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Egyptian President Calls for ‘Religious Revolution’ in Islam


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
If left up to Obama and Hillary Egypt would be a muslim brotherhood ran, radical islamic shit hole. Thankfully against Obama's wishes this guy is now in charge :thup:


JERUSALEM—In a speech on New Year’s day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in Islam that would displace violent jihad from the center of Muslim discourse.

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people (Muslims worldwide) should want to kill the rest of the world’s population—that is, 7 billion people—so that they themselves may live?” he asked. “Impossible.”

Speaking to an audience of religious scholars celebrating the birth of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, he called on the religious establishment to lead the fight for moderation in the Muslim world. “You imams (prayer leaders) are responsible before Allah. The entire world—I say it again, the entire world—is waiting for your next move because this umma (a word that can refer either to the Egyptian nation or the entire Muslim world) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”
He was speaking in Al-Azhar University in Cairo, widely regarded as the leading world center for Islamic learning.

“The corpus of texts and ideas that we have made sacred over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You must step outside yourselves and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.”

Egyptian President Calls for 8216 Religious Revolution 8217 in Islam Washington Free Beacon
If left up to Obama and Hillary Egypt would be a muslim brotherhood ran, radical islamic shit hole. Thankfully against Obama's wishes this guy is now in charge :thup:


JERUSALEM—In a speech on New Year’s day, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in Islam that would displace violent jihad from the center of Muslim discourse.

“Is it possible that 1.6 billion people (Muslims worldwide) should want to kill the rest of the world’s population—that is, 7 billion people—so that they themselves may live?” he asked. “Impossible.”

Speaking to an audience of religious scholars celebrating the birth of Islam’s prophet, Mohammed, he called on the religious establishment to lead the fight for moderation in the Muslim world. “You imams (prayer leaders) are responsible before Allah. The entire world—I say it again, the entire world—is waiting for your next move because this umma (a word that can refer either to the Egyptian nation or the entire Muslim world) is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.”
He was speaking in Al-Azhar University in Cairo, widely regarded as the leading world center for Islamic learning.

“The corpus of texts and ideas that we have made sacred over the years, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. You cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You must step outside yourselves and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.”

Egyptian President Calls for 8216 Religious Revolution 8217 in Islam Washington Free Beacon

, I wish him well.
Looks like others are joining in the call:

Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah Extremists Harm Islam More Than Cartoons

BEIRUT (AP) — The leader of the Lebanese Hezbollah group says Islamic extremists have insulted Islam and the Prophet Muhammad more than those who published satirical cartoons mocking the religion.

Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah did not directly mention the Paris attack on the offices of Charlie Hebdo that left 12 people dead, but he said Islamic extremists who behead and slaughter people — a reference to the IS group's rampages in Iraq and Syria — have done more harm to Islam than anyone else in history.
You know..........if the terrorists wanted to stop Charlie Hebdo, they sure screwed it up. Not only has the magazine increased its run from 600,000 to 3 MILLION, but everyone in the world wants to see those cartoons.

They didn't stop them, they only increased their influence, and in doing so, have given Islam and Mohammed a black eye.

If your deity is so fragile that it can't handle satire, then maybe you should get a different one.
If left up to Obama and Hillary Egypt would be a muslim brotherhood ran, radical islamic shit hole. Thankfully against Obama's wishes this guy is now in charge
Are you ignorant of al_Sisi's record on protecting journalists?
"Mr Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed have spent a year in jail after being arrested in December 2013 and later sentenced to between seven and 10 years in prison on charges of collaborating with the banned Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by the military in 2013.

"The three insist that they are innocent and that they were simply reporting the news."

BBC News - Egypt President Sisi urged to free al-Jazeera reporter
If left up to Obama and Hillary Egypt would be a muslim brotherhood ran, radical islamic shit hole. Thankfully against Obama's wishes this guy is now in charge
Are you ignorant of al_Sisi's record on protecting journalists?
"Mr Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed have spent a year in jail after being arrested in December 2013 and later sentenced to between seven and 10 years in prison on charges of collaborating with the banned Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by the military in 2013.

"The three insist that they are innocent and that they were simply reporting the news."

