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Eid Al-Adha

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was the last and final messenger of Allah, and he was sent to all of mankind. Allah sent him with a number of miracles, not the least of which was the Quran. The predictions and prophecies of Muhammad (peace be upon him) have come true even in this century and the Quran has been used to convince even scientists of the existence of Allah.
Do you know what puzzles me in this story? All prophets since Abraham were Jews. Jesus also was a Jew. And then, suddenly, God chooses someone among nomads of Arabia to be a prophet. It seems somewhat strange and out of order.
many of the prophets came to the jwes
for reform corruption, disobedience and rebellion, so they needed reform always.A corrupt society always needs a lot of efforts of preachers and reformers, and physical and psychological diseases, if spread and spread in a society, it needs more doctors and therapists.

The Jews accused Jesus peace be upon him many false accusations, magic and madness ,
They also accused the mother of Jesus, peace be upon him Mary by adultery and that he was born illegitimate -
The Jews accused
And many other prophets and other distortion of the Torah
God sent them the prophet Jesus, but the Christians also distortion of the gospel
And Allah punished them
The message turned to the Arabs to keep the Word of God unchanged

The point is that the race, tribe, clan, lineage, ethnicity have no meaning whatsoever, it is only the personal character and accomplishments of an individual that matter. It is individuals that are good or bad, not a race. That is why Islam strongly and unequivocally condemns and rejects any racial thoughts or attitudes. It strongly declares that all human beings are the same in nature, have the same potentials and the same rights and responsibilities, only personal goodness of a person makes him or her better. Any thought or approach in racial or ethnic terms would infuriate the Prophet, who regarded such an attitude as un-Islamic ignorance, and so bitter that would spoil the oceans of water.
the Prophet himself who declared: No Arab is better than non-Arab or vice versa; and no one red/white is better than black or vice versa, except in terms of personal Taqwa (goodness).

The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It doesn’t make sense that God sent Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, and then all of a sudden he says he is in a Trinity and that you must believe in Jesus to be saved.

The truth is that Jesus preached the same message that the Prophets in the Old Testament preached. There is a passage in the Bible which really emphasizes his core message. A man came to Jesus and asked “Which is the first commandment of all?”Jesus answered, “The first of all the commandments is Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’’[Mark 12:28-29]. So the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said ‘I am God, worship me’, but he didn’t. He merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.

Some people claim that Jesus came to die for the sins of the world. But consider the following statement of Jesus: This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent. I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.[John 17:3-4]. Jesus said this before he was caught and taken to be crucified. It is clear from this verse that Jesus did not come to die for the sins of the world, as he finished the work God gave him before he was taken to be crucified.

Also Jesus said “salvation is of the Jews” [John 4:22]. So according to this we don’t need to believe in the Trinity or that Jesus died for our sins to attain salvation since the Jews don’t have these beliefs.
5. The Early Christians

Historically there were many sects in early Christianity who had a range of beliefs regarding Jesus[1]. Some believed Jesus was God, others believed Jesus was not God but partly divine, and yet others believed he was a human being and nothing more. Trinitarian Christianity which is the belief that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in three persons became the dominant sect of Christianity, once it was formalized as the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th Century. Christians who denied Jesus being God were persecuted by the Roman Authorities[2]. From this point onwards the Trinitarian belief became widespread amongst Christians. There were various movements in early Christianity which denied the Trinity, among the more well known of them is Adoptionism and Arianism.

Dr Jerald Dirks who is an expert on early Christianity had this to say on the subject: Early Christianity was quite conflicted about the issue of the nature of Jesus. The various Adoptionist positions within early Christianity were numerous and at times dominate. One can even speculate that Arian and Nestorian Christianity might well be an extremely sizable source within Christianity today, if it were not for the fact that these two branches of Christianity, which were located primarily in the middle east and in North Africa were so similar to the Islamic teaching regarding the nature of Jesus that they quite naturally were absorbed into Islam at the beginning of the seventh century.”[3]

Since there were so many sects in early Christianity, each with different beliefs about Jesus and with their own versions of the Bible, which one can we say was following the true teachings of Jesus?

