle east mess that nobody was able to progress a bit in the last 100s of years.

So to summarize; you are just another guy shit himself while trying to fart, nothing more...
"Mullah decided to bring some fresh air of democracy"! Ha ha ha! You obviously have NO CLUE as to the medieval mindset of these Mullahs.

Did you read what I wrote at all? The candidates were handpicked by the Supreme Leader who is a religious Islamic fanatic, a dictatorial iron fisted theocrat that rules the country. Any "candidate" that doesn't tow the line is immediately sidelined in a variety of ways. Opposition members, writers, students, and protesters in Iran have been killed and tortured in the most horrific ways, I cannot even describe some of them on this board. Those are well known facts, and are generally accepted. Yet our coward president chose to do or say NOTHING when it came to uprisings in Iran.

I suggest you do some research before you spew more of your ignorant, delusional opinions.
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Obama insisted that Mubarack leave Egypt and supported the Muslim Brotherhood's choice of Morsi.

Egypt is melting down now and Morsi time is limited.

Can you believe the fucking amateur we have in the White House?

Funny, I remember it as Obama supporting elections.

And how many US troops died? How many trillions did we spend there?

Zero and Zero.

You guys just hate Obama. It's the name. It's the skin color. Just a terrible and deep seated racial hatred that drives any coherent thought from your tiny minds.
Let me refresh your memory then. Mubarak's govt. asked for time, until September to get everything organized, so that the wrong people don't take advantage of the instability and rise to power, which is exactly what happened. Our "wise" president got in front of the mic, many times, and asked Mubarak to STEP DOWN IMMEDIATELY.

In order to deceive the West and their concerns, the Islamic Brotherhood initially promised THEY WOULD NOT RUN A CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT, they are there just to "support the people of Egypt", remember that one? Obama insisted we should believe them and repeated his claims for Mubarak to step down, which he eventually did.

The Islamic Brotherhood then did a 180 and ran Morsi as their candidate, he won, and started the immediate Islamization of Egypt. How's that for a major mishandling and foreign policy fuckup?

Obama = Jimmy Carter on steroids.
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You guys just hate Obama. It's the name. It's the skin color. Just a terrible and deep seated racial hatred that drives any coherent thought from your tiny minds.
And it takes 15 posts before the race card comes out.
And look what happened in Iran now, Ahmadinejad lost the elections. This is a good thing, no?
Ha ha ha ha. What an imbecile. The candidates are hand picked by the "supreme leader". Two months before the elections they let all the students out early, all the controversial writers and controversial opposition members were either put under house arrest or in prison. The rest were killed or tortured. If you really think this guy is any different than Ahmadinejad, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah, you clearly know too much.

The idea behind political analysis is to put different perspectives on the table and try to have a better view on a subject because as a fact, matters are not as easy as they seem after the fact.

But for conspiracy theorists and forum trolls, everything is soooo clear and they know sooooo much, everybody else is an imbecile for not being able to realize the sooooo clear and sooooo easy to calculate outcomes. But when you look at them closely, probably they can not even get their credit card payments straight.

Mullah realized something in decades of political experience; politics require flexibility. This is an obvious driving force behind western politics. Take US. US can be a pro-war country and anti-war country at the same time. You can have a president who wants to wage wars and all of a sudden another looking for ways to end the war. This is something none of the middle east countries have, because they are lacking of democratic freedoms. Thats why once they get into any conflicts, they have to go all the way till it consumes them.

Mullah realized that and now for the sake of keeping Iran under their control, they allowed some fresh democratic air in. So now for the first time, Iran is using its inner dynamics to change the voice of the country speaking to the outside world. This is obviously much more than what they have done for the last 30 years. So this is something.

But of course you can never anticipate the outcome. It could lead to many things and maybe nothing. A hope would be a revolution driven by the youth, but islam is nothing like any other big religions in the world. Iran being shia is another big factor. Shia and sunni countries are going to have different paths for sure, cause shia and sunni are practically 2 separate religions and currently fighting to each other.

So, to make anything out of this mess needs good analytical skills and a variety of different perspectives. Not a forum troll bashing about how "ALL" the students and "ALL" the writers and "ALL" the opposition leaders of Iran, while he has no knowledge of any of their names or what they are opposing to or what their feeling are. You just read somewhere some small note how "all" of this and "all" of that happened and all your knowledge on this subject is limited to that and you think you are criticizing a president who managed to get most of the electoral votes of this country creating a political in the middle east mess that nobody was able to progress a bit in the last 100s of years.

