Either the FBI or Queen Hillary is DOOMED!

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Political shenanigans aimed at protecting Hussein's "legacy" won't wash this time. The FBI has all the evidence it needs to indict and convict Queen Hillary. There is no grey area in this....no way to blame Bush, the "right wing conspiracy", Vince Foster, Huma, or anybody else. If Lynch won't proceed in prosecuting Her Lowness, the FBI becomes a hollowed-out laughing stock nobody will ever trust again.

HUMINT is always classified SECRET, and if specific names of sources or handlers are mentioned, they are at a minimum SECRET//NOFORN. Third, SIGINT is always classified at the TS level. It’s not uncommon for some SI to be downgraded and shared over SECRET mediums, however, it is highly unlikely that a Secretary of State would receive downgraded intelligence. Finally, SAP intelligence has been discovered on Clinton’s private server, and many are now calling this the smoking gun.

SAP is a specialized management system of additional security controls designed to protect SAR or Special Access Required. SAR has to do with extremely perishable operational methods and capabilities, and only selected individuals who are “read on” or “indoctrinated” are permitted access to these programs. The mishandling of SAP can cause catastrophic damage to current collection methods, techniques and personnel.

The smoking gun?


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