Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood

Jeremiah wrote: The truth is the Muslim Brotherhood backed Morsi was overthrown - it was the will of the people who protested in the square day after day that brought that about or have you forgotten that fact?

The reason the Muslim Brotherhood is raping, murdering, burning down churches is they didn't get their way. THAT IS WHAT TERRORISTS DO WHEN THEY DON'T GET THEIR WAY. YOU SEE?

They believe that through violence they can force their way back in. I believe they are very wrong about that and soon they will be identified for the terrorist group they are and banned from their own country. The Egyptian people have obviously had enough of this and so has the rest of the world.

The one thing that has been proven in all this is...

... the military are the only ones who know how to truly run things in Egypt.

Eventually there will be a military strongman who will replace Mubarak who was the military strongman until he was deposed...

... then after another 40 years history will repeat itself.

The Arab middle east just plain doesn't understand democracy...

... which is why the demonstrators who protested for Mubarak's ouster...

... didn't have a 'Well, what do we do after he's gone' game plan...

... which left the door wide open for the MB who did...

... proving the maxim 'Evil triumphs when good men do nothing'.
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It doesnt but what pisses me off Obama helped these people in office pretty much. And we are sending them billions of dollars.

Majority of Egyptians are very Islamic in nature this was bound to happen sooner or later with our without Obama, I do agree we shouldn't be sending them money though.

That's a load of shit and you damn well know it.. Egypt has always been the most westernized (besides Israel) Middle Eastern nation and our ally up until Obozo helped to overthrow Mubarek and put HIS CHOICE in to office..

Indeed. 99% of the Leaders in the the Army are trained (and educated) in the US. Have been for 50 years. I have personally worked beside Egyptian Officers from time to time and they are extremely supportive of the United States.

The Military in Egypt completely understands the ramifications of radical Islam. They understand what it means for their country if these murdering terrorists are allowed to run free. They do NOT want to see another Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan and they absolutely DO NOT want to see Sharia Law take hold. It would mean another violent end to another country and one step closer to a blood bath for Israel AND the rest of the Middle East which would, most likely, end in a nuclear confrontation.

Trust me, if Egypt falls - All of the Middle East will fall and Israel will be destroyed. The Suez Canal will be closed and the rest of the world WILL be thrown into economic calamity. Extremely bad things will follow.
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In fact, it was their removal from power that sparked the violence.

Morsi and the Brotherhood (and Obama) had no qualms when Egyptians protested Mubarek and threw him out....

Now their headscarves are all in a twist because the Egyptians protested and threw THEM out....

Majority of Egyptians are very Islamic in nature this was bound to happen sooner or later with our without Obama, I do agree we shouldn't be sending them money though.

That's a load of shit and you damn well know it.. Egypt has always been the most westernized (besides Israel) Middle Eastern nation and our ally up until Obozo helped to overthrow Mubarek and put HIS CHOICE in to office..

Indeed. 99% of the Leaders in the the Army are trained (and educated) in the US. Have been for 50 years. I have personally worked beside Egyptian Officers from time to time and they are extremely supportive of the United States.

The Military in Egypt completely understands the ramifications of radical Islam. They understand what it means for their country if these murdering terrorists are allowed to run free. They do NOT want to see another Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan and they absolutely DO NOT want to see Sharia Law take hold. It would mean another violent end to another country and one step closer to a blood bath for Israel AND the rest of the Middle East which would, most likely, end in a nuclear confrontation.

Trust me, if Egypt falls - All of the Middle East will fall and Israel will be destroyed. The Suez Canal will be closed and the rest of the world WILL be thrown into economic calamity. Extremely bad things will follow.

General Sisi took part in the presitgious War College in Pennsylvania in 2006.....but he knows that an American-style democracy will not work in Egypt...he believes in a democracy based upon Islamic beliefs....he's against the autocratic style of Morsi and the Brotherhood....

He also makes it clear that he doesn't love or need the U.S....

In his view, Egypt got little support from the U.S. when Morsi turned autocratic and the Brotherhood subverted the popular will. As he bluntly told The Washington Post in a rare recent interview:

“You turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that.”