So to summarize; you are just another guy shit himself while trying to fart, nothing more...

Throwing the peasants the occasional bone,has keep despots in power for century's.
And look what happened in Iran now, Ahmadinejad lost the elections. This is a good thing, no? (Alpine)

Li'l Mahmoud couldn't run for the third time, so he didn't actually lose.
And look what happened in Iran now, Ahmadinejad lost the elections. This is a good thing, no? (Alpine)

Li'l Mahmoud couldn't run for the third time, so he didn't actually lose.
Rumors are that he was also plotting a power takeover to make marginalize the Supreme Leader and his cronies absolute power, and they would have none of that.
Obama insisted that Mubarack leave Egypt and supported the Muslim Brotherhood's choice of Morsi.

Egypt is melting down now and Morsi time is limited.

Can you believe the fucking amateur we have in the White House?

What would you have suggested they have done? Support a military coup prior to Morsi being elected? And you think the outcome would have been different?
Bigger than Vietnam?

Bigger than Iraq?

Man you folks got no sense of proportionality.
Bigger than Vietnam?

Bigger than Iraq?

Man you folks got no sense of proportionality.
Since he took office Obama is responsible for overseeing if not guiding the entire landscape of the Middle East into one Islamic takeover after another. All under the harmless guise of "Arab Spring" and democracy.
Ha ha ha ha. What an imbecile. The candidates are hand picked by the "supreme leader". Two months before the elections they let all the students out early, all the controversial writers and controversial opposition members were either put under house arrest or in prison. The rest were killed or tortured. If you really think this guy is any different than Ahmadinejad, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Yeah, you clearly know too much.

The idea behind political analysis is to put different perspectives on the table and try to have a better view on a subject because as a fact, matters are not as easy as they seem after the fact.

But for conspiracy theorists and forum trolls, everything is soooo clear and they know sooooo much, everybody else is an imbecile for not being able to realize the sooooo clear and sooooo easy to calculate outcomes. But when you look at them closely, probably they can not even get their credit card payments straight.

Mullah realized something in decades of political experience; politics require flexibility. This is an obvious driving force behind western politics. Take US. US can be a pro-war country and anti-war country at the same time. You can have a president who wants to wage wars and all of a sudden another looking for ways to end the war. This is something none of the middle east countries have, because they are lacking of democratic freedoms. Thats why once they get into any conflicts, they have to go all the way till it consumes them.

Mullah realized that and now for the sake of keeping Iran under their control, they allowed some fresh democratic air in. So now for the first time, Iran is using its inner dynamics to change the voice of the country speaking to the outside world. This is obviously much more than what they have done for the last 30 years. So this is something.

But of course you can never anticipate the outcome. It could lead to many things and maybe nothing. A hope would be a revolution driven by the youth, but islam is nothing like any other big religions in the world. Iran being shia is another big factor. Shia and sunni countries are going to have different paths for sure, cause shia and sunni are practically 2 separate religions and currently fighting to each other.

So, to make anything out of this mess needs good analytical skills and a variety of different perspectives. Not a forum troll bashing about how "ALL" the students and "ALL" the writers and "ALL" the opposition leaders of Iran, while he has no knowledge of any of their names or what they are opposing to or what their feeling are. You just read somewhere some small note how "all" of this and "all" of that happened and all your knowledge on this subject is limited to that and you think you are criticizing a president who managed to get most of the electoral votes of this country creating a political in the middle east mess that nobody was able to progress a bit in the last 100s of years.

So to summarize; you are just another guy shit himself while trying to fart, nothing more...

Throwing the peasants the occasional bone,has keep despots in power for century's.

Thats so true. But whats screwed up about Egypt is that Mursi was already going down. He screwed the economy. He didnt have any more bones to throw. Military did go in just in time. He would be considered an incompetent leader driven his country to economic meltdown, but now he is a hero.

One almost would think Mursi wanted the army to take over, who knows...
Obama insisted that Mubarack leave Egypt and supported the Muslim Brotherhood's choice of Morsi.

Egypt is melting down now and Morsi time is limited.

Can you believe the fucking amateur we have in the White House?

What would you have suggested they have done? Support a military coup prior to Morsi being elected? And you think the outcome would have been different?

I suggest Obama stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (and Al Qaeda in Syria). He should have supported Mubarak.
Obama insisted that Mubarack leave Egypt and supported the Muslim Brotherhood's choice of Morsi.

