Election Program 'Issue' Tallied Only 2 Votes for GOP Candidate, 33 MI Counties Thought To Be Using the Same Software


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
They must be using the same software that gave Romney zero votes in (29) Philadelphia precincts.
Why would it be weird for a Republican to get zero votes in a few Philadelphia precincts?
Western Journal? :laughing0301:
You people need to stop reading CRAP

  • Overall, we rate Western Journal Right Biased and Questionable based on story selection and editorial opinions that strongly favor the right and numerous failed fact checks.
They need to redo this election in all of these counties. Nothing else is fair.

If this thing was going against Biden then the filthy media would be declaring the election void and demanding a new election.

I was not able to watch all election night coverage as I was on duty, though I was looking in from time to time and noticed that all the media coverage was doing the same thing helping Biden with the optics, they all refused to call Florida for Trump even though 100% of the vote was in, they didn't want to call Florida for Trump because they didn't want the optics at that point to show Trump leading Biden in the Electoral College, only when they called California for Biden did they call Florida for Trump, that way they could still show Biden leading, the media are filthy snakes and that includes Fox as well.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.

Probably massive fraud there too
Were you dirty?
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.

We usually only hear about places going 100% for someone in Tin Pot Dictatorships, you know like when Robert Mugabe used to get reelected with 99% of the vote and the Western world all shouted vote fraud/election rigged. When Putin was reelected with just 86% of the vote the Western world was shouting vote fraud/election rigged. When this same shit happens in America though it's all "nothing to see, it's normal, move on" and anyone who questions that is called a Conspiracy Theorist spreading "misinformation"
They must be using the same software that gave Romney zero votes in (29) Philadelphia precincts.
Why would it be weird for a Republican to get zero votes in a few Philadelphia precincts?
Statistically impossible...even if everyone hated romney and I can understand why-----people especially among the elderly, druggies, and just plain stupid that tend to live in the inner cities would make a mistake or several and accidentally vote for the wrong person. Happens all the time.
It would be a smart move by liberals to blame a software problem, concede the state to Trump to avoid the otherwise inevitable prosecutions.
You guys don't pressure your governments, the GOP are soft and squishy outside of Trump. They didn't see the obvious weird situations during the Dem Primaries? Software app problems, delays of voting etc?

At that time CNN was not happy because they knew it would anger Bernie voters who were getting shafted again.

I think, even in creepy Canada, we would have been demanding changes after such a comedy. We certainly would have seen pushback from the Conservatives if the Liberal Party said they were just going to send out millions of random votes.

GOP don't loudly back Trump and ask questions even though without him they don't win these Senate seats. If people don't come out in the millions to vote for Trump, they won't vote for the Senate.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.

Probably massive fraud there too
Were you dirty?
There was massive fraud by Republicans who "accidentally purged" over 20% of legitimate voters off the roll. I was a McCain Republican Judge & had to tell each of them they could not vote & stopped Obama from winning Missouri in 2008. Months later I discovered the fraud. The same fraud was repeated in 2012. That's when I stopped being a republican.
Statistically impossible...even if everyone hated romney and I can understand why-----people especially among the elderly, druggies, and just plain stupid that tend to live in the inner cities would make a mistake or several and accidentally vote for the wrong person. Happens all the time.
I love how people say “statistically impossible” even though they have no actual knowledge of statistics.

A precinct is a few hundred people, less than a thousand. Are literally tens of thousands of precincts in the country. Every year, a handful vote exclusively for one candidate or the other. It’s not impossible. It happens every year.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.

Probably massive fraud there too
Were you dirty?
There was massive fraud by Republicans who "accidentally purged" over 20% of legitimate voters off the roll. I was a McCain Republican Judge & had to tell each of them they could not vote & stopped Obama from winning Missouri in 2008. Months later I discovered the fraud. The same fraud was repeated in 2012. That's when I stopped being a republican.

You've been conned.
You guys don't pressure your governments, the GOP are soft and squishy outside of Trump. They didn't see the obvious weird situations during the Dem Primaries? Software app problems, delays of voting etc?

At that time CNN was not happy because they knew it would anger Bernie voters who were getting shafted again.

I think, even in creepy Canada, we would have been demanding changes after such a comedy. We certainly would have seen pushback from the Conservatives if the Liberal Party said they were just going to send out millions of random votes.

GOP don't loudly back Trump and ask questions even though without him they don't win these Senate seats. If people don't come out in the millions to vote for Trump, they won't vote for the Senate.

Establishment Republicans do not care.
President Trump is draining their area of the swamp too.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.

If they have the ballots then they need to recount by hand.
Statistically impossible...even if everyone hated romney and I can understand why-----people especially among the elderly, druggies, and just plain stupid that tend to live in the inner cities would make a mistake or several and accidentally vote for the wrong person. Happens all the time.
I love how people say “statistically impossible” even though they have no actual knowledge of statistics.

A precinct is a few hundred people, less than a thousand. Are literally tens of thousands of precincts in the country. Every year, a handful vote exclusively for one candidate or the other. It’s not impossible. It happens every year.
yes a HANDFUL OF people vote just one president of the other....randomly. Entire precincts do not vote for one president or the other and no other races. It doesn't happen. Sorry.....if the reports are right---this was CLEARLY FRAUD.

This type of FRAud would be done by someone rushed for time or exceptionally lazy.......this indicates last minute ballot fill outs and I suspect they probably used the computer lists of people voting and not voting that have just been arranged this year as well. My guess is that if you finger print the ballots you will find a group of people who filled out all---and that they likely used the list so the names aren't really random----more likely done in whatever order the website lists the names of those who haven't voted yet.
An apparent issue with the election infrastructure in one Michigan county resulted in a Republican candidate having a tally of only two votes Wednesday.

Now, it’s been revealed that the program at fault could be in use in dozens of other counties across the state.

The discrepancy was discovered Wednesday morning in Antrim County, according to Michigan’s Interlochen Public Radio.

BJ's Pull quote

According to WPBN-TV, Guy said the vote totals on printed tabulator tapes and totals counted by the election software did not match. The printed tabulated tapes from each precinct will be counted manually as a result.

According to KXXV-TV anchor Joe Gumm, the Antrim County Clerk’s Office is now in the process of reviewing over 16,000 ballots cast in the county.

Even worse for the integrity of elections in Michigan, the program used to conduct voting in Antrim County is reportedly being used in 33 other counties across the state.
I was an election judge in polling place that went 100% for Obama in 2008. So it does happen.

Probably massive fraud there too
Were you dirty?
There was massive fraud by Republicans who "accidentally purged" over 20% of legitimate voters off the roll. I was a McCain Republican Judge & had to tell each of them they could not vote & stopped Obama from winning Missouri in 2008. Months later I discovered the fraud. The same fraud was repeated in 2012. That's when I stopped being a republican.
You've been conned.
No - you believe lies. I was there in training when the director said they "accidentally" loaded the wrong voter roll into the St Louis County system for 2008 causing all of us judges to jam the phone lines to ask why each these regular voters were not on the rolls. None of them were allowed to vote. The bigger problem is a different board member did it again in 2012, However the races were not close, so that 2012 "accident" wasn't large enough to cost anyone the election.
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They must be using the same software that gave Romney zero votes in (29) Philadelphia precincts.
Why would it be weird for a Republican to get zero votes in a few Philadelphia precincts?
Don't worry.. the Prog entertainers will be making a slew of White Supremacist and Christian Religious Cult movies to prove the Deplorables hate and racism again. However we know the truth.

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