Election Rigging and the Lefts Hatred of the Electoral System

The Right hates the Electoral System so much that they want to pretend Russia didn't attack it.

And of course want to make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote.

How did they attack it? (Which they didn't) but let's just say for chucks and grins that they did? They "hacked" the election by revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC and their attempts to usurp the election process? Are you sure you want to go with that one????? That is what totally astounds me.......leftards are not pissed about the contents of the emails...oh no...they are simply pissed that the revelations saw the light of day. That alone should tell you what you and your kind are all about. No morals, no line you are not willing to cross because the ends justifies the means. How fucking disgusting is that?
Our intelligence agencies said the election was hacked. You said it wasn't..
You work really hard being Trump's colon.

Our "intelligence agencies" are going by what Cloudstrike said because the DNC would not give up their server to any of those intel agencies or the FBI and for obvious reasons. We also know that the CIA can mimic cyber attacks and leave "footprints" to justify blaming it on other countries. I noticed you never addressed the contents of the e-mails....speaking of "colons", you are that for the DNC that doesn't think much of it's sheeple. Leftards here will not address the contents of leaked e-mails to save their lives. They deflect and do everything that they can do avoid it. Why is that? I wish someone would leak RNC's e-mails because people that are still asleep need to know that both political parties are rotten to the core and are owned by the ones that control USA.INC
Suddenly the left trust what the CIA says without question.
Hillary had the election locked up according to the left I don't know why they are being cry babies. They were happy as clams until they unexpectedly lost, now they have sour grapes and are making excuses. That president Trump mocks them almost daily probably isn't helping. :laugh:
Hillary had the election locked up according to the left I don't know why they are being cry babies. They were happy as clams until they unexpectedly lost, now they have sour grapes and are making excuses. That president Trump mocks them almost daily probably isn't helping. :laugh:

President Trump won the election. I think that sucks but it is what happened.

And Russia tried to attack our election- that does suck but it is what happened.

Still can't figure out why the Right suddenly doesn't believe the CIA but does believe Russia.
The Right hates the Electoral System so much that they want to pretend Russia didn't attack it.

And of course want to make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote.

How did they attack it? (Which they didn't) but let's just say for chucks and grins that they did? They "hacked" the election by revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC and their attempts to usurp the election process? Are you sure you want to go with that one????? That is what totally astounds me.......leftards are not pissed about the contents of the emails...oh no...they are simply pissed that the revelations saw the light of day. That alone should tell you what you and your kind are all about. No morals, no line you are not willing to cross because the ends justifies the means. How fucking disgusting is that?

Nice rant! You left out one detail. The Russian Government and its President hated the sanctions put upon them by President Obama, Sect. Clinton ran on Obama's agenda, at least in this regard.

What greater motivation did Putin have, but to make sure a strong woman, one more a of hawk than Obama, must be stopped. Which of the Republicans seeking the nomination was the least experienced and might be more easily manipulated? And what better than to use a private e-mail service to hack, cherry pick and release embarrassing items to Wikileaks?

What is the greater threat to our nation's security? Russian hacking and the election of Trump to the office of President; or HRC being denied the office for supposedly dirty tricks and telling miners the truth?
Hillary had the election locked up according to the left I don't know why they are being cry babies. They were happy as clams until they unexpectedly lost, now they have sour grapes and are making excuses. That president Trump mocks them almost daily probably isn't helping. :laugh:

President Trump won the election. I think that sucks but it is what happened.

And Russia tried to attack our election- that does suck but it is what happened.

Still can't figure out why the Right suddenly doesn't believe the CIA but does believe Russia.

Nancy Pelosi when she was speaker of the House 3rd in line to the Presidency claimed the CIA lied to her. I know, but but but...but...lol
Hillary had the election locked up according to the left I don't know why they are being cry babies. They were happy as clams until they unexpectedly lost, now they have sour grapes and are making excuses. That president Trump mocks them almost daily probably isn't helping. :laugh:

President Trump won the election. I think that sucks but it is what happened.

And Russia tried to attack our election- that does suck but it is what happened.

Still can't figure out why the Right suddenly doesn't believe the CIA but does believe Russia.

I am not a Republican but since I became "awaken" to how things really work? I haven't trusted the CIA at all. They are complicit in drug running into this country, they were complicit in the murder of JFK, they overthrow governments that will not play ball with the multi-national corporations that want their resources and that's not even the worst that they do and have done. There is a reason as to why they are referred to as "Crooks In Action". Do you even know that when the OSS became the CIA that it was filled with former Nazis intel that had their backgrounds scrubbed using the Vatican ratlines? Have you ever noticed how many former CIA heads were Jesuit trained or belonged to a secret society that was Jesuit? How many "knights of malta" were involved in the JFK assassination?
The Right hates the Electoral System so much that they want to pretend Russia didn't attack it.

And of course want to make it harder for legitimate citizens to vote.