It seemed a clear message to the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and perhaps his old friends in the American military: Egypt is a country that leads—not one that will be led.

General Al-Sisi: The Man Who Now Runs Egypt - Newsweek and The Daily Beast
It doesnt but what pisses me off Obama helped these people in office pretty much. And we are sending them billions of dollars.

Majority of Egyptians are very Islamic in nature this was bound to happen sooner or later with our without Obama, I do agree we shouldn't be sending them money though.

That's a load of shit and you damn well know it.. Egypt has always been the most westernized (besides Israel) Middle Eastern nation and our ally up until Obozo helped to overthrow Mubarek and put HIS CHOICE in to office..

Iraq was more westernized.....was.
That's a load of shit and you damn well know it.. Egypt has always been the most westernized (besides Israel) Middle Eastern nation and our ally up until Obozo helped to overthrow Mubarek and put HIS CHOICE in to office..

Indeed. 99% of the Leaders in the the Army are trained (and educated) in the US. Have been for 50 years. I have personally worked beside Egyptian Officers from time to time and they are extremely supportive of the United States.

The Military in Egypt completely understands the ramifications of radical Islam. They understand what it means for their country if these murdering terrorists are allowed to run free. They do NOT want to see another Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan and they absolutely DO NOT want to see Sharia Law take hold. It would mean another violent end to another country and one step closer to a blood bath for Israel AND the rest of the Middle East which would, most likely, end in a nuclear confrontation.

Trust me, if Egypt falls - All of the Middle East will fall and Israel will be destroyed. The Suez Canal will be closed and the rest of the world WILL be thrown into economic calamity. Extremely bad things will follow.

General Sisi took part in the presitgious War College in Pennsylvania in 2006.....but he knows that an American-style democracy will not work in Egypt...he believes in a democracy based upon Islamic beliefs....he's against the autocratic style of Morsi and the Brotherhood....

He also makes it clear that he doesn't love or need the U.S....

In his view, Egypt got little support from the U.S. when Morsi turned autocratic and the Brotherhood subverted the popular will. As he bluntly told The Washington Post in a rare recent interview:

“You turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that.”

It seemed a clear message to the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and perhaps his old friends in the American military: Egypt is a country that leads—not one that will be led.

General Al-Sisi: The Man Who Now Runs Egypt - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Absolutely. The one thing that has always disturbed me about the Left is that they expect the rest of the world to "be just like us" and that is contrary to the way the world works.

Egypt has been an ally for all these years for one reason and one reason alone: stability. Egypt, since Anwar Sadat, realizes that there MUST be a certain "ambiguity" when dealing with Israel. Whether Egypt supports Israel is unimportant. In the overall Geo-political climate it is in Egypt's best interest to "leave well enough alone". Sort of "you don't screw with us and we won't screw with you". This is due primarily to the Western influence on the Military.

Unfortunately, the world has turned a blind eye to all things "Western". Anarchy is now the order of the day. The US has been caught with their pants down since George H W Bush and it continues now with Barry Obama.

Barry would rather throw his support to these "students" (sounds better than terrorists, doesn't it?) than to support the "status quo" of certain "dictators" that have maintained a relatively dormant situation in the past. After all, all these "students" want is "freedom" and "democracy". Isn't that what this poseur of a "president" that we have constantly tells us? Hell, these folks wouldn't know what to do with "freedom" if they had it. Nope. They want THEIR dictator in power. Nothing more and nothing less.

Bottom line? Egypt MUST NOT FALL. If it does, the Midle East (and Israel) will be lost. We will enter an era that this world will have never witnessed before. Let the Muslim Brotherhood close the Suez Canal and watch what happens. I promise you, it will be like nothing this world has ever seen. The Muslim Calaphate will be complete in the Middle East and they will then turn their full attention to the West. It WILL be ugly.
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Choose a Christian church with a clear field of fire but easily attackable by hordes of Muslim brother hood types. Drop in a size able SEAL team. Announce a free showing of obabbles favorite video...and wait for the mob to attack. Drone the fuckers...allahu Akbar...
Indeed. 99% of the Leaders in the the Army are trained (and educated) in the US. Have been for 50 years. I have personally worked beside Egyptian Officers from time to time and they are extremely supportive of the United States.

