Election denier Solomon Pana arrested for hiring hit men to shoot up offices and homes of Democrats

If he had been elected the GOP would not kick him out. It would be an " issue for the voters."
I agree. The Republican leadership knew about his record before the election. The state Supreme Court ruled he could run. The rest is history.

Here is an excerpt from a local newspaper report. Doesn’t he sound much like many of the clowns and Trump MAGA cult demonizers of the rest of us here at USMB?

In a reply to someone calling him a criminal … on social media Pena said, “Everyone in the NM government who helped overthrow Trump are the active treasonists who must be placed in Guantanamo Bay Cuba for natural life. Once they are gone I can work on rebuilding Albuquerque.”

Failed Republican candidate arrested in shootings targeting Democratic politicians' homes
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I agree. The Republican leadership knew about his record before the election. The state Supreme Court ruled he could run. The rest is history.

Here is an excerpt from a local newspaper report. Doesn’t he sound much like many of the clowns and Trump MAGA cult demonizers of the rest of us here at USMB?

In a reply to someone calling him a criminal … on social media Pena said, “Everyone in the NM government who helped overthrow Trump are the active treasonists who must be placed in Guantanamo Bay Cuba for natural life. Once they are gone I can work on rebuilding Albuquerque.”

Failed Republican candidate arrested in shootings targeting Democratic politicians' homes
Dont hire clowns if you dont want a circus. What is Kari up to these days ?
As we drift toward the ideal of political Mexico with Mexican candidates this is bound to happen. It's very typical of elections south of the border
Ahh..so you think, that his having a Hispanic last name trumps his deranged Republican election denying? LOL@'trumps'.
Nice try..but no.
I agree. The Republican leadership knew about his record before the election. The state Supreme Court ruled he could run. The rest is history.

Here is an excerpt from a local newspaper report. Doesn’t he sound much like many of the clowns and Trump MAGA cult demonizers of the rest of us here at USMB?

In a reply to someone calling him a criminal … on social media Pena said, “Everyone in the NM government who helped overthrow Trump are the active treasonists who must be placed in Guantanamo Bay Cuba for natural life. Once they are gone I can work on rebuilding Albuquerque.”

Failed Republican candidate arrested in shootings targeting Democratic politicians' homes

This guys is not only a criminal..but he's a CAREER Criminal!

The Albuquerque Journal reported that on Dec. 4 eight shots had been fired into a county commissioner's home and on Dec. 11 more than 12 bullets had hit another commissioner's home. On Jan. 3, three bullets fired into a state representative's home had gone through her 10-year-old daughter's bedroom, the paper reported.
Albuquerque Police "essentially discovered what we had all feared and what we had suspected -- that these shootings were indeed politically motivated," Albuquerque Mayor Tim Keller said at a press conference. "This was about a right-wing radical, an election denier who was arrested today and someone who did the worst imaginable thing you can do when you have a political disagreement, which is turn that to violence."

Citing state records, the Journal reported that Pena previously had been convicted of 19 felonies, including burglary, larceny and had spent almost seven years in prison.
The Mexican border used to be farther north. We stole a piece of their country.
Hmmm...stole is a bit strong. We won a war..and they ceded the land to us via treaty--except for the Gadsen Purchase. Given that the Spanish had stolen the land first, it's hard for me to feel all that sorry for those that lost it.
Well that's just rude. Shooting your political opponents is naughty!

The authorities in Albuquerque said that Solomon Peña, who lost his bid for a State House seat in November, was behind a series of recent shootings targeting Democratic elected officials.

The authorities in Albuquerque said on Monday that a former Republican candidate who lost his bid for a State House seat in November had been arrested in connection with a series of recent shootings at the homes of four Democratic elected officials.

Chief Harold Medina of the Albuquerque Police Department said at a news conference that the former candidate, Solomon Peña, was “the mastermind” behind a conspiracy in which four other men were paid to shoot at the homes of two county commissioners and two state legislators.

Mr. Peña, 39, lost the election on Nov. 8 in a landslide to an incumbent Democrat, Miguel P. Garcia. Days later, Mr. Peña went on Twitter to express support for former President Donald J. Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign and to say that he had not conceded his own State House race.

Reich Wing Violence is going to get even uglier.
Since there was a lawsuit against allowing this lunatic to run under the Arizona State Constitution (the state Supreme Court ruled that he could run) I assume his record was fairly well-known before the election in his district. Perhaps I’m wrong here?

It would be saying a lot if Republicans in Arizona today think even a career criminal — so long as he is a Trump supporter — is worthy of being elected …

From EvilEyeFleegle ‘s link:

Citing state records, the Journal reported that Pena previously had been convicted of 19 felonies, including burglary, larceny and had spent almost seven years in prison.
Hmmm...stole is a bit strong. We won a war..and they ceded the land to us via treaty--except for the Gadsen Purchase. Given that the Spanish had stolen the land first, it's hard for me to feel all that sorry for those that lost it.
Okay, it wasn`t stolen. We just took it.

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