Election Security Measures are “burdensome and unnecessary"


Diamond Member
Apr 15, 2023
Merrick Garland is claiming that election security is “burdensome and unnecessary".


It is MORE than OBVIOUS what is going on.

election integrity efforts — such as voter ID requirements and restrictions on ballot "drop boxes" — are "discriminatory, burdensome, and unnecessary."

Biden AG Merrick Garland, speaking at an Alabama church, says

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Shasta County, California, is going through this ... no one will be voting there ... folks weren't hired to count ... voters are currently recalling and removing from office these MAGA county commissioners ... but it may be too late to get ballot counting machine installed and working ... conservatives disenfranchising themselves ...

There's less than 200,000 people living there ... heavy heavy Republican support ... not counting votes saves money ... rack up 54 Electoral Votes for the Democrat ... no fix needed, California Republicans can't vote ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... cheapskates ... too funny ...
Fuck off Garland.....Security measures at polling locations are up to the states/localities.

I wonder what he thinks of the NG being used in NYC subways....The random bag checks seem to fly in the face of unreasonable searches laid out in the 4th amendment.

Oregon v Mitchell ... 400 U.S. 112 (1970) ... Only the states can regulate state elections ... except for 2/3's of each House of Congress and 3/4's the States ... so women, darkies and 18-year-olds can vote whether the State agrees or not ...
Shasta County, California, is going through this ... no one will be voting there ... folks weren't hired to count ... voters are currently recalling and removing from office these MAGA county commissioners ... but it may be too late to get ballot counting machine installed and working ... conservatives disenfranchising themselves ...

There's less than 200,000 people living there ... heavy heavy Republican support ... not counting votes saves money ... rack up 54 Electoral Votes for the Democrat ... no fix needed, California Republicans can't vote ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ... cheapskates ... too funny ...
How is that any worse than places like AZ and AK, where they can't provide the results for several days with the vote stealing machines?
You folks must really have some weird ways of doing things. I actually like ID requirement because by just scanning your info off your drivers license has really sped up the time it takes to get through the line to vote. Those fill in the circles ballots have also allowed pretty much an exponential number of people to vote at the same place at the same time instead of waiting for a voting machine to open up. Instead of 5 people voting at once on the touchscreens, 40-50 people can vote at once at the tables filling in their circles.
Voters should have to vote at a polling place by secret ballot. Universal mail in ballots allows for people to sell their votes or allow other's to fill out their ballots and vote for them.
How is that any worse than places like AZ and AK, where they can't provide the results for several days with the vote stealing machines?

Shasta County is about as close to the Garden of Eden as to make no difference ... we have our State Capitol building there and have outlawed all elected officials from entering ... less taxes that way ...

Why you think Democrats have to steal votes in California? ... will Trump even bother campaigning there? ...
WTF! Why aren't republicans in the H&S not holding a press conference and addressing Garlands "dog whistle" giving the okay for voter fraud in the 2024 election? Garland is letting democrats know he's not going to investigate or charge democrats for stealing the 2024 election!!!
Once again democrats are telling us what they're gonna do and republicans do nothing.
WTF! Why aren't republicans in the H&S not holding a press conference and addressing Garlands "dog whistle" giving the okay for voter fraud in the 2024 election? Garland is letting democrats know he's not going to investigate or charge democrats for stealing the 2024 election!!!
Once again democrats are telling us what they're gonna do and republicans do nothing.

Is this because conservative states are far to corrupt to enforce their own State Laws? ... Oregon v Mitchell ... States run their own elections ... Federal government can only enforce what the US Constitution says they can ...

Florida officials can't even follow their own laws {Cite} ... Republicans made huge gains in State Houses across the nation in 2020, as reflected in all these new congressional district maps ... and yet conservatives say the election was rigged ... Bubba didn't finish Middle School ...
Shasta County is about as close to the Garden of Eden as to make no difference ... we have our State Capitol building there and have outlawed all elected officials from entering ... less taxes that way ...

Why you think Democrats have to steal votes in California? ... will Trump even bother campaigning there? ...
Doesn't answer the question....So what if it takes a tad longer (or even just as long as the vote stealing takes), as long as there are hard copies of ballots counted by real people?
Is this because conservative states are far to corrupt to enforce their own State Laws? ... Oregon v Mitchell ... States run their own elections ... Federal government can only enforce what the US Constitution says they can ...
The States lost that case, the 1970 amendments to the Voting Rights Act were ruled Constitutional. The Congress has broad regulatory power when Federal positions are on the ballot.

The only ruling in favor of the States was the voting age for State offices, and that was mooted by the 26th amendment shortly after the case was decided.

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.
How is that any worse than places like AZ and AK, where they can't provide the results for several days with the vote stealing machines?
AK went ranked choice in the last election, that's one reason they were slow to declare a winner. Also the fact that the population is spread out in remote villages poses some unique problems in tabulating results. They have sat phones to report preliminary counts, but everything is flown in and out on bush planes, and weather is always a factor. It's a huge land area and sparsely populated; elections are very labor intensive.

AZ is a whole 'nuther story...
Doesn't answer the question....So what if it takes a tad longer (or even just as long as the vote stealing takes), as long as there are hard copies of ballots counted by real people?

"... real people?" ...not without pay in the State of California ... the county commission required maanual ballot counting without appropriating the money to hire people ... so the votes go uncounted ... in a stack ... in the vault ... in the basement there in Redding's County Building and Facilities ...

Why do you think Donald Trump has any hope of winning those Electoral Votes? ... 'cause 200,000 folks don't amount to many votes to begin with ... there's that many homeless illegal immigrants asking for abortions voting in Los Angeles ...
The States lost that case,

"Relief granted in part and denied in part." ... you are correct in part, Congress sets the rules for Federal offices ... three ... however, you are also incorrect in part, States set the rules for State offices ... however many thousands that would be ...

Oregon was going to split her ballot in 1972 ... SCOTUS wasn't stopping her ... folks over 21 would get the full form of the ballot and the children would get a different ballot with only the Federal offices ... it would have been fun ...

Drat that 26th Amendment and Federal Overreach ... sheesh ...
however, you are also incorrect in part, States set the rules for State offices ...
Well, I never said States did not set the rules for State offices. In fact, States set most of the rules even in Federal elections. The "times, places, and manner" encompasses a large swath of State election laws. Registering of voters, counting of votes, prevention of fraud, inspections and canvassing, etc. Those are all State laws. What they have no say in is the qualifications for federal offices- that is purely Constitutional.

The assertion that "Federal government can only enforce what the US Constitution says they can" is not accurate in the context of elections. There are all kinds of Federal statutory requirements whenever a Federal office is on the ballot. The Voting Rights Act is but one such example. Those restrictions are not found in the Constitution, but they are enforceable nonetheless, because the authority of Congress to enact those laws is found in the Elections clause.
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