It doesn’t make sense that God sends countless Prophets like Noah, Abraham and Moses to tell people to believe in one God, and then suddenly sends a radically different message of the Trinity which contradicts his previous Prophets teachings. It is clear that the sect of Christianity who believed Jesus to be a human Prophet and nothing more, were following the true teachings of Jesus. This is because their concept of God is the same as that which was taught by the Prophets in the Old Testament.
Jesus in Islam

The Islamic belief about Jesus demystifies for us who the real Jesus was. Jesus in Islam was an extraordinary individual, chosen by God as a Prophet and sent to the Jewish people. He never preached that he himself was God or the actual son of God. He was miraculously born without a father, and he performed many amazing miracles such as healing the blind and the lepers and raising the dead – all by God’s permission. Muslims believe that Jesus will return before the day of Judgement to bring justice and peace to the world. This Islamic belief about Jesus is similar to the belief of some of the early Christians. In the Quran, God addresses the Christians about Jesus in the following way:

O People of the Book, do not commit excesses in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth: the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, His word, directed to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers and do not speak of a ‘Trinity’– stop [this], that is better for you– God is only one God, He is far above having a son, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him and He is the best one to trust. [4:171]

Islam is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:

“Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)[4]

Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.


So, when's the festival of killing the Kafir where you find them?

When's the festival of marrying children?

Why are those Muslim women letting their hair (yeesh!) flow free?

I've seen better hair on horses and subsequently, black American (women) heads.
That is a shocking post. The worst I have seen for some time.

I'm certain it goes against all your UK-leftist school indoctrination.

Gilmour was right in the late 70s.

My suggestion to you is to watch "The wall" Maybe then you can break out.

What, you never knew it was horse hair they use for weaves? It is.

True story.
They prefer goat hair, which Muslim men find particularly arousing.
many of the prophets came to the jwes
for reform corruption, disobedience and rebellion, so they needed reform always.A corrupt society always needs a lot of efforts of preachers and reformers, and physical and psychological diseases, if spread and spread in a society, it needs more doctors and therapists.

The Jews accused Jesus peace be upon him many false accusations, magic and madness ,
They also accused the mother of Jesus, peace be upon him Mary by adultery and that he was born illegitimate -
The Jews accused
And many other prophets and other distortion of the Torah
God sent them the prophet Jesus, but the Christians also distortion of the gospel
And Allah punished them
The message turned to the Arabs to keep the Word of God unchanged

The point is that the race, tribe, clan, lineage, ethnicity have no meaning whatsoever, it is only the personal character and accomplishments of an individual that matter. It is individuals that are good or bad, not a race. That is why Islam strongly and unequivocally condemns and rejects any racial thoughts or attitudes. It strongly declares that all human beings are the same in nature, have the same potentials and the same rights and responsibilities, only personal goodness of a person makes him or her better. Any thought or approach in racial or ethnic terms would infuriate the Prophet, who regarded such an attitude as un-Islamic ignorance, and so bitter that would spoil the oceans of water.
the Prophet himself who declared: No Arab is better than non-Arab or vice versa; and no one red/white is better than black or vice versa, except in terms of personal Taqwa (goodness).

The Prophets of the Old Testament such as Abraham, Noah and Jonah never preached that God is part of a Trinity, and did not believe in Jesus as their saviour. Their message was simple: there is one God and He alone deserves your worship. It doesn’t make sense that God sent Prophets for thousands of years with the same essential message, and then all of a sudden he says he is in a Trinity and that you must believe in Jesus to be saved.

The truth is that Jesus preached the same message that the Prophets in the Old Testament preached. There is a passage in the Bible which really emphasizes his core message. A man came to Jesus and asked “Which is the first commandment of all?”Jesus answered, “The first of all the commandments is Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’’[Mark 12:28-29]. So the greatest commandment, the most important belief according to Jesus is that God is one. If Jesus was God he would have said ‘I am God, worship me’, but he didn’t. He merely repeated a verse from the Old Testament confirming that God is One.