BBC News - Egypt President Sisi urged to free al-Jazeera reporter

Granted that more has to be done by General Al Sisi when it comes to reform, but his speech is a start. He was very brave to say what he did because he set himself up to be assassinated by some Muslim extremist. You see how the clerics who are preaching non violence are beaten or killed, so who knows who will try to get to him. Let's us hope that he stays safe and perhaps we will see in the near future more reforms in Egypt.

George Will Give Sisi the Nobel Peace Prize National Review Online?
They made the cartoonists into martyrs. Bad move on their part. I hope this new out speaking on radical muslims works.
Granted that more has to be done by General Al Sisi when it comes to reform, but his speech is a start.
Al-Sisi is a war criminal to those of us who haven't forgotten his role in the Rabba massacre and how that lead him to becoming "president" of Egypt:

"One year ago today, Egyptian forces opened fire on a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo. Tens of thousands of people had camped in the square to protest the ouster of democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi. Over the course of a single day, in what became known as the Rabaa massacre, Egyptian forces killed at least 817 people. Now, Human Rights Watch has unveiled a new report that concludes Egypt’s actions likely constituted a crime against humanity, one of the worst violations of international law. The report puts the massacre on par with China’s infamous massacre of unarmed protesters at Tiananmen Square."

Obviously someone George Will would nominate for a "peace" prize.

Worse Than Tiananmen 1st Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of 800 Anti-Coup Protesters Democracy Now
Granted that more has to be done by General Al Sisi when it comes to reform, but his speech is a start.
Al-Sisi is a war criminal to those of us who haven't forgotten his role in the Rabba massacre and how that lead him to becoming "president" of Egypt:

"One year ago today, Egyptian forces opened fire on a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo. Tens of thousands of people had camped in the square to protest the ouster of democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi. Over the course of a single day, in what became known as the Rabaa massacre, Egyptian forces killed at least 817 people. Now, Human Rights Watch has unveiled a new report that concludes Egypt’s actions likely constituted a crime against humanity, one of the worst violations of international law. The report puts the massacre on par with China’s infamous massacre of unarmed protesters at Tiananmen Square."

Obviously someone George Will would nominate for a "peace" prize.

Worse Than Tiananmen 1st Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of 800 Anti-Coup Protesters Democracy Now

Liberals seem love the radical islamist, with all their women's rights and homosexual tolerance no wonder:cuckoo:

. Thank you President Al- sisi:thup:

Liberals seem love the radical islamist, with all their women's rights and homosexual tolerance no wonde
Conservatives seem to fall for psychopathic killers with lots of medals on their chest who orchestrate crimes like those that occurred at Rabbas Square in Cairo
"AMY GOODMAN: You’re naming names of those responsible.

KENNETH ROTH: We certainly are. In fact, I mean, two of the names—well, one is currently President Sisi, who a year ago was the defense minister and the deputy prime minister for security affairs. He was overall in charge. The person who was designated to run the operation was the still current interior minister, Mohamed Ibrahim. And what’s interesting is, Minister Ibrahim, going into the massacre, anticipated thousands of dead.

"As your correspondent just noted, there had been a couple of incidents just in the prior month, where, you know, 90 protesters were killed here, 60 there, so they knew that violence was going to be a real risk. They nonetheless—despite what happened, Ibrahim said, the day after, everything had gone exactly according to plan."

Worse Than Tiananmen 1st Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of 800 Anti-Coup Protesters Democracy Now
Granted that more has to be done by General Al Sisi when it comes to reform, but his speech is a start.
Al-Sisi is a war criminal to those of us who haven't forgotten his role in the Rabba massacre and how that lead him to becoming "president" of Egypt:

"One year ago today, Egyptian forces opened fire on a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo. Tens of thousands of people had camped in the square to protest the ouster of democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi. Over the course of a single day, in what became known as the Rabaa massacre, Egyptian forces killed at least 817 people. Now, Human Rights Watch has unveiled a new report that concludes Egypt’s actions likely constituted a crime against humanity, one of the worst violations of international law. The report puts the massacre on par with China’s infamous massacre of unarmed protesters at Tiananmen Square."

Obviously someone George Will would nominate for a "peace" prize.