How did they attack it? (Which they didn't) but let's just say for chucks and grins that they did? They "hacked" the election by revealing the cheating and corruption of the DNC and their attempts to usurp the election process? Are you sure you want to go with that one????? That is what totally astounds me.......leftards are not pissed about the contents of the emails...oh no...they are simply pissed that the revelations saw the light of day. That alone should tell you what you and your kind are all about. No morals, no line you are not willing to cross because the ends justifies the means. How fucking disgusting is that?

Nice rant! You left out one detail. The Russian Government and its President hated the sanctions put upon them by President Obama, Sect. Clinton ran on Obama's agenda, at least in this regard.

What greater motivation did Putin have, but to make sure a strong woman, one more a of hawk than Obama, must be stopped. Which of the Republicans seeking the nomination was the least experienced and might be more easily manipulated? And what better than to use a private e-mail service to hack, cherry pick and release embarrassing items to Wikileaks?

What is the greater threat to our nation's security? Russian hacking and the election of Trump to the office of President; or HRC being denied the office for supposedly dirty tricks and telling miners the truth?

Hillary wasn't SoS when the sanctions were placed on Russia and Russia had plenty of dirt on the Hildbeast that they could have used since she was using an unprotected private server. Furthermore, the sanctions placed on Russia were bullshit to begin with and totally unjustified. I have covered ad naseum as to how Russia found themselves in the crosshair of USA.INC after the illegal coup de e'tat of the duly elected government of the Ukraine by the Soros funded E.U contingency and how Russia was accused of "invading the Ukraine" (fake news) by annexing Crimea which was the will of the people that wanted no part of the E.U and the grifters and thieves that are the IMF. I called this shortly after the coup happened and I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". The Ukraine was offered a much better deal to stay sovereign by accepting Russian aid instead of leveraging their resources against IMF loans that came with conditions..... but you don't know that.

Unless Seth Rich was a Russian agent and you can prove it? There is no proof that Russia hacked the DNC server and sent incriminating e-mails about the corruption and collusion to not only steal the nomination from Sanders but steal the election, PERIOD..... and that is something that those like you will not even acknowledge.
Furthermore, the sanctions placed on Russia were bullshit to begin with and totally unjustified. I have covered ad naseum as to how Russia found themselves in the crosshair of USA.INC after the illegal coup de e'tat of the duly elected government of the Ukraine by the Soros funded E.U contingency and how Russia was accused of "invading the Ukraine" (fake news) by annexing Crimea which was the will of the people that wanted no part of the E.U and the grifters and thieves that are the IMF. I called this shortly after the coup happened and I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". The Ukraine was offered a much better deal to stay sovereign by accepting Russian aid instead of leveraging their resources against IMF loans that came with conditions..... but you don't know that..

You realize you just laid out the reason Putin ordered his people to go after Hillary and help get Trump elected.

Hillary would never drop the sanctions, but pro-russian Trump would.

Putin helps Trump, Trump helps Putin. If Trump drops the sanctions, it's a Quid-Pro-Quo.
Wow, quoting a leftist judge.
How do blacks cash their welfare and social security checks?
different criteria..,but I wouldn't expect you to know that being the incredible bonehead you are.
A leftist judge in NC. Lmao.
Voter suppression laws not only target blacks but college students and the elderly. Once again there's been studies done and those were the results.
But keep holding on to the lies that have been drummed into your head, Ill stick with facts.
You have to a moron to even parrot that bullshit, congrats.
You mean facts derived from valid studies??
I know facts are like kryptonite to you..
Ya, college students have no id.

They need more than ID you fucking idiot.,
They need to vote in their home town where they're registered which could be 2,000 miles away.
You aren't much of a reader are you. Try it sometime then you won't sound so goddamn stupid on a public forum.

At home they "vote by mail". Mommy fills it out. "Away" they vote again, Mommy does too during visit. Massive fraud by otherwise legal voters.

Illegal aliens.......other methods used. Read this site, other threads. You will lose.
Furthermore, the sanctions placed on Russia were bullshit to begin with and totally unjustified. I have covered ad naseum as to how Russia found themselves in the crosshair of USA.INC after the illegal coup de e'tat of the duly elected government of the Ukraine by the Soros funded E.U contingency and how Russia was accused of "invading the Ukraine" (fake news) by annexing Crimea which was the will of the people that wanted no part of the E.U and the grifters and thieves that are the IMF. I called this shortly after the coup happened and I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". The Ukraine was offered a much better deal to stay sovereign by accepting Russian aid instead of leveraging their resources against IMF loans that came with conditions..... but you don't know that..

You realize you just laid out the reason Putin ordered his people to go after Hillary and help get Trump elected.

Hillary would never drop the sanctions, but pro-russian Trump would.

Putin helps Trump, Trump helps Putin. If Trump drops the sanctions, it's a Quid-Pro-Quo.

Oh, I beg to differ. You can bet that the intel of every country had the dirt on the Hildebeast because of the unprotected server she used to bypass the .gov website. Plus, if they had of hacked the server, they had the goods on her to use against her and as leverage to get the sanctions lifted. Sanctions that never should have been put in place to begin with. Seems that the globalists running the E.U and USA.INC have one set of rules to play by and another for those that refuse to play ball their way. I have a thousand times more respect for Putin than I ever did the Barrypuppet or the Hildebeast. The global picture is fucking clear as day to me.
Russia could creat a million fake votes in California and it would make a difference in who got all of the States Electoral votes. But if it was a popular nationwide vote, an election could be easily thrown. You can only work in close States. And that means eyes can focus on just those to make sure things remain true.

