Egypt Tortures for the USA; Snubs Kushner after U.S. cuts, delays to aid. Gotta PAY for services

Baz Ares

Gold Member
Feb 2, 2017
Egypt snubs Kushner after U.S. cuts, delays to aid
Egypt’s Foreign Ministry abruptly canceled a meeting with White House adviser Jared Kushner on Wednesday after the Trump administration cut or delayed hundreds of millions of dollars in aid over human rights concerns.

Kushner, who is also President Donald Trump’s son-in-law, stopped in Cairo as part of a Middle East tour aimed at exploring ways to revive Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.

Egypt’s top diplomat, Sameh Shoukry, was to meet with Kushner and the U.S. delegation, but a modified version of the minister’s schedule showed the meeting had been called off, shortly after Kushner’s delegation landed in Cairo.
Egypt snubs Kushner after U.S. cuts, delays to aid

:eusa_think: The Great Orange Douche wants to bring back Torture.
Congress did pass a law, after Obama EO' to stop torture
2009? But really, WE Never Stopped!

(In 2011, the Obama administration admitted that it had been holding a Somali prisoner for two months aboard a U.S. naval ship at sea for interrogation) Seems Torture is the American way, Well, still, since WWII! And before.

:happy-1: Our Contrators, still!
Black site - Wikipedia
“We Are in Tombs”
Guantánamo prisoner to testify about CIA torture ahead of 9/11 trial

:rolleyes: Like we stopped outsourcing torture!:lmao:...SOooo..:gay:.
Orange One is not paying for services provided. Egypt, Aghan,
Tortures for us. Snubs? Should have taken it to a camp.

Btw. What does the ME know about (Cowardly Jared) this little Russia Mob business assoc.?
Really, This is our Gobmint today.

All their base are ours now. Obama's "Arab Spring" made a total clusterfuck out of Egypt, Libya, Syria,and Yemen. So if they want to be in the game, they will play by our rules.


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