Some people claim that Jesus came to die for the sins of the world. But consider the following statement of Jesus: This is eternal life: to know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you sent. I have glorified you on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.[John 17:3-4]. Jesus said this before he was caught and taken to be crucified. It is clear from this verse that Jesus did not come to die for the sins of the world, as he finished the work God gave him before he was taken to be crucified.

Also Jesus said “salvation is of the Jews” [John 4:22]. So according to this we don’t need to believe in the Trinity or that Jesus died for our sins to attain salvation since the Jews don’t have these beliefs.
5. The Early Christians

Historically there were many sects in early Christianity who had a range of beliefs regarding Jesus[1]. Some believed Jesus was God, others believed Jesus was not God but partly divine, and yet others believed he was a human being and nothing more. Trinitarian Christianity which is the belief that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are one in three persons became the dominant sect of Christianity, once it was formalized as the state religion of the Roman Empire in the 4th Century. Christians who denied Jesus being God were persecuted by the Roman Authorities[2]. From this point onwards the Trinitarian belief became widespread amongst Christians. There were various movements in early Christianity which denied the Trinity, among the more well known of them is Adoptionism and Arianism.

Dr Jerald Dirks who is an expert on early Christianity had this to say on the subject: Early Christianity was quite conflicted about the issue of the nature of Jesus. The various Adoptionist positions within early Christianity were numerous and at times dominate. One can even speculate that Arian and Nestorian Christianity might well be an extremely sizable source within Christianity today, if it were not for the fact that these two branches of Christianity, which were located primarily in the middle east and in North Africa were so similar to the Islamic teaching regarding the nature of Jesus that they quite naturally were absorbed into Islam at the beginning of the seventh century.”[3]

Since there were so many sects in early Christianity, each with different beliefs about Jesus and with their own versions of the Bible, which one can we say was following the true teachings of Jesus?

It doesn’t make sense that God sends countless Prophets like Noah, Abraham and Moses to tell people to believe in one God, and then suddenly sends a radically different message of the Trinity which contradicts his previous Prophets teachings. It is clear that the sect of Christianity who believed Jesus to be a human Prophet and nothing more, were following the true teachings of Jesus. This is because their concept of God is the same as that which was taught by the Prophets in the Old Testament.
Jesus in Islam

The Islamic belief about Jesus demystifies for us who the real Jesus was. Jesus in Islam was an extraordinary individual, chosen by God as a Prophet and sent to the Jewish people. He never preached that he himself was God or the actual son of God. He was miraculously born without a father, and he performed many amazing miracles such as healing the blind and the lepers and raising the dead – all by God’s permission. Muslims believe that Jesus will return before the day of Judgement to bring justice and peace to the world. This Islamic belief about Jesus is similar to the belief of some of the early Christians. In the Quran, God addresses the Christians about Jesus in the following way:

O People of the Book, do not commit excesses in your religion, and do not say anything about God except the truth: the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was nothing more than a messenger of God, His word, directed to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His Messengers and do not speak of a ‘Trinity’– stop [this], that is better for you– God is only one God, He is far above having a son, everything in the heavens and earth belongs to Him and He is the best one to trust. [4:171]

Islam is not just another religion. It is the same message preached by Moses, Jesus and Abraham. Islam literally means ‘submission to God’ and it teaches us to have a direct relationship with God. It reminds us that since God created us, no one should be worshipped except God alone. It also teaches that God is nothing like a human being or like anything that we can imagine. The concept of God is summarized in the Quran as:

“Say, He is God, the One. God, the Absolute. He does not give birth, nor was He born, and there is nothing like Him.” (Quran 112:1-4)[4]

Becoming a Muslim is not turning your back to Jesus. Rather it’s going back to the original teachings of Jesus and obeying him.


