Election predictions

I predict if a persons candidate of choice does not win they will be screaming the election was stolen and we will get endless investigations about it. Sadly I think that is going to be the new normal. :smoke:
Not investigations it will be full blown Civil War
Of course it is. Its a pandemic that the Dems wouldn't have handled any differently than Trump did. If you believe they would then you are indeed dumber than a box of rocks.

What Dems would have done differently

They would not have called it a hoax and told people it was no worse than the flu.
They would not have lied and said they had everything under control and it would miraculously go away
They would have insisted on strict shutdowns, social distance and masks.
They would have federal control of critical resources
Once again you have to twist the truth, RW, to fit your mantra. sad
Of course it is. Its a pandemic that the Dems wouldn't have handled any differently than Trump did. If you believe they would then you are indeed dumber than a box of rocks.

What Dems would have done differently

They would not have called it a hoax and told people it was no worse than the flu.
They would not have lied and said they had everything under control and it would miraculously go away
They would have insisted on strict shutdowns, social distance and masks.
They would have federal control of critical resources
Once again you have to twist the truth, RW, to fit your mantra. sad
It is the sad, sad Truth of Trumps handling of COVID
It has been a disaster and we lead the world in number of cases and number of deaths.

His indifference and misinformation is responsible
Of course it is. Its a pandemic that the Dems wouldn't have handled any differently than Trump did. If you believe they would then you are indeed dumber than a box of rocks.

What Dems would have done differently

They would not have called it a hoax and told people it was no worse than the flu.
They would not have lied and said they had everything under control and it would miraculously go away
They would have insisted on strict shutdowns, social distance and masks.
They would have federal control of critical resources
Once again you have to twist the truth, RW, to fit your mantra. sad
It is the sad, sad Truth of Trumps handling of COVID
It has been a disaster and we lead the world in number of cases and number of deaths.

His indifference and misinformation is responsible
Again, you're wrong. Sure there has been mistakes made, it's was a new virus, RW.
The misinformation that was given by WHO and China put the world behind the 8 ball.
Shutdowns? Like destroy the entire economy shutdowns? Yeah, only a communist would think like that.
Federal control of critical resources? That scares the hell out of me, I don't trust the government.
Again, communists would think like that.
Economy is coming back, jobs are coming back, unemployment is coming down, stock market has rebounded to near all time highs.

That is not a misprint. Trump bitched that Obama was not consistently over PLUS 3.

We have $3 Trillion Deficit. Trump bitched that Obama carried a deficit of $600 Billion.

We have unemployment above ten percent with tens of millions still out of work. Trump bitched that Obama had unemployment of 4.5 percent.

That is the Trump economy he will run on
The misinformation that was given by WHO and China put the world behind the 8 ball

Trump misinformation.

The virus was under control and number of cases will shortly go to zero
A vaccine was three months away last March.
He had a cure for COVID
The COVID virus was no worse than the flu
All schools should open
Masks are ineffective
Economy is coming back, jobs are coming back, unemployment is coming down, stock market has rebounded to near all time highs.

That is not a misprint. Trump bitched that Obama was not consistently over PLUS 3.

We have $3 Trillion Deficit. Trump bitched that Obama carried a deficit of $600 Billion.

We have unemployment above ten percent with tens of millions still out of work. Trump bitched that Obama had unemployment of 4.5 percent.

That is the Trump economy he will run on
What I find hilarious is that Trump did what you wanted, he shut down the economy.
And you wanted it shut down longer.....dude, don't you see what happens when that is done?
YOU like the idea of having Trump in a Catch 22 position, pathetic political game YOU play, RW.
Before the pandemic we had a good economy and if you don't like the deficit, you can blame all politicians,
not just Trump.
Unemployment is coming down, just a little over 10% and has been dropping since Trump violated your wet dream
and opened up the economy. Having unemployment plus 600 a week does encourage people not to go back to
work. Slow that up and more and more will return, take that to the bank. Have you seen the stock market?
Near all time highs, that is an indicator of what investors are expecting looking forward.
Quit being such a partisan pessimist and stop playing your games.
The misinformation that was given by WHO and China put the world behind the 8 ball

Trump misinformation.

The virus was under control and number of cases will shortly go to zero
A vaccine was three months away last March.
He had a cure for COVID
The COVID virus was no worse than the flu
All schools should open
Masks are ineffective
I give up with your political game, RW. Go to Russia, you'll be much, much happier there.
Economy is coming back, jobs are coming back, unemployment is coming down, stock market has rebounded to near all time highs.

