The Poll That Exposes The Election Fraud

What surprises me the most about some posters here and elsewhere is that they all seem to be Americans and yet there are those here and elsewhere who deliberately lie for a cause that cannot be explained.

Some may need a feeling of unity for anything; regardless of the overall purpose for doing so. So longer as they are a part of whatever it is they feel a feeling of purpose.

If acting against democratic causes and supporting racial injustices brings them in to an inner circle with fellow likeminded individuals;
then that individual has succeeded, they are no longer alone.

PoliticalChic falls into that circle of people, except this poster knows better and enjoys the thrill of opposing others knowing he/she is supporting the evil side. It is the thrill of being part of it; no matter how wrong, prejudice and racists it is.

PoliticalChic seems to enjoy the fight for the sack of the fight regardless of the evil roots that holds him/her together with other evil-minded individuals.

My guess is PoliticalChic is a Russian or Israeli plant being paid to do what she does while loving it all the way.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.
I sure put a cork in your pie hole, huh.
And another one bites the dust.

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What surprises me the most about some posters here and elsewhere is that they all seem to be Americans and yet there are those here and elsewhere who deliberately lie for a cause that cannot be explained.

Some may need a feeling of unity for anything; regardless of the overall purpose for doing so. So longer as they are a part of whatever it is they feel a feeling of purpose.

If acting against democratic causes and supporting racial injustices brings them in to an inner circle with fellow likeminded individuals;
then that individual has succeeded, they are no longer alone.

PoliticalChic falls into that circle of people, except this poster knows better and enjoys the thrill of opposing others knowing he/she is supporting the evil side. It is the thrill of being part of it; no matter how wrong, prejudice and racists it is.

PoliticalChic seems to enjoy the fight for the sack of the fight regardless of the evil roots that holds him/her together with other evil-minded individuals.

My guess is PoliticalChic is a Russian or Israeli plant being paid to do what she does while loving it all the way.

I could be wrong, but I doubt it.

"PoliticalChic falls into that circle of people, except this poster knows better and enjoys the thrill of opposing others knowing he/she is supporting the evil side."

Not only did I leave you speechless with the simplest of queries.....but now I will effortlessly smash a custard pie in your ugly kisser.

Evil revels in death.....the side of goodness, in life.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Whether personal beliefs, or what we call 'politics,' or perhaps 'religion,' the real idea that determines what we will do in any and every situation, is one simple idea. Either one believes that human lives are sacred, or one believes that they can be exchanged to achieve some secular material goal.

Choose a. or b.
a. From Schindler's List: “Whoever saves one life saves the world entire.”
b. Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

"My guess is PoliticalChic is a Russian or Israeli"

And you are as wrong about this as about everything else you posted.

나는 한국계 미국인이다
Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.
Shame on you; you left out Israeliteeezzeess
1. There are many indications that American voters didn't choose the Communist Chines asset, Quid Pro Joe, over Emmanuel Goldstein.

Just a few days go, Harvard-Harris released a poll that pretty much cemented the facts, with results that certainly would have gone the other way if the election had been legit.

2. "People more concerned about violence in cities than Capitol riot: Poll"

3. The well orchestrated attack on the American system of elections involved the overblown Wuhan Red Death hoax, and the use of easily-corrupted mail-in voting.
But the unleashing of their shock troops by the, Democrats, was a prime part of the softening up of America.....or so they believed.

But when polled.....this was the result:
Harvard/Harris poll: Which do you find more concerning - the violence in American cities during the summer or the riots at the Capitol on January 6th?
55% Violence in the cities
45% January 6th riot

And a 55-45% vote tally of Trump over Biden is most probably the correct result of the election.

4. American's also knew who was behind the hundreds of riots....
Do you think Antifa is a domestic terrorist group?
71% yes, they're a terrorist group
29% no, no they're not

Since ANTIFA and BLM are both conglomerations of Biden voters, the ration of against and for is equally telling per the election.

5. And contrary to the lies of the Democrats and the Biden state media, Americans recognize who and what was behind the lies about the Capitol farrago....
Do you think that the events at the U.S. Capitol are being used by politicians to suppress legitimate political movements or do you think there is no such suppression of legitimate movements?
64% yes

Will the election be reversed?


But does the public recognize what happened?

You betcha'.....

Some MAGA frat boys with drunken rantings are your new evidence?
I've explained to you why NORMAL people do not keep repeating to anyone that would listen about what numbers they got in the last election. It was a Trumpian manerism that to most people comes of as tacky and small minded. So what the hell is it you think you are establishing by keeping repeating yourself about the numbers?

Most Americans have had enough of Trump and turned out hard to make sure his ass was gone. I know this seems like a complex concept for tools like you like you to grasp, but thats the reality and you need to find some healthy way to deal with it.
AntonToo said:
I've explained to you why NORMAL people do not keep repeating to anyone that would listen about what numbers they got in the last election. It was a Trumpian manerism that to most people comes of as tacky and small minded. So what the hell is it you think you are establishing by keeping repeating yourself about the numbers?

Most Americans have had enough of Trump and turned out hard to make sure his ass was gone. I know this seems like a complex concept for tools like you like you to grasp, but thats the reality and you need to find some healthy way to deal with it.


More people came out to vote against Trump in 2020 than in there a point you are making?

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