I personally don't believe in divinity of Jesus. And this is the main reason why I reject this religion for myself.
But tell me please, what improvement does Islam offer in comparison with Judaism? What Muhammad said what Jewish prophets hadn't?
I personally don't believe in divinity of Jesus. And this is the main reason why I reject this religion for myself.
But tell me please, what improvement does Islam offer in comparison with Judaism? What Muhammad said what Jewish prophets hadn't?[/QUOTE]

All the prophets are brothers
God sent the prophets with one message

To worship one god

God is not three
And all the good commandments
The problem is not in the prophets of the Jewish or the prophet of Muslims
The problem is in misrepresenting people for the content of the message

Example worship idols and Jesus
the actions of Jews and Christians
Corruption, drinking wine,usury and adultery

But Islam
Maintains the worship of one God
no alcohol

- no night club

- no pornography

- no prostitution

- no rapes
Not to usury
- no homosexuality, ...

Looking back, what seems strange to me now is not that people would wish to embody Jesus’ values, but that others would criticize them for it. What seems even stranger is that few Christians, in the modern day, match this profile. is that Muslims seemed to embody Jesus’ values better than Christians.

1. Jesus was bearded, as are most Muslims, but only the rare Christian.

2. Jesus dressed modestly. If we close our eyes and form a mental picture, we see flowing robes, from wrists to ankles—much like the loose Arabian thobes and the Indio-Pakistani shalwar kameez, typical of the Muslims of those areas. What we don’t imagine is the revealing or seductive clothing so ubiquitous in Christian cultures.

3. Jesus’ mother covered her hair, and this practice was maintained among the Christian women of the Holy Land up to the middle of the twentieth century. Again, this is a practice maintained among Muslims as well as Orthodox Jews (of which Jesus was one), but not among modern day Christians.

1. Jesus focused upon salvation and eschewed finery. How many “righteous” Christians fit this “It’s not just on Sundays” profile? Now how many “five prayers a day, every day of the year” Muslims?

2. Jesus spoke with humility and kindness. He didn’t “showboat.” When we think of his speeches, we don’t imagine theatrics. He was a simple man known for quality and truth. How many preachers and how many evangelists follow this example?

3. Jesus taught his disciples to offer the greeting of “Peace” (Luke 10:5), and then set the example: “Peace be with you” (Luke 24:36, John 20:19, John 20:21, John 20:26). Who continues this practice to this day, Christians or Muslims? “Peace be with you” is the meaning of the Muslim greeting, “Assalam alaikum.” Interestingly enough, we find this greeting in Judaism as well (Genesis 43:23, Numbers 6:26, Judges 6:23, I Samuel 1:17 and I Samuel 25:6).
Religious Practices

1. Jesus was circumcised (Luke 2:21). Paul taught it wasn’t necessary (Rom 4:11 and Gal 5:2). Muslims believe it is.

2. Jesus didn’t eat pork, in keeping with Old Testament law (Leviticus 11:7 and Deuteronomy 14:
. Muslims also believe pork is forbidden. Christians … well, you get the idea.

3. Jesus didn’t give or take usury, in compliance with the Old Testament prohibition (Exodus 22:25). Usury is forbidden in the Old Testament and the Quran, as it was forbidden in the religion of Jesus. The economies of most Christian countries, however, are structured upon usury.

4. Jesus didn’t fornicate, and abstained from extramarital contact with women. Now, this issue extends to the least physical contact with the opposite sex. With the exception of performing religious rituals and helping those in need, Jesus never even touched a woman other than his mother. Strictly practicing Orthodox Jews maintain this practice to this day in observance of Old Testament law. Likewise, practicing Muslims don’t even shake hands between the sexes. Can Christian “hug your neighbor” and “kiss the bride” congregations make the same claim?
Practices of Worship

1. Jesus purified himself with washing prior to prayer, as was the practice of the pious prophets who preceded him (see Exodus 40:31-32 in reference to Moses and Aaron), and as is the practice of Muslims.

2. Jesus prayed in prostration (Matthew 26:39), like the other prophets (see Nehemiah 8:6 with regard to Ezra and the people, Joshua 5:14 for Joshua, Genesis 17:3 and 24:52 for Abraham, Exodus 34:8 and Numbers 20:6 for Moses and Aaron). Who prays like that, Christians or Muslims?