The Military in Egypt completely understands the ramifications of radical Islam. They understand what it means for their country if these murdering terrorists are allowed to run free. They do NOT want to see another Syria, Iraq, Iran or Afghanistan and they absolutely DO NOT want to see Sharia Law take hold. It would mean another violent end to another country and one step closer to a blood bath for Israel AND the rest of the Middle East which would, most likely, end in a nuclear confrontation.

Trust me, if Egypt falls - All of the Middle East will fall and Israel will be destroyed. The Suez Canal will be closed and the rest of the world WILL be thrown into economic calamity. Extremely bad things will follow.

General Sisi took part in the presitgious War College in Pennsylvania in 2006.....but he knows that an American-style democracy will not work in Egypt...he believes in a democracy based upon Islamic beliefs....he's against the autocratic style of Morsi and the Brotherhood....

He also makes it clear that he doesn't love or need the U.S....

In his view, Egypt got little support from the U.S. when Morsi turned autocratic and the Brotherhood subverted the popular will. As he bluntly told The Washington Post in a rare recent interview:

“You turned your back on the Egyptians, and they won’t forget that.”

It seemed a clear message to the White House, the Pentagon, the State Department, and perhaps his old friends in the American military: Egypt is a country that leads—not one that will be led.

General Al-Sisi: The Man Who Now Runs Egypt - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

Absolutely. The one thing that has always disturbed me about the Left is that they expect the rest of the world to "be just like us" and that is contrary to the way the world works.

Egypt has been an ally for all these years for one reason and one reason alone: stability. Egypt, since Anwar Sadat, realizes that there MUST be a certain "ambiguity" when dealing with Israel. Whether Egypt supports Israel is unimportant. In the overall Geo-political climate it is in Egypt's best interest to "leave well enough alone". Sort of "you don't screw with us and we won't screw with you". This is due primarily to the Western influence on the Military.

Unfortunately, the world has turned a blind eye to all things "Western". Anarchy is now the order of the day. The US has been caught with their pants down since George H W Bush and it continues now with Barry Obama.

Barry would rather throw his support to these "students" (sounds better than terrorists, doesn't it?) than to support the "status quo" of certain "dictators" that have maintained a relatively dormant situation in the past. After all, all these "students" want is "freedom" and "democracy". Isn't that what this poseur of a "president" that we have constantly tells us? Hell, these folks wouldn't know what to do with "freedom" if they had it. Nope. They want THEIR dictator in power. Nothing more and nothing less.

Bottom line? Egypt MUST NOT FALL. If it does, the Midle East (and Israel) will be lost. We will enter an era that this world will have never witnessed before. Let the Muslim Brotherhood close the Suez Canal and watch what happens. I promise you, it will be like nothing this world has ever seen. The Muslim Calaphate will be complete in the Middle East and they will then turn their full attention to the West. It WILL be ugly.

lol...."students" only having their 'Day of Rage'.....such 'innocents'....maybe Obama thinks of them like being old SDS members....

i find it disturbing that Obama sounds like the Iranian President...

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on Egyptian authorities on Thursday not to suppress the masses.

“The great people of Egypt are a great and freedom-seeking people. Do not suppress them. The way of the people is the way of democracy and Islam. Everyone in the world should respect the wishes of the Egyptian people,” Rouhani told parliament.

Iranian legislators also denounced the violence, according to the website of Iranian Press TV.

Tehran, which historically has had poor relations with Cairo, had a warm relationship with Morsi’s government, and viewed the Muslim Brotherhood as part of the “Islamic awakening” in the region.

Middle East countries split on Egypt support | JPost | Israel News
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.

You are correct in that Islam holds Jesus in high regard. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was not the Son of God; however, He was a prophet and all prophets, - including Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and Muhammad – are equal. It might surprise some Muslims that Islam teaches that Jesus and Muhammad were equal, but the Qur'an leaves no room for doubt.