Worse Than Tiananmen 1st Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of 800 Anti-Coup Protesters Democracy Now

Well, maybe it takes someone who has walked in the shoes of Mohammad, who was both a military leader who ordered the very strong armed attacks in warfare against enemies, that the Jihadists cite, in order to build an empire, but for civilian life preaches peace.

Maybe it takes someone like that to have the authority to order fighters to stand down, and to explain when the rules of warfare apply and when they do not in civilian peacetime.

George Bush has also served as a leader declaring warfare, and commanding troops who are at times given instructions to enter shoot and kill without questions or due process. So in those situations, even US soldiers are under military rules of combat that don't apply to citizens in peacetime where due process is required before punishing or executing someone for a crime.

In other contexts, Bush can volunteer in the church community and promote peace and compassionate outreach to help those in need. So the same person in two different contexts can order killing or teach charity for all people.

Same with Mohammad and his followers.

We need to agree on which rules apply to which contexts and stick to that.
Not take things out of context and exercise them or impose them on others.

Maybe it will take leaders who have done both to work out such agreements.
The leaders have to be consistent, and can't violate the rules they enforce.

We all have to help each other by getting on the same page and enforcing common principles,
including agreeing on the different contexts and keeping those separate. If Jihadists want to
rule by strong armed force without check, then we need to set up a realms where they can do
that amongst each other who AGREE that is the right context for that authority to be executed.

And not exercise that "out of context" in realms of society where the rules of peacetime apply.
Well, maybe it takes someone who has walked in the shoes of Mohammad, who was both a military leader who ordered the very strong armed attacks in warfare against enemies, that the Jihadists cite, in order to build an empire, but for civilian life preaches peace.
I admire your willingness to consider the nuances of administering the monopoly of violence in today's complex political environment; however, it's hard for me to look at what al-Sisi has done since coming to power in Egypt as anything except a naked power grab while groveling before the world's only superpower:
"Obama is scheduled to meet with al-Sisi during the Egyptian president’s inaugural visit to the United Nations General Assembly.

"Al-Sisi has already asked Obama for more assistance – including military hardware – to combat terrorism in the Middle East, but Obama should press concerns about Egypt’s human rights abuses, including the widespread jailing of political opponents, mass death sentences, and lack of accountability for the killing of more than 1,000 protesters by security forces in July and August 2013, Human Rights Watch said.

"Human Rights Watch raised these concerns in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 31."
Egypt Obama Should Speak Out on Rights Human Rights Watch
Well, maybe it takes someone who has walked in the shoes of Mohammad, who was both a military leader who ordered the very strong armed attacks in warfare against enemies, that the Jihadists cite, in order to build an empire, but for civilian life preaches peace.
I admire your willingness to consider the nuances of administering the monopoly of violence in today's complex political environment; however, it's hard for me to look at what al-Sisi has done since coming to power in Egypt as anything except a naked power grab while groveling before the world's only superpower:
"Obama is scheduled to meet with al-Sisi during the Egyptian president’s inaugural visit to the United Nations General Assembly.

"Al-Sisi has already asked Obama for more assistance – including military hardware – to combat terrorism in the Middle East, but Obama should press concerns about Egypt’s human rights abuses, including the widespread jailing of political opponents, mass death sentences, and lack of accountability for the killing of more than 1,000 protesters by security forces in July and August 2013, Human Rights Watch said.

"Human Rights Watch raised these concerns in a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry on March 31."
Egypt Obama Should Speak Out on Rights Human Rights Watch

Dear georgephillip
All I know is that in order to make peace, all people have to agree on the process, including people who in the past made war.

All people are included in the peacemaking process. We all have to work together to form a worldwide agreement.

=============== ADDED afterwards sorry:
From the individual level one-on-one, to a global collective scale.

So in the process of organizing masses of people, some people will follow leader X and be in that group; others will follow leader Y and be under another. We cannot keep arguing whose leader should be in charge; why not let each person or group follow the leader of their choice.

And then treat all leaders and groups equally as in charge of their own membership.
We can be at peace within our groups and quit imposing on others.

The people who are CHOSEN FREELY who can mediate and keep agreements BETWEEN the groups can manage on that level. It is more a matter of organizing, and not competing between different groups for power.