That is not a misprint. Trump bitched that Obama was not consistently over PLUS 3.

We have $3 Trillion Deficit. Trump bitched that Obama carried a deficit of $600 Billion.

We have unemployment above ten percent with tens of millions still out of work. Trump bitched that Obama had unemployment of 4.5 percent.

That is the Trump economy he will run on
What I find hilarious is that Trump did what you wanted, he shut down the economy.
And you wanted it shut down longer.....dude, don't you see what happens when that is done?
YOU like the idea of having Trump in a Catch 22 position, pathetic political game YOU play, RW.
Before the pandemic we had a good economy and if you don't like the deficit, you can blame all politicians,
not just Trump.
Unemployment is coming down, just a little over 10% and has been dropping since Trump violated your wet dream
and opened up the economy. Having unemployment plus 600 a week does encourage people not to go back to
work. Slow that up and more and more will return, take that to the bank. Have you seen the stock market?
Near all time highs, that is an indicator of what investors are expecting looking forward.
Quit being such a partisan pessimist and stop playing your games.
He fucked up the testing that every other developed country (save the UK) had for reopening. That's why unemployment is over 10% and why over 150K people have already died, and it'll be heading to 300K by the election. And if he loses that's why. And the reason he fucked it up was he thought he could get away with pretending the virus wasn't something we had to deal with. And by the time he figured otherwise it was either too late, or he chose not to test because the virus was in dem states, or both.
Economy is coming back, jobs are coming back, unemployment is coming down, stock market has rebounded to near all time highs.

That is not a misprint. Trump bitched that Obama was not consistently over PLUS 3.

We have $3 Trillion Deficit. Trump bitched that Obama carried a deficit of $600 Billion.

We have unemployment above ten percent with tens of millions still out of work. Trump bitched that Obama had unemployment of 4.5 percent.

That is the Trump economy he will run on
What I find hilarious is that Trump did what you wanted, he shut down the economy.
And you wanted it shut down longer.....dude, don't you see what happens when that is done?
YOU like the idea of having Trump in a Catch 22 position, pathetic political game YOU play, RW.
Before the pandemic we had a good economy and if you don't like the deficit, you can blame all politicians,
not just Trump.
Unemployment is coming down, just a little over 10% and has been dropping since Trump violated your wet dream
and opened up the economy. Having unemployment plus 600 a week does encourage people not to go back to
work. Slow that up and more and more will return, take that to the bank. Have you seen the stock market?
Near all time highs, that is an indicator of what investors are expecting looking forward.
Quit being such a partisan pessimist and stop playing your games.
Trump met COVID with a half assed response of wishful thinking, praying it would go away by itself and hoping for an economic recovery by election time.

It didn’t happen

It was Trump who urged Republican Governors in Florida, Georgia, Texas and Arizona to open their economies early......they now lead in infections.

It was Trump who attacked Democratic Governors in NY, NJ and Michigan for being too tough. Trump who urged citizens in those states to rebel.

The WORST man we could have fighting COVID
The misinformation that was given by WHO and China put the world behind the 8 ball

Trump misinformation.

The virus was under control and number of cases will shortly go to zero
A vaccine was three months away last March.
He had a cure for COVID
The COVID virus was no worse than the flu
All schools should open
Masks are ineffective
I give up with your political game, RW. Go to Russia, you'll be much, much happier there.

It is a game our country is losing because we have the worst leader possible to lead us in a crisis

President Trump will be re-elected with a slightly higher number of popular votes than last time but it still will be an electoral college win. Expect a shift, though, in the states voting each way.

The Senate will remain Republican with perhaps a small gain in the majority.

The House will not be able to function as too many races will be tied up in court for many weeks,perhaps months. Some cases will go all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. There may be a period in which there are two "Houses of Representatives" meeting separately. The one to move fastest will meet in the House chambers. The others will rent space somewhere. Each will claim to be legitimate but none will be until some definitive number of court cases are decided. At that time there will be a very narrow Republican majority which will allow a handful of RINOS to make big bucks (for their districts,of course) by selling their votes to the highest bidder.
Economy is coming back, jobs are coming back, unemployment is coming down, stock market has rebounded to near all time highs.

That is not a misprint. Trump bitched that Obama was not consistently over PLUS 3.

We have $3 Trillion Deficit. Trump bitched that Obama carried a deficit of $600 Billion.

We have unemployment above ten percent with tens of millions still out of work. Trump bitched that Obama had unemployment of 4.5 percent.

