Election denier Lake loses governor's race in battleground Arizona

No, I call the the idiots who plead for this fiasco as fraudsters. Quit trying to make it look like I'm attacking the troops, douchebag
You are denigrating our troops....................just like your orange godlet. You think we vets don't notice how MAGAts disparage us if we can't be used?
You'd be surprised how many in the military paid attention when the fat former guy denigrated POWs and Gold Star Families and had his father fake "bone spurs" so he could get out of Viet Nam era service. You'd be surprised how many in the military paid attention and were not surprised when it became known that the fat former guy calls us "losers" and "suckers".

You mean when all the progs screamed like little children and deliberately misconstrued what he said?
You are denigrating our troops....................just like your orange godlet. You think we vets don't notice how MAGAts disparage us if we can't be used?
How am I denigrating the troops? Were you going trying to insult me by claiming I'm a chickenhawk?

Of course you were. You're so predictable.
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You mean when all the progs screamed like little children and deliberately misconstrued what he said?
All is noticed by our military. All of it. You never served, did you? So you don't care for our troops/vets.
All is noticed by our military. All of it. You never served, did you? So you don't care for our troops/vets.
Your conclusion doesn't follow from your premise, dingbat. But then how could it? You aren't capable of committing logic.
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Your conclusion doesn't follow from your premise, dingbat. But then how could it, you aren't capable of committing logic.
Calling our military members trying to vote "fraudsters"......................typical MAGAt koward.
That's a flat out lie.
I'm just enjoying my victory lap after kari lake's embarrassing loss..

What part of "they weren't taking any new inductees" didn't you understand? It was the End of the Vietnam war, dumbass. The military was trying to shrink.
You don't even know how the U.S. military works, do you? Are you sure you even live in the US?
They weren't accepting people when I registered for the draft.

They weren't accepting people when you registered? You mean that you prayed like hell your number wouldn't come up, or possibly that you were unqualified for some reason.

What part of "they weren't taking any new inductees" didn't you understand? It was the End of the Vietnam war, dumbass. The military was trying to shrink.

You mean they stopped the draft. Anyone who wanted to volunteer to serve after the war ended was allowed to enlist.

Sounds like you're trying to make excuses as to why you didn't join. The military has ALWAYS accepted volunteers, and recruiting didn't stop after Viet Nam ended, only the draft did. And, ever since the draft ended, the US military has been an all volunteer force. Me? I joined because I wanted to serve this country, as well as wanted to travel and see what was beyond the borders of Montana. Served over 20 years, proudly.
Let's be clear: Kari Lake was a dogshit candidate to begin with.

She had zero relevant experience. She's never been a governor, a mayor, so much as a city council member, held any elected office, ran anything remotely resembling an executive branch, has zero business experience, nor any education that would make up the difference.

She was a news anchor, full stop.

But because she aped the silly, sniveling conspiracy theories that Republican's cling to......they put an unqualified, inexperienced and utterly unprepared novice as their candidate for governor.

She's now got the only relevant qualification that matter to republicans: She's a loser.

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