3. Jesus fasted for more than a month at a time (Matthew 4:2 and Luke 4:2), as did the pious before him (Exodus 34:28, I Kings 19:
, and as do Muslims in the annual fast of the month of Ramadan.

4. Jesus made pilgrimage for the purpose of worship, as all Orthodox Jews aspire to do. The Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is well known, and is alluded to in the Bible (see The First and Final Commandment).
Matters of Creed

1. Jesus taught the oneness of God (Mark 12:29-30, Matthew 22:37 and Luke 10:27), as conveyed in the first commandment (Exodus 20:3). Nowhere did he declare the Trinity.

2. Jesus declared himself a man and a prophet of God (see above), and nowhere claimed divinity or divine sonship. Which creed are the above points more consistent with—the Trinitarian formula or the absolute monotheism of Islam?

One wonders what happened between the practices of the first generation of Jesus’ followers and the Christians of modern day. At the same time, we have to respect the fact that Muslims exemplify Jesus’ teachings more than Christians do. Furthermore, we should remember that the Old Testament foretold three prophets to follow. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were numbers one and two, and Jesus Christ himself predicted the third and last. Hence, both Old and New Testaments speak of a final prophet, and we would be amiss if we didn’t consider that final prophet to be Muhammad, and the final revelation to be that of Islam

I personally don't believe in divinity of Jesus. And this is the main reason why I reject this religion for myself.
But tell me please, what improvement does Islam offer in comparison with Judaism? What Muhammad said what Jewish prophets hadn't?

All the prophets are brothers
God sent the prophets with one message

To worship one god

God is not three
And all the good commandments
The problem is not in the prophets of the Jewish or the prophet of Muslims
The problem is in misrepresenting people for the content of the message

Example worship idols and Jesus
the actions of Jews and Christians
Corruption, drinking wine,usury and adultery

But Islam
Maintains the worship of one God
no alcohol

- no night club

- no pornography

- no prostitution

- no rapes
Not to usury
- no homosexuality, ...

Looking back, what seems strange to me now is not that people would wish to embody Jesus’ values, but that others would criticize them for it. What seems even stranger is that few Christians, in the modern day, match this profile. is that Muslims seemed to embody Jesus’ values better than Christians.

1. Jesus was bearded, as are most Muslims, but only the rare Christian.

2. Jesus dressed modestly. If we close our eyes and form a mental picture, we see flowing robes, from wrists to ankles—much like the loose Arabian thobes and the Indio-Pakistani shalwar kameez, typical of the Muslims of those areas. What we don’t imagine is the revealing or seductive clothing so ubiquitous in Christian cultures.

3. Jesus’ mother covered her hair, and this practice was maintained among the Christian women of the Holy Land up to the middle of the twentieth century. Again, this is a practice maintained among Muslims as well as Orthodox Jews (of which Jesus was one), but not among modern day Christians.

1. Jesus focused upon salvation and eschewed finery. How many “righteous” Christians fit this “It’s not just on Sundays” profile? Now how many “five prayers a day, every day of the year” Muslims?

2. Jesus spoke with humility and kindness. He didn’t “showboat.” When we think of his speeches, we don’t imagine theatrics. He was a simple man known for quality and truth. How many preachers and how many evangelists follow this example?

3. Jesus taught his disciples to offer the greeting of “Peace” (Luke 10:5), and then set the example: “Peace be with you” (Luke 24:36, John 20:19, John 20:21, John 20:26). Who continues this practice to this day, Christians or Muslims? “Peace be with you” is the meaning of the Muslim greeting, “Assalam alaikum.” Interestingly enough, we find this greeting in Judaism as well (Genesis 43:23, Numbers 6:26, Judges 6:23, I Samuel 1:17 and I Samuel 25:6).
Religious Practices

1. Jesus was circumcised (Luke 2:21). Paul taught it wasn’t necessary (Rom 4:11 and Gal 5:2). Muslims believe it is.

2. Jesus didn’t eat pork, in keeping with Old Testament law (Leviticus 11:7 and Deuteronomy 14:
. Muslims also believe pork is forbidden. Christians … well, you get the idea.