Only the leaders who are trusted and chosen by multiple groups will end up in positions consulting between them. People who aren't trusted by more than their own group will be limited to just the levels of people who agree to their leadership, so this issue will check itself.
Last edited:
If left up to Obama and Hillary Egypt would be a muslim brotherhood ran, radical islamic shit hole. Thankfully against Obama's wishes this guy is now in charge
Are you ignorant of al_Sisi's record on protecting journalists?
"Mr Greste, Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed have spent a year in jail after being arrested in December 2013 and later sentenced to between seven and 10 years in prison on charges of collaborating with the banned Muslim Brotherhood after the overthrow of President Mohammed Morsi by the military in 2013.

"The three insist that they are innocent and that they were simply reporting the news."

BBC News - Egypt President Sisi urged to free al-Jazeera reporter
Granted that more has to be done by General Al Sisi when it comes to reform, but his speech is a start.
Al-Sisi is a war criminal to those of us who haven't forgotten his role in the Rabba massacre and how that lead him to becoming "president" of Egypt:

"One year ago today, Egyptian forces opened fire on a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo. Tens of thousands of people had camped in the square to protest the ouster of democratically elected President Mohamed Morsi. Over the course of a single day, in what became known as the Rabaa massacre, Egyptian forces killed at least 817 people. Now, Human Rights Watch has unveiled a new report that concludes Egypt’s actions likely constituted a crime against humanity, one of the worst violations of international law. The report puts the massacre on par with China’s infamous massacre of unarmed protesters at Tiananmen Square."

Obviously someone George Will would nominate for a "peace" prize.

Worse Than Tiananmen 1st Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of 800 Anti-Coup Protesters Democracy Now

It appears that Gaza George has a big problem in giving Al-Sisi credit for speaking up as he did. We realize he has not been an angel and more changes have to be made in Egypt, but at least this was a start, especially when you realize how members of the Brotherhood and other Muslim extremists are always at it when it comes to the Coptic Christians who would love to see their fellow Muslim citizens more tolerant toward them. Has Gaza George ever taken the time to inform us of what is happening in other Muslim Middle East countries when it comes to reporters and bloggers? Say, have the leaders in places like Saudi Arabia or Iran ever given speeches on the order of the one given by General Al Sisi? Maybe we missed them, and Gaza George will bring us up to date.
nly the leaders who are trusted and chosen by multiple groups will end up in positions consulting between them. People who aren't trusted by more than their own group will be limited to just the levels of people who agree to their leadership, so this issue will check itself.
Where do political parties fit into your narrative?
It appears that Gaza George has a big problem in giving Al-Sisi credit for speaking up as he did.
Actions speak louder than...?

Billions of $$$ in US aid?

While you are sitting safely in front of your computer in your little subsidized apartment, many in the world think that it was an act of tremendous bravery on the part of General Al Sisi in saying what he did. Regardless of your trying to put him down (naturally you could never be as brave) and we all realize that changes have to be made in Egypt, why not leave your comfort zone one Sunday and ask one of your neighbors who probably knows little or no English but who, unlike you, is a hard working fellow.............
¿Qué autobús debo tomar a la Coptic iglesia

When you get to the church, ask the parishioners how they feel about General Al Sisi.
It appears that Gaza George has a big problem in giving Al-Sisi credit for speaking up as he did.
Actions speak louder than...?

Billions of $$$ in US aid?
Unfortunately the fact of the matter is that some of those billions have been spent on military hardware. If a hardline Muslim government got their hands on that Egypt alone could throw the Middle East into chaos, more chaos. (I am not going to provide a link but I invite anyone who wants to to check Egypt's arsenal.) If Al Sisi falls IS gets a windfall of firepower.
While you are sitting safely in front of your computer in your little subsidized apartment, many in the world think that it was an act of tremendous bravery on the part of General Al Sisi in saying what he did.
There was absolutely no bravery required for the corrupt authoritarian al-Sisi to make his hypocritical defense of free speech when his administration murders or jails opponents, and orders his Prime Minister to ban any foreign publication "offensive to religion." You would have be even more ignorant than I thought if you honestly believe al-Sisi is anything more than gangster with powerful friends.

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