Elderly woman dies because nurse refused to give CPR

She followed the rules.

That's called the Nuremberg defense. This "nurse" or supervisor is quite lucky that no one is complaining and the family is likely glad to be rid of their burden. Otherwise, following the rules is no defense to a crime.

If she isn't a nurse, she isn't required to give CPR. Are they saying she wasn't a nurse?
She followed the rules.

That's called the Nuremberg defense. This "nurse" or supervisor is quite lucky that no one is complaining and the family is likely glad to be rid of their burden. Otherwise, following the rules is no defense to a crime.

Stop dodging my response....What is her name and where does it say she stated she was a nurse?
Truthfully there is not enough information here for constructive second guessing.
How long did she not have a heartbeat or respirations?
Had the "nurse" been trained in CPR?
Did the patient (or legal rep.) decide ahead of time on no CPR?
No, neither the 911 operator or a police officer would outrank a nurse on medical issues.
She followed the rules.

Saving lives should supersede bureaucracy. Its unfortunate that the majority of people at the top levels who make policy have NEVER been at entry and mid-level positions. an MBA doesn't qualify you to manage especially in a subject for which you don't have any experience. If the people at the top had an informed education, Nurse Practitioner | Get A Real Degree , they would make informed and relevant decisions. Sometimes continuing education isn't enough... You are never too old to learn. Rules should not supersede Reason. If allowing someone to die served bureaucracy then maybe it is not a master to be served
Has anyone found out yet if this woman had an advanced directive in place, such as a DNR? If so, the hospital policy would have been the same.

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