Egyptian media have trans of kerryrice colluding against Israel

Colluding? They're not allowed to talk with Palestinians?
Colluding? They're not allowed to talk with Palestinians?
They are allowed to talk to anyone, of course, but why lie about it. The WH and State Department claims the US had nothing to do with the drafting of the resolution or persuading any other country to vote for it, but we already know Kerry went to New Zealand to discuss what language would be acceptable to the Obama administration and Biden called Ukraine to persuade them to vote for the resolution instead of abstaining as they had planned to. Arab newspapers are reporting Kerry met with Erekat to discuss what wording Obama would support, so there is a trail of activity dating back months showing that Obama not only planned to abstain but was instrumental in orchestrating the vote.
Herman Munster, er I mean Kerry is an Idiot who messed up Syria so bad, but now we have Obama's administration blatant cooperation with The Arab brotherhood, Hezbollah, and Hamas revealing why they were timid against terrorist. We can officially no longer call people silly, ignorant, over zealous, radical, looney, or conspiracy theorist for calling Obama a terrorist.
THIS, his party inciting terrorism, and the fact he's sabotaging relations and trying to start wars with the other super powers is proving those rants right all along.
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If Egypt does have these why would they turn them over if it makes Israel look good.

Report: Egyptian Media Have Transcript of Kerry/Rice Colluding With Palestinian Authority Against Israel…

Someone in the media might very well have wanted to take vengeance against the Obama administration for having foisted the terror group the Muslim Brotherhood on Egypt for that short time period.
Egypt held free and fair elections and its Obama's fault :cuckoo:

Iraq held free and fair elections and you all crowed about how wonderful it was.
Colluding? They're not allowed to talk with Palestinians?

Huh? Yeah colluding...about sabotaging Israel in the UN, dumb fuck
If the US talks with Israel are they colluding against the Palestinians?
lol Only they are talking about how to secretly get an anti Palestinian resolution through the UN.

Or how to secretely veto a pro-Palestinian resolution.
There have been no seriously pro Palestinian resolutions, just anti Israeli resolutions. There have been some pro Palestinian political gestures, but invariably they lead to more conflict which always turns out badly for the Palestinians. The only seriously pro Palestinian resolution would be one that urged, perhaps facilitated, the formation of a unified Palestinian government that could credibly offer peace to Israel, but no resolution that is critical of the Palestinians can ever pass in the Security Council or the General Assembly.

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