3. Jesus didn’t give or take usury, in compliance with the Old Testament prohibition (Exodus 22:25). Usury is forbidden in the Old Testament and the Quran, as it was forbidden in the religion of Jesus. The economies of most Christian countries, however, are structured upon usury.

4. Jesus didn’t fornicate, and abstained from extramarital contact with women. Now, this issue extends to the least physical contact with the opposite sex. With the exception of performing religious rituals and helping those in need, Jesus never even touched a woman other than his mother. Strictly practicing Orthodox Jews maintain this practice to this day in observance of Old Testament law. Likewise, practicing Muslims don’t even shake hands between the sexes. Can Christian “hug your neighbor” and “kiss the bride” congregations make the same claim?
Practices of Worship

1. Jesus purified himself with washing prior to prayer, as was the practice of the pious prophets who preceded him (see Exodus 40:31-32 in reference to Moses and Aaron), and as is the practice of Muslims.

2. Jesus prayed in prostration (Matthew 26:39), like the other prophets (see Nehemiah 8:6 with regard to Ezra and the people, Joshua 5:14 for Joshua, Genesis 17:3 and 24:52 for Abraham, Exodus 34:8 and Numbers 20:6 for Moses and Aaron). Who prays like that, Christians or Muslims?

3. Jesus fasted for more than a month at a time (Matthew 4:2 and Luke 4:2), as did the pious before him (Exodus 34:28, I Kings 19:
, and as do Muslims in the annual fast of the month of Ramadan.

4. Jesus made pilgrimage for the purpose of worship, as all Orthodox Jews aspire to do. The Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca is well known, and is alluded to in the Bible (see The First and Final Commandment).
Matters of Creed

1. Jesus taught the oneness of God (Mark 12:29-30, Matthew 22:37 and Luke 10:27), as conveyed in the first commandment (Exodus 20:3). Nowhere did he declare the Trinity.

2. Jesus declared himself a man and a prophet of God (see above), and nowhere claimed divinity or divine sonship. Which creed are the above points more consistent with—the Trinitarian formula or the absolute monotheism of Islam?

One wonders what happened between the practices of the first generation of Jesus’ followers and the Christians of modern day. At the same time, we have to respect the fact that Muslims exemplify Jesus’ teachings more than Christians do. Furthermore, we should remember that the Old Testament foretold three prophets to follow. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were numbers one and two, and Jesus Christ himself predicted the third and last. Hence, both Old and New Testaments speak of a final prophet, and we would be amiss if we didn’t consider that final prophet to be Muhammad, and the final revelation to be that of Islam

Sorry, man, but you said nothing in your long post. I am not a follower of Christianity, as I said you above. But nonetheless, I think if you want to talk about true Christians, you should mention the Mennonites for example. But certainly not mainstream so called Christians, which have nothing to do with Jesus teaching.

What I asked you was what improvement does Islam offer in comparison with Judaism?
All religions are originally one religion revealed by Allah through His Prophets and Messengers. They are different in legislation and laws and agree in content and objectives. The main message of Islam is the same basic message in all revealed religions, as they are all are from the same source: to guide people to worship Allah alone, to do righteous deeds that entail entering Paradise and to refrain from vices and sins entailing entering the Hellfire. However, Allah has distinguished the religion of Islam from other religions with some characteristics that made it the only religion worthy to be followed and the only religion lasting to the Day of Resurrection. Here are the most prominent differences between Islam and other religions:

1- Islamic faith is compatible with rationality. It is free from superstitions and irrational beliefs, and its principals are simple and clear. Allah is the Only God, the Eternal Refuge, He neither begets nor is born, nor is there to Him any equivalent. He created this life for testing, and it does not end at death, but it entails immortality in the Paradise or the Hellfire according to one's faith and deeds. The Holy Quran is a miracle book. It's the perfect words of Allah revealed through His angel Gabriel to the prophet Muhammad to guide all people to truth.

