Election Rigging and the Lefts Hatred of the Electoral System


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.

"Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes." ???

In CA all votes are counted, and the winner of the popular vote - i.e. the slate of the party which received the majority of votes, becomes members of the electoral college. They are not, however, required to vote for the party slate which receives the majority of the vote.

"But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown."

Possibly, easily not likely. Every county / parish in the United States supervises elections. It would take an enormous amount of collusion to have an effect to "throw" an election to someone who was not the major vote winner. It would be simpler to blackmail, threaten, extort or bribe members of the Electoral College.

"You can only work in close States" ???

"And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true." ???

Have you been drinking?
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.

"Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes." ???

In CA all votes are counted, and the winner of the popular vote - i.e. the slate of the party which received the majority of votes, become members of the electoral college. They are not, however, required to vote for the party slate which receives the majority of the vote.

"But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown."

Possibly, easily not likely. Every county / parish in the United States supervises elections. It would take an enormous amount of collusion to have an effect to "throw" and election to someone who was not the major vote winner.

"You can only work in close States" ???

"And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true." ???

Have you been drinking?
You think they'd find a hundred fake ballots in every county? Ah.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,

You are wrong . There's plenty of fraud . It's in the gops illegal redistricting and voter suppression. As you can see by the many court cases against them.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?

Which party keeps making the narrative that there is widespread fraud without any evidence to back it up?

The Right hates the Electoral System so much that they want to pretend Russia didn't attack it.

And of course want to make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?

Which party keeps making the narrative that there is widespread fraud without any evidence to back it up?

So there is no election fraud?
OK, then shut up about Russia, dufus.
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.

When you flunk out of homeschool, where do you go, exactly?
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.
I absolutely agree that those who are against our electoral college system are left wing assholes. These New York limousine liberal Democrats should be run out of town on a rail.

Traitors like this:

Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.

"Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes." ???

In CA all votes are counted, and the winner of the popular vote - i.e. the slate of the party which received the majority of votes, become members of the electoral college. They are not, however, required to vote for the party slate which receives the majority of the vote.

"But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown."

Possibly, easily not likely. Every county / parish in the United States supervises elections. It would take an enormous amount of collusion to have an effect to "throw" and election to someone who was not the major vote winner.

"You can only work in close States" ???

"And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true." ???

Have you been drinking?

You think they'd find a hundred fake ballots in every county? Ah.

Hmmm...would you like to concentrate and consider posting something which makes sense?

If the volume of "fake ballots" were as high as you suggest, there would be some evidence, and national outrage from both sides of the aisle.

Face it: The meme that voter fraud is a serious problem is bullshit. If the Congress felt we have such an enormous problem, they would create a special committee and hold hearings.

If Paul Ryan felt this was a major problem, and especially if it impacted his majority in the H. or Rep. such a committee would be established with alacrity.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?

Laws exist, herein is a link to prove it:

There have been just four documented cases of voter fraud in the 2016 election
"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." - Donald J. Trump

In Trump's case, that is turning out to be true!
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?
I see you couldn't address my factual post... because it destroys this thread..
Which party institutes voter suppression laws?
Democrats encourage voting. Republicans discourage voting. Those are the facts.
The Right hates the Electoral System so much that they want to pretend Russia didn't attack it.

And of course want to make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote.

They didn't "hack" it. Good lord what a maroon. Your side are the whines whining about the EC.
If the shoe was on the other foot and Hillary on despite losing the popular vote does anyone think the Left would be going nuts over this? What we have here is a bunch of hypocritical crybaby assholes that cannot handle the truth, which is that they lost to Donald J. Trump of all people. So they make all kinds of excuses about everything from the Russians to the EC instead of owning up to the FACT that they lost because they had a terrible candidate at the top of their ticket who ran a terrible campaign.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?
I see you couldn't address my factual post... because it destroys this thread..
Which party institutes voter suppression laws?
Democrats encourage voting. Republicans discourage voting. Those are the facts.
Ah, the old blacks are too stupid to get an ID rant again.
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?
I see you couldn't address my factual post... because it destroys this thread..
Which party institutes voter suppression laws?
Democrats encourage voting. Republicans discourage voting. Those are the facts.
Ah, the old blacks are too stupid to get an ID rant again.
Papers! Show us your papers, citizen!
No matter how many commissions and studies are instituted, no matter how many times ALL the results state " There is basically no voter fraud in this country" the lying trump whores continue to push this narrative.
Facts don't mean anything to them. Truth means nothing to them.,
Uh, which party opposes additional security measures against fraud?
I see you couldn't address my factual post... because it destroys this thread..
Which party institutes voter suppression laws?
Democrats encourage voting. Republicans discourage voting. Those are the facts.
Ah, the old blacks are too stupid to get an ID rant again.
North Carolina judge nixed a voter suppression law the republicans tried to put in because " it targeted blacks with almost surgical like precision."
How does it feel to be on the wrong side of every issue?

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