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Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood

You just know that American liberals are in a fit of jealous rage over this one.
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.
The latest crackdown is further confirmation that the Muslim Brotherhood’s most hard-line elements are consolidating control in Egypt, according to Shaul Gabbay, a professor of international studies at the University of Denver.

“It will only get worse,” said Gabbay. “This has been a longstanding conflict, but now that the Muslim Brotherhood is in power, it is moving forward to implement its ideology – which is that Christians are supposed to become Muslims.
Yea, dat's a good idea - disband the Muslim Brotherhood...
Aug 17,`13 -- Egyptian authorities are considering disbanding the Muslim Brotherhood group, a government spokesman said Saturday, as security forces raided a mosque in Cairo where protesters supporting the nation's ousted president had been barricaded inside.
Here are some key events from more than two years of turmoil and transition in Egypt:

Jan. 25-Feb. 11, 2011 - Egyptians stage nationwide demonstrations against nearly 30 years of Mubarak's rule. Hundreds of protesters are killed as Mubarak and his allies try to crush the uprising.

Feb. 11 - Mubarak steps down and the military takes over. The military dissolves parliament and suspends the constitution, meeting two key demands of protesters.

Nov. 28, 2011-Feb 15, 2012 - Egypt holds multistage, weekslong parliamentary elections. In the lawmaking lower house, the Muslim Brotherhood wins nearly half the seats, and ultraconservative Salafis take another quarter. The remainder goes to liberal, independent and secular politicians. In the largely powerless upper house, Islamists take nearly 90 percent of the seats.

May 23-24, 2012 - The first round of voting in presidential elections has a field of 13 candidates. The Brotherhood's Mohammed Morsi and Ahmed Shafiq, the last prime minister under Mubarak, emerge as the top two finishers, to face each other in a runoff.


See also:

Aug 17,`13 -- Egyptian authorities are considering disbanding the Muslim Brotherhood group, a government spokesman said Saturday, once again outlawing a group that held the pinnacle of government power just more than a month earlier.
The announcement comes after security forces broke up two sit-in protests this week by those calling for the reinstatement of President Mohammed Morsi, a Brotherhood leader deposed in a July 3 coup. The clashes killed more than 600 people that day and sparked protests and violence that killed 173 people Friday alone. Cabinet spokesman Sherif Shawki said that Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi, who leads the military-backed government, assigned the Ministry of Social Solidarity to study the legal possibilities of dissolving the group. He didn't elaborate. The Muslim Brotherhood group, founded in 1928, came to power a year ago when its Morsi was elected in the country's first free presidential elections. The election came after the overthrow of autocrat Hosni Mubarak in a popular uprising in 2011.

The fundamentalist group has been banned for most of its 80-year history and repeatedly subjected to crackdowns under Mubarak's rule. While sometimes tolerated and its leaders part of the political process, members regularly faced long bouts of imprisonment and arbitrary detentions. Since Morsi was deposed in the popularly backed military coup, the Brotherhood stepped up its confrontation with the new leadership, holding sit-ins in two encampments for weeks, rallying thousands and vowing not to leave until Morsi is reinstated. On Wednesday, security authorities swept through the two protest camps, leaving hundreds killed and thousands others injured. The violent crackdown sparked days of street violence across the country where Islamist supporters stormed and torched churches and police stations.

In the most recent standoff, Egyptian security forces exchanged heavy gunfire Saturday with armed men at top of a minaret of a Cairo mosque. The security forces fired tear gas, stormed the mosque and rounded up hundreds of Islamists supporters of Morsi who had been barricaded inside overnight. The confrontations Friday - around a Brotherhood call for a "Day of Rage" - killed at least 173 people, said Shawki, the Cabinet spokesman. He said 1,330 people were wounded in the protests. Egypt's Interior Ministry said in a statement that a total of 1,004 Brotherhood members were detained in raids across the country and that weapons, bombs and ammunition were confiscated with the detainees.

