Eight fake Trump electors accept immunity deal in Georgia criminal investigation

Since both sides declined to go to trial we will never know what really happened or even if Dominion was tainted....
FOX news and Murdock let their viewers down by caving and then firing Tucker... so don't be surprised to see them fall behind CNN in the ratings...
Correction, YOU will never know because you refuse to acknowledge even basic facts. The rest of us can take a look at the what has been presented and what has occurred to make some very clear conclusions. Facts like FOX news representatives clearly lied and that they knew it.
Correction, YOU will never know because you refuse to acknowledge even basic facts. The rest of us can take a look at the what has been presented and what has occurred to make some very clear conclusions. Facts like FOX news representatives clearly lied and that they knew it.
I know that suing someone for their opinion is very new to America....
Let's get you racists correct. You are wrong.

... the site quotes a report by the U.S. Department of Justice visible here (see page 13). The report, which analyzes Homicide Trends in the U.S. between 1980-2008, found that within that period “most murders were intraracial”, with 84% of white victims killed by whites and 93% of Black victims killed by Black perpetrators.

According to the FBI’s Expanded Homicide data from 2018, the most recent report of this kind Reuters was able to find ( here ), 80.7% of the murders of white people were committed by white offenders (2,677 of a total of 3,315) while 15.5% of the murders of white people were committed by Black offenders (514).

Rambunctious flopped again.

"Opinion" is not deliberate lying or defaming.
And you are trying to say what?....
here... you need this...
Defamation is very different than having an opinion.... If FOX would not have caved a tainted DC jury would have convicted them and then FOX would be forced to appeal and that costs money... so justice wasn't served here....
Like I said, everything you 'know' is a lie. Here you are repeating some more of those things.
Wait ... there should be 16 real Trump Electors ... the ones who would vote for Trump if he had won Georgia ... they commit no crime not being able to vote in the Electoral College ...

What are "fake electors" ...
No these are the fake electors that trump was planning on overthrowing the election with. But he was hoping that they could create a create a second set of electors from various States that were not Officially selected as electors in those states. And then the Supreme Court would proclaim that the fake electors were the real Electors even though they weren't. The whole plan fell through because the vice president would have had to go along with it since he is the one in charge of the certification of the election and he refused because he knew it was illegal and he would not commit a crime for trump.
No these are the fake electors that trump was planning on overthrowing the election with. But he was hoping that they could create a create a second set of electors from various States that were not Officially selected as electors in those states. And then the Supreme Court would proclaim that the fake electors were the real Electors even though they weren't. The whole plan fell through because the vice president would have had to go along with it since he is the one in charge of the certification of the election and he refused because he knew it was illegal and he would not commit a crime for trump.

I did my own research ... these are the rightful Trump electors ... the State of Georgia chose to send the rightful Bidet electors instead ...

These rightful Trump electors committed a crime ... something about signing a form they weren't legally allow to ... they aren't "fake", they just weren't allowed to vote in the College ... and they committed a crime in trying to do so ...

C.f. Orwell, George; 1984 ...

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