Elder Abuse on a matrix message board


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
So...on the vast internet there are many places one can go to chat, visit, hang out, etc. I found a place awhile back that I thought would be interesting because the inhabitants were my age..and older. I had no idea I was entering the fabled matrix complete with borg-type owner who controls that place so heavily that many are banned for not complying with what the owner wanted them to do. I consider it elder abuse because so many are afraid to speak up. They are old. Therefore, they allow themselves to be subjected to the most idiotic demands I have ever seen. For example:

"Please cease giving short replies. It is a detriment to the thread because this is not a chat board".

(Then your post is deleted and you get the following message):

"I removed your post. You may now repost it, but in longer sentences".


Or, you may be lucky (not) enough to get yet another message along the lines of:

"Do not chat with so and so because so and so is not for you. Please cease corresponding with so and so on the board, nor contact so and so privately".


And, you may get banned after numerous posts are made asking why, where, what, when, how to the borg-like matrix inhabitant and that person wants to stay behind the scenes instead of being upfront with members.

You are also told what to post, when to post, how to post, where to post...and the worst thing is...the controller is being allowed to do this due to fear of a bunch of old people who have no gumption to either leave or stand up to the borg. They fear this person. I can imagine what it would be like if it were a retirement home....silence, due to fear of punishment.

But what can you do? Even helping some of those people by telling them of other places on the vast internet will get you banned for daring to break the chains.

I am glad I helped 2 people get out of there. Now if only the others would wake up and say ENOUGH.
So...on the vast internet there are many places one can go to chat, visit, hang out, etc. I found a place awhile back that I thought would be interesting because the inhabitants were my age..and older. I had no idea I was entering the fabled matrix complete with borg-type owner who controls that place so heavily that many are banned for not complying with what the owner wanted them to do. I consider it elder abuse because so many are afraid to speak up. They are old. Therefore, they allow themselves to be subjected to the most idiotic demands I have ever seen. For example:

"Please cease giving short replies. It is a detriment to the thread because this is not a chat board".

(Then your post is deleted and you get the following message):

"I removed your post. You may now repost it, but in longer sentences".


Or, you may be lucky (not) enough to get yet another message along the lines of:

"Do not chat with so and so because so and so is not for you. Please cease corresponding with so and so on the board, nor contact so and so privately".


And, you may get banned after numerous posts are made asking why, where, what, when, how to the borg-like matrix inhabitant and that person wants to stay behind the scenes instead of being upfront with members.

You are also told what to post, when to post, how to post, where to post...and the worst thing is...the controller is being allowed to do this due to fear of a bunch of old people who have no gumption to either leave or stand up to the borg. They fear this person. I can imagine what it would be like if it were a retirement home....silence, due to fear of punishment.

But what can you do? Even helping some of those people by telling them of other places on the vast internet will get you banned for daring to break the chains.

I am glad I helped 2 people get out of there. Now if only the others would wake up and say ENOUGH.

It's either too much control or not enough. Finding the right spot is not easy.

I've never seen these issues on the forums I belong to that are for helping though. These discussion forums were a real eye opener.
If I were there I'd prolly just go on a "suicide run" and post whatever I wanted and insult as many posters as I could till I was banned.
Oh, I did a run all right...but it was telling the guy he was a jackoff and to bite my ass. I was lucky...he was not online at the time and it stood there for awhile...long enough for a few others to contact me and say "you too???", which is when I found out just how bullying he has been to some ladies. And thats all he does pick on...women. Problem is...he picked on the wrong one, lol. Soon as he got online, he saw it, deleted it, banned me. But by then I already had a few folks to send links to...to usmb. ;)

We have it made here. Some folks just don't realize HOW lucky we are.
And..I didn't want to insult the members. They are innocent, if not ballless. Its the guy running the joint. Oy. I have never in all my years run across such a controlling person as that one.
Gracie - we aren't supposed to share links to other sites, even in PM, but I consider this a mission of mercy.