Among the dead Friday was Ammar Badie, a son of Brotherhood spiritual leader Mohammed Badie, the group's political arm said in a statement. Also Saturday, authorities arrested the brother of al-Qaida chief Ayman al-Zawahri, a security official said Saturday. Mohammed al-Zawahri, leader of the ultraconservative Jihadi Salafist group, was detained at a checkpoint in Giza, the city across the Nile from Cairo, the official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity as he wasn't authorized to brief journalists about the arrest.

News from The Associated Press
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.

Where did you get that idea?

Did you read the Koran? If you did, you would know that islam reviles Jesus for claiming he was the Son of God. Jesus is described as a betrayer of allah. He was the chosen prophet and betrayed God by claiming to be his Son. That's why allah sent mohammed.
Jesus said, Ye shall know them by their fruits. Islamists have been murdering, raping, hacking to death, burning alive, crucifying and beheading Christians since the days of Mohammad. There is nothing new under the sun. They are followers of the Koran. The Koran has 109 murder verses designed specifically for the execution of christians, jews and then all other non muslims.

If Islam loved Jesus why would Muslims be murdering his followers worldwide? - Jeremiah
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.

You are correct in that Islam holds Jesus in high regard. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was not the Son of God; however, He was a prophet and all prophets, - including Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and Muhammad – are equal. It might surprise some Muslims that Islam teaches that Jesus and Muhammad were equal, but the Qur'an leaves no room for doubt.
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.

You are correct in that Islam holds Jesus in high regard. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was not the Son of God; however, He was a prophet and all prophets, - including Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and Muhammad – are equal. It might surprise some Muslims that Islam teaches that Jesus and Muhammad were equal, but the Qur'an leaves no room for doubt.

According to Islam Issa ( Islamic version of Jesus ) is coming back with Mohammad to slaughter his own brothers and sisters - the Jews first and then the Christians. Supposedly the Jews are hiding behind trees when this happens - can't remember where the Christians were hiding - up in the tree perhaps? Any which way you flip it this is not the Jesus of the bible. Mohammad has never been considered an equal prophet to other prophets but rather the greatest prophet. Ask a Muslim. They'll tell you.
And we helped get the Muslim brotherhood in office and giving them OUR MONEY GRR

How did we help to get the MB in power? Egyptians voted for them.

Right. Obama endorsed Morsi for president of Egypt. Morsi called Obama his good friend. There was an alliance between Obama and the MB already in place. Then the Egyptian people realised their mistake and demanded Morsi be ousted and he was.

This is the Muslim Brotherhood trying to force their way back into power. They need to outlaw MB as a terrorist organization and start the arrests. Enough of this. Let the will of the people be done and get the Muslim Brotherhood out of Egypt once and for all.
Why does this surprise you?

It doesnt but what pisses me off Obama helped these people in office pretty much. And we are sending them billions of dollars.

Majority of Egyptians are very Islamic in nature this was bound to happen sooner or later with our without Obama, I do agree we shouldn't be sending them money though.

That's a load of shit and you damn well know it.. Egypt has always been the most westernized (besides Israel) Middle Eastern nation and our ally up until Obozo helped to overthrow Mubarek and put HIS CHOICE in to office..
Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest | Fox News

And we helped get the Muslim brotherhood in office and giving them OUR MONEY GRR

The Muslim Brotherhood isn’t ‘in office,’ you lying nitwit.

In fact, it was their removal from power that sparked the violence.

And all of a sudden you’re having no trouble finding reports of violence against Christians in ‘the media.’

No need for the personal attack, Clayton, unless you are lost without using one.

The truth is the Muslim Brotherhood backed Morsi was overthrown - it was the will of the people who protested in the square day after day that brought that about or have you forgotten that fact?

The reason the Muslim Brotherhood is raping, murdering, burning down churches is they didn't get their way. THAT IS WHAT TERRORISTS DO WHEN THEY DON'T GET THEIR WAY. YOU SEE?

They believe that through violence they can force their way back in. I believe they are very wrong about that and soon they will be identified for the terrorist group they are and banned from their own country. The Egyptian people have obviously had enough of this and so has the rest of the world. - Jeri

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