Egypt's Freedom Fighters: Obama the Fascist

Egypt, with its suspension of the Constitution, has been used as a "drill" for what is to take place in the United States. Consider it a giant experiment.

Remember how Obama made a sneak visit to Egypt one day before Morsee declared himself dictator and suspended the Constitution?

Get real.

The United States Military would not go along with something like that and any president who ordered it would promptly find himself in a Prison Cell.

Grow up

I'm sure they'll find a convenient excuse to send 99% of our military overseas before they pull that trick. Then they'll bring in UN/foreign soldiers.
Well, the military has just done the "coup" thing yet again...wonder who Barry will support now??

If I'm not mistaken, we just sent the Egyptian military all sorts of goodies. Now it seems they're returning the favor. Who's laughing now?

"We" ???

I wasn't asked.

Did Heir Obama just make a declaration to do so? I thought he was "transparent," like a piece of shit?

the Stuttering Clusterfukk waived Human Rights and democracy requirements in order to send his buoy, Morsi, a shitload of Military Aid -- $1.6 Billion worth ($1,600,000,000) at taxpayor expense.

The ugly bitch, Hitlery was knee-deep in it as well, starting the process a year earlier.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration has waived the conditional human rights string attached to Egypt’s $1.3 billion in U.S. military support for 2013.

In a letter to Congress last month, Secretary of State John Kerry noted the Egyptian military’s long partnership in promoting Mideast peace. He said aid helps protect Egypt’s borders, Suez Canal shipping and Israeli security against extremists in Gaza and the Sinai Peninsula.

After Hosni Mubarak’s overthrow in 2011, Congress mandated that assistance to Egypt be conditional on progress in on a democratic transition there. However, it allowed the administration to waive the requirement on national security grounds.


(Reuters) – Secretary of State John Kerry quietly acted last month to give Egypt $1.3 billion in U.S. military aid, deciding that this was in the national interest despite Egypt’s failure to meet democracy standards.

Kerry made the decision well before an Egyptian court this week convicted 43 democracy workers, including 16 Americans, in what the United States regards as a politically motivated case against pro-democracy non-governmental organizations.

Rights groups believe Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi is retreating from democratic freedoms, notably in a new civil society law and in proposals for judicial reform that critics see as a way to purge judges perceived as hostile to the government.

Despite stating in a May 9 memo that “we are not satisfied with the extent of Egypt’s progress and are pressing for a more inclusive democratic process and the strengthening of key democratic institutions,” Kerry said the aid should go forward.

Under U.S. law, for the $1.3 billion to flow the secretary of state must certify that the Egyptian government “is supporting the transition to civilian government, including holding free and fair elections, implementing policies to protect freedom of expression, association and religion, and due process of law.”

dimocraps fukk up everything they touch every time
Egypt, with its suspension of the Constitution, has been used as a "drill" for what is to take place in the United States. Consider it a giant experiment.

Remember how Obama made a sneak visit to Egypt one day before Morsee declared himself dictator and suspended the Constitution?

Get real.

The United States Military would not go along with something like that and any president who ordered it would promptly find himself in a Prison Cell.

Grow up

I'm sure they'll find a convenient excuse to send 99% of our military overseas before they pull that trick. Then they'll bring in UN/foreign soldiers. :eusa_drool:


Take yer meds
I'm so fed up with all the Muslim countries that I think we should no longer medal, and let them have at it. The politics of it all are so convuluted ; the impetus is always covert. Simple question with foriegn affairs - how does this help all Americans. Simple cogent cause, and effect litmus test. If it can't be explained in a coulple of sentences, it's a bunch of shit!

I wouldn't give a damn if they elected a grand ayatollah. I think Obama is going to do whatever that is not in the interest of America or Israel with all his foriegn interest - no muslim country is are friend, and we can annihilate any of them at will.

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