Egypt is melting down now and Morsi time is limited.

Can you believe the fucking amateur we have in the White House?

What would you have suggested they have done? Support a military coup prior to Morsi being elected? And you think the outcome would have been different?

I suggest Obama stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (and Al Qaeda in Syria). He should have supported Mubarak.

But egyptian people did NOT support Mubarek Frank. How is Obama supporting Mubarek against millions of Egyptians on the streets would help the US interests?
Egypt was the first Arab country to recognize Israel, was that their unforgivable sin according to Obama?
What would you have suggested they have done? Support a military coup prior to Morsi being elected? And you think the outcome would have been different?

I suggest Obama stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (and Al Qaeda in Syria). He should have supported Mubarak.

But egyptian people did NOT support Mubarek Frank. How is Obama supporting Mubarek against millions of Egyptians on the streets would help the US interests?

You're confused; the people are protesting Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood protested Mubarak
I suggest Obama stop supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt (and Al Qaeda in Syria). He should have supported Mubarak.

But egyptian people did NOT support Mubarek Frank. How is Obama supporting Mubarek against millions of Egyptians on the streets would help the US interests?

You're confused; the people are protesting Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood protested Mubarak

No and no. I think you are the one confused. People who protested Mubarak are the same people protesting Morsi right now. They took down the dictator and supported Muslim Brotherhood against the guy Mubarak handpicked. And now they realized what a mistake it was to allow an islamist take control of, let alone government, but anything. Because islamists are like viruses, they invade. So now they are against the islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

If you look at Obama politics, he was behind the liberals, democrats and students; meaning forward thinking camp of the Egypt, the actual crowd who made the revolution in the first place, before it was stolen from them by islamists by their usual tactics, lying and betraying. This may or may not be to US interests, but I think for the interests of all for the long run.
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But egyptian people did NOT support Mubarek Frank. How is Obama supporting Mubarek against millions of Egyptians on the streets would help the US interests?

You're confused; the people are protesting Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood protested Mubarak

No and no. I think you are the one confused. People who protested Mubarak are the same people protesting Morsi right now. They took down the dictator and supported Muslim Brotherhood against the guy Mubarak handpicked. And now they realized what a mistake it was to allow an islamist take control of, let alone government, but anything. Because islamists are like viruses, they invade. So now they are against the islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

If you look at Obama politics, he was behind the liberals, democrats and students; meaning forward thinking camp of the Egypt, the actual crowd who made the revolution in the first place, before it was stolen from them by islamists by their usual tactics, lying and betraying. This may or may not be to US interests, but I think for the interests of all for the long run.

No, you could not be any wronger or totally full of absolute shit than if you were Jake Starkey who also tried peddling the same horseshit.

Obama was behind the Muslim Brotherhood, he backed them and helped them overthrow Mubarak and come to power.

Obama had a chance to back the student protesters in Iran and instead he got them killed

Obama backed the Islamic Fundies in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now that's totally backfired

Obama has been the greatest destabilizing force in the Middle East in human history
You're confused; the people are protesting Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood protested Mubarak

No and no. I think you are the one confused. People who protested Mubarak are the same people protesting Morsi right now. They took down the dictator and supported Muslim Brotherhood against the guy Mubarak handpicked. And now they realized what a mistake it was to allow an islamist take control of, let alone government, but anything. Because islamists are like viruses, they invade. So now they are against the islamist Muslim Brotherhood.

If you look at Obama politics, he was behind the liberals, democrats and students; meaning forward thinking camp of the Egypt, the actual crowd who made the revolution in the first place, before it was stolen from them by islamists by their usual tactics, lying and betraying. This may or may not be to US interests, but I think for the interests of all for the long run.

No, you could not be any wronger or totally full of absolute shit than if you were Jake Starkey who also tried peddling the same horseshit.

Obama was behind the Muslim Brotherhood, he backed them and helped them overthrow Mubarak and come to power.

Obama had a chance to back the student protesters in Iran and instead he got them killed

Obama backed the Islamic Fundies in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and now that's totally backfired

Obama has been the greatest destabilizing force in the Middle East in human history

You should not make fool of yourself criticizing your countries policies on matters that you lack of any understanding what so ever. Any Egyptian would be laughing at this comment of yours. I am no democrat nor republican, so I don't have any political agenda like yourself. I am trying to put you on the right track, because your perspective on this subject is a train wreck.

But if you don't want to learn, I would not give less shit about what you think...

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