According to Islam Issa ( Islamic version of Jesus ) is coming back with Mohammad to slaughter his own brothers and sisters - the Jews first and then the Christians. Supposedly the Jews are hiding behind trees when this happens - can't remember where the Christians were hiding - up in the tree perhaps? Any which way you flip it this is not the Jesus of the bible. Mohammad has never been considered an equal prophet to other prophets but rather the greatest prophet. Ask a Muslim. They'll tell you.

The Muslims I asked confirmed that Islam teaches that all the prophets including Mohammed are equal. Perhaps they base their opinion on the following verses in the Qur'an (M.H. Shakir Translation):

[2.136] Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa and Isa, and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[3.144] And Muhammad is no more than an apostle; the apostles have already passed away before him; if then he dies or is killed will you turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, he will by no means do harm to Allah in the least and Allah will reward the grateful.

[3.84] Say: We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and what was given to Musa and Isa and to the prophets from their Lord; we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit.

[4.163] Surely We have revealed to you as We revealed to Nuh, and the prophets after him, and We revealed to Ibrahim and Ismail and Ishaq and Yaqoub and the tribes, and Isa and Ayub and Yunus and Haroun and Sulaiman and We gave to Dawood Pslams

[33.40] Muhammad is not the father of any of your men, but he is the Apostle of Allah and the Last of the prophets; and Allah is cognizant of all things.

Note: Ayub is Job; Dawood is David; Haroun is Aaron; Ibraham is Abraham; Isa is Jesus; Ishaq is Isaac; Ismail is Ishmael' Musa is Moses; Nuh is Noah; Sulaiman is Solomon; Yaqoub is Jacob; and Yunun is Jonah.
I think what I want to cry about is that Islam loves Jesus.

Every thing I read makes my heart want to break. So much misunderstanding.

You are correct in that Islam holds Jesus in high regard. According to the Qur'an, Jesus was not the Son of God; however, He was a prophet and all prophets, - including Abraham, Issac, Jacob, Moses and Muhammad – are equal. It might surprise some Muslims that Islam teaches that Jesus and Muhammad were equal, but the Qur'an leaves no room for doubt.

According to Islam Issa ( Islamic version of Jesus ) is coming back with Mohammad to slaughter his own brothers and sisters - the Jews first and then the Christians. Supposedly the Jews are hiding behind trees when this happens - can't remember where the Christians were hiding - up in the tree perhaps? Any which way you flip it this is not the Jesus of the bible. Mohammad has never been considered an equal prophet to other prophets but rather the greatest prophet. Ask a Muslim. They'll tell you.

Just an FYI here's a great link for better understanding of Jesus in Islam. He is revered big time.

You can't look at the whacked out radical Islamists and their interpretations of the Koran.

Islam considers Jesus to be one of the greatest and most forbearing of prophets, in addition to Noah, Abraham, Moses and Muhammad, may God praise them. Jesus is also considered to be the Messiah as well.

This is in conformity with the Islamic view of the Oneness of God, the Oneness of Divine guidance, and the complementary role of the subsequent mission of God’s messengers.

Jesus in Islam (part 1 of 3) - The Religion of Islam
Egyptian mosque turned into house of torture for Christians after Muslim Brotherhood protest | Fox News

And we helped get the Muslim brotherhood in office and giving them OUR MONEY GRR

Fox puts the Christian spin on the story and buries the fact they were Muslims being tortured too.


Now the Foxies get all ginned up and full of impotent rage.

"Get the Muslims!!!"


You never cease to be a flaming troll.

Fox News reported this horrific story as well you asshole. Sheesh you are such a fool.

25 Egyptian policemen killed in Sinai peninsula by suspected militants
Published August 19, 2013

Egyptian security officials say suspected Islamist militants ambushed two minibuses in northern Sinai Monday, killing 25 policemen.

The officials say the attack took place as the two vehicles were driving through a village near the town of Rafah, located on the border of the Gaza Strip in the volatile Sinai Peninsula. According to authorities, the militants forced the two vehicles to stop and the policemen were ordered outside and made to lie down before they were shot execution-style. The officials said that the policemen were off-duty and in civilian clothes.

25 Egyptian policemen killed in Sinai peninsula by suspected militants | Fox News

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