Egypt's Freedom Fighters: Obama the Fascist

Ever notice how libruls just simply lie and spread propaganda? They can NEVER back up anything they say.. Just temper tantrums of boy-love for Obama LOL

You used phony cites that don't address my statement. I said Obama did not campaign for Morsi's election, but all the "evidence" you provided was after-the-fact. Are you lying or just have poor comprehension skills? :eusa_eh:
BREAKING: Egyptian TV Says Morsi Under House Arrest – Update: Travel Ban Placed On Muslim Brotherhood Leaders – Update: Top Morsi Aide: “Call This By Its Real Name – A Military Coup”…

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Update: He also predicts “considerable bloodshed.”

For Immediate Release, July 3, 2013:

As I write these lines I am fully aware that these may be the last lines I get to post on this page.

For the sake of Egypt and for historical accuracy, let’s call what is happening by its real name: Military coup.

It has been two and a half years after a popular revolution against a dictatorship that had strangled and drained Egypt for 30 years.

That revolution restored a sense of hope and fired up Egyptians’ dreams of a future in which they could claim for themselves the same dignity that is every human being’s birthright. [...]

Today only one thing matters. In this day and age no military coup can succeed in the face of sizeable popular force without considerable bloodshed. Who among you is ready to shoulder that blame?
this is going to have blood shed....Thats sad too. No way the Muslim brotherhood just gives up. Terrorists never just give up they wait to stab a baby in the back and call it justice.
This is obama's buoy. Has been from the beginning. The douche-nozzles on the left will try to deny it, then the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM will embargo it, then hope things settle down, wait as long as possible and use their usual tactic of, "What difference does it make now?"

This is 100% on obama. 100%


People are going to die, lots, we're very possibly going to lose the MidEast and this is completely on obama.

morsi-supporter thread? changing governments after autocratic rule is rarely a quick & clean process rightards.
Well, the military has just done the "coup" thing yet again...wonder who Barry will support now??
Well, the military has just done the "coup" thing yet again...wonder who Barry will support now??

If I'm not mistaken, we just sent the Egyptian military all sorts of goodies. Now it seems they're returning the favor. Who's laughing now?

Well, we'll no doubt see WHO they decide to use these "goodies" on, now won't we?

Believe it or not, I trust the military. I have worked with several members of the Egyptian Army over the years. A large portion of the military leaders are trained in the US (or at least they used to be) and are very capable.

It's not the military that concerns me in Egypt. Instability breeds chaos.
Not only have they turned against Obama but there's no love there for Patterson, the US Ambassador.

Well, the military has just done the "coup" thing yet again...wonder who Barry will support now??

If I'm not mistaken, we just sent the Egyptian military all sorts of goodies. Now it seems they're returning the favor. Who's laughing now?

The echo-wingers are amazing in that they all howl in unison the same bull shit.

Part time patriots willing to side with any foreign movement as long as they oppose Obama!
So lessee, the Stuttering Clusterfukk fukked up Iraq (fukked up the 'Status of Forces' agreement (some [including me] say on purpose), fukked up Asscrackistan, fukked up Syria, fukked up Libya, fukked up Yemen, fukked up Sudan, fukked up Egypt, Israel is so pissed off they can't see straight, Iran is laughing in our faces, Putin is practically spitting in our eye and.....

The complete and utter douche who was in charge when all this took place wants to run for president on the dimocrap ticket.

Same shit, different day.

And oh..... the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM is in full 'Damage Control' mode for the piece of shit in the White House

Same shit, different day
Obams should be pulling out all the stops to get Patterson out of there, unless he intends that she follow Chris Stevens. Stevens was at least well thought of by some Libyans. Patterson is despised by everyone.
Egypt, with its suspension of the Constitution, has been used as a "drill" for what is to take place in the United States. Consider it a giant experiment.

Remember how Obama made a sneak visit to Egypt one day before Morsee declared himself dictator and suspended the Constitution?
Egypt, with its suspension of the Constitution, has been used as a "drill" for what is to take place in the United States. Consider it a giant experiment.

Remember how Obama made a sneak visit to Egypt one day before Morsee declared himself dictator and suspended the Constitution?

Get real.

The United States Military would not go along with something like that and any president who ordered it would promptly find himself in a Prison Cell.

Grow up
Well, the military has just done the "coup" thing yet again...wonder who Barry will support now??

If I'm not mistaken, we just sent the Egyptian military all sorts of goodies. Now it seems they're returning the favor. Who's laughing now?

"We" ???

I wasn't asked.

Did Heir Obama just make a declaration to do so? I thought he was "transparent," like a piece of shit?

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