Egypt's Freedom Fighters: Obama the Fascist

ANOTHER rw rant/bukkake-fest thread by LGS.
Just look at the usual suspects who have replied. :puke3: You could save the maudes a lot of headaches by just starting your rants in the Badlands
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Now the entire world can see what we as conservatives have been saying all along. This man is a FASCIST, a thug, a Terrorist sympathizing goon and his zombies drink and lap his dirty bath water for freebies.

I actually think Obama is an Accidental Fascist.

His true pathology is being an Incompetent Accomplishment-Free Narcissist. He's a vessel that true socialist-fascist-statist ideologues use to further their campaign against America. They feed his ego and he does their bidding.

I don't know.. I don't agree with that. Yesterday Mark Levin went in to who Barack Obama aligned himself with during his community organizing years. They were all terrorist/fascist sympathizers. I believe he has a true love for sharia and would welcome it here in the US. His utter contempt for Israel and his latest clusterfuck on Egypt says a lot about this man.

Obama has never accomplished anything. He's the guy who has been along for the ride. The fascist sympathizers flattered his ego and used him as a tool. They still are.
I actually think Obama is an Accidental Fascist.

His true pathology is being an Incompetent Accomplishment-Free Narcissist. He's a vessel that true socialist-fascist-statist ideologues use to further their campaign against America. They feed his ego and he does their bidding.

I don't know.. I don't agree with that. Yesterday Mark Levin went in to who Barack Obama aligned himself with during his community organizing years. They were all terrorist/fascist sympathizers. I believe he has a true love for sharia and would welcome it here in the US. His utter contempt for Israel and his latest clusterfuck on Egypt says a lot about this man.

Obama has never accomplished anything. He's the guy who has been along for the ride. The fascist sympathizers flattered his ego and used him as a tool. They still are.

This is true^^^^
Oil (WTI Crude) just broke $100 a bbl.

Thanks, dickbreath. Strangling oil production on Federal lands, killing exploration permits, stopping the keystone pipeline and supporting THE WORST MidEast policy since another clueless dimocrap -- Jimmy the Peanut.

You get the government you deserve, people.

Mark Levin explains why Odumbo is siding with Terrorists.:

Levin: Obama likes the Muslim Brotherhood | The Daily Caller

Levin & the Daily Caller. You eXtreme rw-types are sooo transparent :rofl:.

BTW- love looking at your rant threads :thup: LGS:


All you got is personal attacks?

Care to address the substance of the thread first? Then maybe you can toss insults around. But to lead with them in a 'content free' post?


I have that old geeze on ignore.. Have for a very long time and you're spot on. He never answers to the substance of the thread, just spews and attacks.
Just more proof this boy King is a complete and abject FOOL not to mention DESPISED worldwide by just about everyone. You librul Zombies have really screwed up this time.


Where did the photos come from?
Downtown "Deep South USA"?

WHAT you Hiding?

The cons seems to ignore reality.

"Street in Dar es Salaam to be renamed in Obama’s honor"

Obama sees Africa as next economic success | News - Home

"Bush Street Renamed Obama Street in San Francisco"

Bush Street Renamed Obama Street in San Francisco

Oh, and lets not forget THE WORLD BODY gave him the Peace Prize because,



"Obama's re-election: What the world thinks".
Obama's re-election: What the world thinks - CBS News
Care to address the substance of the thread first? Then maybe you can toss insults around. But to lead with them in a 'content free' post?


"substance" when the thread is *cough* "sourced" from Levin & The Daily Caller? Be serious.
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Here's your freedom fighters.

Dutch journalist raped in Egypt's Tahrir Square amid new wave of sexual violence against women - World - DNA

Same as the old freedom fighters.

A group of five men raped a Dutch journalist in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square as millions of protestors took to streets demanding the ouster of President Mohammed Morsi.

The journalist is believed to have undergone surgery for horrific injuries sustained in the attack, as a volunteer vigilante group formed to protect women in Tahrir Square said it recorded the highest number of rape attempts on Sunday.

Yep. The American version was Lara Logan whose liberal newspaper Employer didn't even defend her and forgot about her after the gang rape in Tahrir's Square ( where she was reporting the news ) as if she was disgarded trash. Very sad story.
Care to address the substance of the thread first? Then maybe you can toss insults around. But to lead with them in a 'content free' post?


"substance" when the thread is *cough* "sourced" from Levin & The Daily Caller? Be serious.

Then bring your own sources or shut the fukk up.

This thread is touching on the very fact that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is ignoring the absolutely HORRIBLE job done by the Stuttering Clusterfukk and his equally incompetent former Sec State, Hitlery Clinton.

We're losing the MidEast. And it's the Stuttering Clusterfukk's fault. And it's Hitlery's fault.

And nothing hates a vacuum more than Hegemony.

If Russia sees an opportunity to move in and turn the whole area into a bunch of Russian Satellite Countries.... They will.

So will the Chinese.

All the hard work by the Greatest President in Galactic History, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the continuing efforts by George H W Bush and by G W Bush, not to mention the fighting and dying by America's heroes in the US Military are being flushed down the toilet by this regime.

I'm not sure at this time if it's because the Stuttering Cluaterfukk hates America or if he's just an incompetent fool -- As are most dimocraps.

But I think it's more because he hates America (see his 'Apology Tour') and thinks we're just bad, nasty imperialists.

We're going to pay this.

Unfortunately, ALL of us will pay, not just the scumbags that voted for obama. ALL of us.

You watch. I'm virtually never wrong about these things.
All the hard work by the Greatest President in Galactic History, Ronald Wilson Reagan, the continuing efforts by George H W Bush and by G W Bush, not to mention the fighting and dying by America's heroes in the US Military are being flushed down the toilet by this regime.

^ :tinfoil:

The Gipper? The guy who tripled the national debt, gave amnesty to millions, armed the mujahadeen, invited the taliban to the WH, AND raised taxes? THAT Ronnie? :rofl:

You are forcing my hand to put you on iggie w/ your tinfoiler posts. I'll give you a day or two more before deciding. I'm not wasting another mouse, scroll-wheel on a rw 'tard.
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