2- The direct connection to Allah Almighty without mediation or religious priesthood; the Muslim Scholar, no matter how much pious or righteous he is. He does not forgive sins, listen to confessions. nor sell lands in Paradise to people as does the monk in Christianity. Rather, he prays and asks for forgiveness, and performs the obligatory duties as other Muslims do.

3- Islam is a universal religion. It is valid for all kinds of people at all times and places. Our Prophet (peace be upon him) taught us that there is no preference for an Arab on a non-Muslim or a white person on a black one except in terms of piety. Allah says in the Qur'an:

(interpretation of the meaning): "O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted" (49: 13)

4- Unlike other sacred scriptures, which have been distorted according to human whims, the Quran is the only scripture that has been perfectly preserved in both its words and meaning over thousands of years. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an:

" )

Interpretation: " Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, we will be its guardian" (15:9)

5 - Islam does not admit any separation between material and moral aspects. Islamic law guarantees satisfaction of the emotional and material needs of the human being, without negligence or exaggeration. One the other hand, the West was divided between two cultures: Christian culture denied the physical needs and followed the monastic order, and a secular culture born as a reaction to the dominance of the first culture in Europe. It separated between body and spirit and turned man into individual parts.

6 - Islam is a comprehensive religion. It's not just a religion, rather it is a comprehensive lifestyle. Islam is the only religion that offers humans solutions to their problems, from the largest to the smallest and in all fields (politics, economy, education, ethics, administration, hygiene ...etc.) The Islamic system represents an integrated approach that ensures continuity of life on a sound approach, unlike other religions and ideologies which are limited to one aspect of human life, whether spiritual, political or economic.

7- Islam is a practical religion. Its message is not just about theorizing and calling for good. All religions and principles of the world call for human virtues, ideals and values, but they do not offer practical ways and means to achieve those virtues and values in practical life. Although some of these religions propose some practical methods and apply them, these methods have not proved effective as Islam did.

For example, almost all religions renounce racism and believe equality of all human beings before their Creator, and that the distinction between them is in piety, not in terms of race or nationality... etc. Everyone agrees on that, as well as the statutes of some countries. Nevertheless, has any religion or legislation succeeded in eliminating racial discrimination radically in all its forms? The answer is, of course, no, racial discrimination still exists even in the twenty-first century. However, Islam has offered a practical solution for each problem in two aspects:

1- The cognitive aspect: through the texts of revelation that most Muslims know from the Quran and the Sunnah.

2 - The practical aspect: as for racism, the practical solution is reflected in performing the pilgrimage of Muslims to Makkah, where Muslims come from the five continents of the world and of all races and ethnicities: Africans, Asians, Indians, Europeans, Arabs...etc. All wear the same clothes and perform the same rituals.

Islam also offered humanity practical remedies for all its problems, for example, Zakat fights poverty, Shura (consultation) fights injustice and tyranny, prayer prevents indecency and evil, and fasting protects oneself from incest and infidelity, and many more.


1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني

3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير

1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني

3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير

It's against the rules here to write in camel language.
1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني

3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير

It's against the rules here to write in camel language.

You would so fit in with the alt right.
1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني

3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير

It's against the rules here to write in camel language.

You would so fit in with the alt right.

Naw, I'm more in the middle but can agree with the left or the right depending on the issue and the solution they each propose. But I'm not alt either way. I was just trying to help this camel smoocher not to scribble on the board.
1/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأول

2/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الثاني

3/3 بحاجة إلى أجوبة! عدنان رشيد في حوار مع مسيحي محترم الجزء الأخير

It's against the rules here to write in camel language.

You would so fit in with the alt right.

Naw, I'm more in the middle but can agree with the left or the right depending on the issue and the solution they each propose. But I'm not alt either way. I was just trying to help this camel smoocher not to scribble on the board.

Keep telling yourself that.
شاب أسترالي تمنى الشر للإسلام لكن انتهى به الحال بأن اعتنق الإسلام

عثمان بن فاروق يجيب عن سؤال- ما الفرق بين الكتاب المقدس والقرآن؟

لماذا تستنجون بورق المرحاض وليس بالماء؟ - حوارمنصور مع ملحدين

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