When you flunk out of homeschool, where do you go, exactly?

Good question,

Rumor has it that the GOP will give those who register as Republicans a GED, if and only if they make a monthly donation to the party of $5.00 in Bit Coins, and post at least 30 derogatory comments directed at Democrats, liberals or progressives every month.

Want evidence, there are several dozen who have already signed up and post on this message board. Can you guess who they might be?

Interesting. Please show a link to that to humiliate the trump whores.

It was a rumor, but the evidence is apparent in the Idiot-grams and ignorant statements made by the deplorables.
At home they "vote by mail". Mommy fills it out. "Away" they vote again, Mommy does too during visit. Massive fraud by otherwise legal voters.

Illegal aliens.......other methods used. Read this site, other threads. You will lose.

Actually you've identified the number one form of illegal voting. Multiple legal addresses. Mitt Romney had residences in Utah and Massachussetts, and three people in the Trump campaign were actually registered to vote in two different states.
the electoral vote had to be rigged.

that was the only way Don Cheeto could have won.

Democrat subterfuge. The Dems threw the election and punk'd the Republitards AGAIN !!

after Shitforhair trashes the country it will be decades before another Repub sees the oval officie !


If Trump didn't make a big deal out of illegal voting and rigged elections during the campaign the riggers and the illegals would have kicked in and he would not have won. He won because he scared the shit out of the wrong doer's and they stayed home out of fear of deportation or arrest and did not vote. Nice move Donald!
Oh, I beg to differ. You can bet that the intel of every country had the dirt on the Hildebeast because of the unprotected server she used to bypass the .gov website. .

As you said, only one country wanted the sanctions lifted and hillary wouldn't do it.

Plus, if they had of hacked the server, they had the goods on her to use against her and as leverage to get the sanctions lifted.

Once elected, release of those e-mails would be worth nothing. They were like sushi. Good for a short period of time, and afterward, not useable for anything but landfill.
If Trump didn't make a big deal out of illegal voting and rigged elections during the campaign the riggers and the illegals would have kicked in and he would not have won. He won because he scared the shit out of the wrong doer's and they stayed home out of fear of deportation or arrest and did not vote. Nice move Donald!

So Trump lied about the 3-5 million illegal votes

I accept your surrender.
Oh, I beg to differ. You can bet that the intel of every country had the dirt on the Hildebeast because of the unprotected server she used to bypass the .gov website. .

As you said, only one country wanted the sanctions lifted and hillary wouldn't do it.

Plus, if they had of hacked the server, they had the goods on her to use against her and as leverage to get the sanctions lifted.

Once elected, release of those e-mails would be worth nothing. They were like sushi. Good for a short period of time, and afterward, not useable for anything but landfill.

I disagree because it would totally undermine her presidency and give her detractors even more cannon fodder. I doubt that the Hildebeast would have taken that chance. She would either have acquiesced or started a war. She already would have been in a situation where there was already a mountain of distrust in her.
Once elected, release of those e-mails would be worth nothing. They were like sushi. Good for a short period of time, and afterward, not useable for anything but landfill.

I disagree because it would totally undermine her presidency and give her detractors even more cannon fodder. I doubt that the Hildebeast would have taken that chance. She would either have acquiesced or started a war. She already would have been in a situation where there was already a mountain of distrust in her.
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Coals to Newcastle.
Furthermore, the sanctions placed on Russia were bullshit to begin with and totally unjustified. I have covered ad naseum as to how Russia found themselves in the crosshair of USA.INC after the illegal coup de e'tat of the duly elected government of the Ukraine by the Soros funded E.U contingency and how Russia was accused of "invading the Ukraine" (fake news) by annexing Crimea which was the will of the people that wanted no part of the E.U and the grifters and thieves that are the IMF. I called this shortly after the coup happened and I'll be damned if I wasn't "dead on". The Ukraine was offered a much better deal to stay sovereign by accepting Russian aid instead of leveraging their resources against IMF loans that came with conditions..... but you don't know that..

You realize you just laid out the reason Putin ordered his people to go after Hillary and help get Trump elected.

Hillary would never drop the sanctions, but pro-russian Trump would.

Putin helps Trump, Trump helps Putin. If Trump drops the sanctions, it's a Quid-Pro-Quo.

Oh, I beg to differ. You can bet that the intel of every country had the dirt on the Hildebeast because of the unprotected server she used to bypass the .gov website. Plus, if they had of hacked the server, they had the goods on her to use against her and as leverage to get the sanctions lifted. Sanctions that never should have been put in place to begin with. Seems that the globalists running the E.U and USA.INC have one set of rules to play by and another for those that refuse to play ball their way. I have a thousand times more respect for Putin than I ever did the Barrypuppet or the Hildebeast. The global picture is fucking clear as day to me.

Cool, get your ass to Moscow, you're not welcome here.

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