Give me the name of the site, I'll have it closed down in a week.
[MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] - I'll link everyone there to USMB.
Hon, I told a few about this place. Two came. The others were told by a few as well, but they chose to stay. So...let them stay where they want to be. Personally, I think it pretty sad they are so afraid to speak up. Then again, I don't know them well enough to judge what THEY want. They know usmb is here. Actually, so does the jerk because he reads here.
So..thank you sweety, but...they have a choice. Stay or go. They chose to stay.

I just wanted to do a thread so he can see what a board is SUPPOSED to run like..and those HERE appreciate what they have.
I wouldn't touch that place with a 10 micron anal probe.
It seemed ok when I first found it. But then people started disappearing. When asked where they were...the posts were deleted. Then the bullshit started. And, most know I have a short fuse. It pissed me off the way they were treated. But what pissed me off more was they were allowing it to happen. When I asked why...they said they were afraid to say anything. And they wanted to be together there although they wish he would sell it to someone else or just butt out and let them post how they wish. So...they stay. Because they ARE together there.

The point is...there are many boards. Many. Some have great admins and staff. Most do, actually. But there ARE some really bad people out there that take advantage of older folks. This guy is one of them.

So...thinking about that guy and HERE made me appreciate HERE. Hence..the thread.
It seemed ok when I first found it. But then people started disappearing. When asked where they were...the posts were deleted. Then the bullshit started. And, most know I have a short fuse. It pissed me off the way they were treated. But what pissed me off more was they were allowing it to happen. When I asked why...they said they were afraid to say anything. And they wanted to be together there although they wish he would sell it to someone else or just butt out and let them post how they wish. So...they stay. Because they ARE together there.

The point is...there are many boards. Many. Some have great admins and staff. Most do, actually. But there ARE some really bad people out there that take advantage of older folks. This guy is one of them.

So...thinking about that guy and HERE made me appreciate HERE. Hence..the thread.

I've been on a few and this one is the best so far.

Most of them have ridiculous regulations.

Some won't even let you talk about another member with a member.

Some don't allow swearing, and dammit I like swearing.
Some don't allow swearing, and dammit I like swearing.

Damn straight and fuckin' A! :lol:

THIS guy has a hissy if you post just 4 words.

"This is not a chat board. Make your posts LONGER. I have deleted your post. Repost and write MORE".

Um. Yeah. Like, kiss my ass, tard. That long enough?

I am one of Gracie's "transplants" here. I came because there is more freedom to discuss things about the paranormal; but I am still a member of the other forum.
Like Gracie says, the people there are good people, and they mostly all like each other. Since it is a much smaller forum (at least of the ones who actually post), everyone knows each other.
Personally, I haven't had any issues with the forum owner, and think that he has been fair with me. But, I always usually write the long posts that he likes, and I don't really PM other people or socialize outside of just posting on the forum.
Because of this, I really didn't have any idea WHAT was going on; I just knew that people were disappearing, and their icons now said "banned". Since I hadn't seen anyone do anything to be banned for, it was all a mystery to me; but I did think that the forum did better when we had the other members, and the more controversial topics.
Now, it is pretty much just chit-chat, and stuff like "how to cook chicken 25 different ways".
Maybe that is what they want, Lady. Learning how to cook chicken 25 different ways. :lol:
btw..I liked it there too. Until he decided to start shit. Imagine my surprise when I found out he was doing it to others and has been for some time.
If I were there I'd prolly just go on a "suicide run" and post whatever I wanted and insult as many posters as I could till I was banned.

That's pretty much what I do.

I joined a website a couple of years ago, made two posts, and they banned me (the Admin was conservative) for being too 'left'. I didn't tell them I was a liberal.
Well....since they are all elderly...him bullying them seems like elder abuse to me. One doesn't have to beat on someone or withhold meds or abuse them physically to call it elder abuse. It is, in a way.

With that said..I shouldn't have started this thread. They are nice people who deserve better than what they are getting, but it also isn't my place to be their mouthpiece. My apologies to them, if they see this thread. My intention was to tell them they don't have to take his shit and to not be afraid of him banning them. There are MANY senior boards on the net. Find one. Be happy. He ain't worth it.
Sure you can. Anyone can be abused on the internet. Still....wasn't my place. Lesson learned.
No you can't. it is the freaking internets populated by a bunch of posers living in their grandma's basements. If you take it seriously you are an idiot regardless of your age.

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