That is the Trump economy he will run on
What I find hilarious is that Trump did what you wanted, he shut down the economy.
And you wanted it shut down longer.....dude, don't you see what happens when that is done?
YOU like the idea of having Trump in a Catch 22 position, pathetic political game YOU play, RW.
Before the pandemic we had a good economy and if you don't like the deficit, you can blame all politicians,
not just Trump.
Unemployment is coming down, just a little over 10% and has been dropping since Trump violated your wet dream
and opened up the economy. Having unemployment plus 600 a week does encourage people not to go back to
work. Slow that up and more and more will return, take that to the bank. Have you seen the stock market?
Near all time highs, that is an indicator of what investors are expecting looking forward.
Quit being such a partisan pessimist and stop playing your games.
He fucked up the testing that every other developed country (save the UK) had for reopening. That's why unemployment is over 10% and why over 150K people have already died, and it'll be heading to 300K by the election. And if he loses that's why. And the reason he fucked it up was he thought he could get away with pretending the virus wasn't something we had to deal with. And by the time he figured otherwise it was either too late, or he chose not to test because the virus was in dem states, or both.
The tests that were given to us were faulty tests, the US developed a reliable test. Go pound sand.
The unemployment is above 10% because the economy was shut down and the left demanded it.
You do realize that we have 330 MILLION people in this country right? You do realize that as of this date there is not one vaccine
available, right? NOT ONE VACCINE IN THE ENTIRE WORLD. Go pound sand.
Might want to look at a few democrat governors and mayors for thousands of deaths due to their own negligence.
Time is winding down on this election, so here is my official prediction:

Whitehouse - Biden / Harris win by at least 50 electoral votes

House - Democrats maintain control, and extend lead by about 4 seats

Senate - Too close to call

Trump supporters - It didn't have to be this way. If your "stable genius" had not dismissed this virus as a hoax, and told everyone it would magically disappear, things might be different, but....160,000+ dead Americans is not something most voters are going to accept. I would also add that Trump's repeated attacks on fellow Republicans such as the Bush's and McCain's are going to hurt him, these folks carry a lot of weight in Conservative politics, and many of them are now backing Biden.

Those are the facts, Jack...Just the facts!

Sincerely - A Proud Liberal :bye1:

I think if Trump loses the White House the Republicans lose the Senate.
I am going to explain what I did and why first so folks can grasp my method and see the results.

1) Trump has taken on the entire political Establishment, which also includes the press and the GOP Donor Establishment, and beaten them at every turn. Examples:
a, He waited till the Dems were all loaded up on the bus to go to the airport and pulling away from the capital then he canceled their military flight and had a cameraman capture them getting off the bus in a huff and tumbling back into the capital.
b. He invited Mitt Romney to dinner to consider him for Sec of State, supposedly, and had a cameraman capture that too, Mittens begging Trump for a job in his administration, lol, after he condemned Trump repeatedly in no uncertain terms during the campaign. Priceless.

c. Trump beat the Democrat impeachment, with only Romney's one vote from the GOP. Hugely embarrassing the Democrats who were merely reacting emotionally to trumps provocations.
d. Trump beat them on the Mueler report, and so soundly that Democrats dont even bother arguing it any more. And Trump is using this report and questions about it to turn the tables on Democrat operatives, lol.
e. Democrats complained about Trump shutting down the air traffic from China early on in the COVID19 pandemic, but Trump was right. They said he couldnt get enough ventilators and PPE and it would shut down our hospitals. Trump got all the ventilators, and PPE anyone needed, and the same goes with testing, but Dims still complain but everyone realizes it is all political theater. I could go on another dozen examples but I wont for brevity.

Trump is much smarter than the Democrat leadership and he reacts better to changes in the political map than they do. So I neutralize any October surprises figuring it is a Trump advantage but we can safely ignore it for the purposes of this analysis, advantage Trump but leave it out.

2) Polling in elections with no clearly dominating incumbent POTUS, tend to have Democrats in the lead in the summer and early fall, then it collapses to the GOP's favor as the election gets closer. This image of said elections since the 1972 election demonstrates this dynamic. It seems to be a consistent 4% move toward the GOP by November. I call it the 'Calendar Dynamic'.

3) Biden is doing worse than Clinton did in 2016 with every demographic, blacks, Hispanics, suburban women, Law and order groups, the NRA, and you name it, so if Bidens numbers are not higher than Clintons with a -4% Calendar Dynamic adjustment, I gave the state to Trump.

This is what I was left with:


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You forgot to mention that Biden promised to shut down the Keystone and XL pipelines, stop fracking, and basically kill the US energy sector. Not to mention that electric rates will more than double to get to carbon neutral by 2035.

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