Elections Are A Long Way Off

Conservatives need to plant microphones, cameras, tap phones etc., for all coming elections.

Did you know that there was that sort of surveillence aound drop boxes in Georgia.

...systematic ballot harvesting during the state’s 2020 general election and subsequent U.S. Senate runoff and may soon issue subpoenas to secure evidence, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger confirmed to Just the News.

Georgia law strictly prohibits third-party activists from picking up and delivering ballots on behalf of voters, a tactic called “harvesting” that liberal organizers have tried to get legalized in many battleground states without success. The U.S. Supreme Court this summer rejected Democrat efforts to overturn an Arizona law that outlawed harvesting in the battleground state.

...evidence that scores of activists worked with nonprofit groups to collect and deliver thousands of absentee ballots, often during wee-hour operations, to temporary voting drop boxes distributed around the state during the pandemic.

4. ....a Georgia man who admitted he was paid thousands of dollars to harvest ballots in the Atlanta metropolitan area during the November election and the lead-up to Jan. 5, 2021 runoff for Georgia’s two U.S. Senate seats, which were both captured by Democrats and ended GOP control of Congress. The group has yet to identify the cooperating witness to state authorities, referring to him in the complaint simply as John Doe.

5. ...showed numerous instances of people stuffing large numbers of ballots into the boxes, some with so many ballots in hand that some of the envelopes dropped to the ground. Some people were allegedly observed taking pictures of themselves at the boxes after delivering ballots, an action the group said may have been required to receive payments.

The group said many of the alleged drops — more than 40% of those observed on tape — occurred between the hours of midnight and 5 a.m., when most Georgians were asleep.

The group also said in its complaint it temporarily secured the cooperation of one person, identified in the complaint as John Doe, who admitted he participated in extensive ballot harvesting during the November 2020 election and Jan. 5 runoffs and was paid $10 for each ballot he collected from a voter and delivered to a box. The man did not appear to understand his harvesting activities were illegal, but his participation was verified by his repeated appearance on the surveillance tapes, the group said."
Georgia opens investigation into possible illegal ballot harvesting in 2020 election
6. "65% of all voters say America is on the wrong track, including 36% of those voters who would vote for a Democrat for Congress and 70% among those who are undecided for Congress. This pessimism could cause President Biden’s low popular ratings to decline further and the Democratic vote for Congress to fall even further.

Republicans have their widest lead that we have seen in years for the generic ballot in Congress +5%, 48% to 43%. On the generic ballot, Republicans vote for the generic Republican 97% to 1%. Republicans win independents 43% to 32% and they win suburban voters 49%-41%."
Midterm elections are not friendly to the president's political party. Modern midterm elections have resulted in an average loss of 30 seats in the House of Representatives and Senateby the political party whose president occupies the White House.

During the midterm election, one-third of the Senate and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives are at stake.

In the 21 midterm elections held since 1934, only twice has the president's party gained seats in both the Senate and the House: Franklin Delano Roosevelt's first midterm election and George W. Bush's first midterm election.

I predict Biden's approval number to be somewhere down around 12% by the midterms.
I predict Biden's approval number to be somewhere down around 12% by the midterms.

We cannot allow them to simply replace Biden and get out from under the fact that it is Democrat policies that are the problem.
"...or purely trumpist policies are allowed to reign supreme for more than a 4 year run, we are probably screwed for mulitple cycles."

Simple enough to check whether your post is simply an attempt to hide your party.

There is no basis for comparing Democrat policies with the ones you suggest are equivalent.

You may not be smart enough to recognize that....so let's force you to:

I can name dozens of Biden policies I voted against.....and Trump policies I voted for.

Let's see you name the Biden policies you voted for, or the Trump policies you voted against.

If.....when.....you can't, well.....then the only explanation is a stolen election.

Warning: if this is the first time you have ever attempted to think, you may be subject to an aneurysm.
Not so much policy in voting against trump, but trump himself and his methods. I didn't actually know or even believe he would try to overthrow free elections at the time I voted, during early in person voting. When he did, it just made me positive, I had done the right thing.
Biden ran as the moderate, but it appears he is but a tool of party politics, a useful idiot. Though still better than having had the election stolen by the loser, trump and the destruction of representative voting, he is no prize to the country in general. His reach or grasp is for overreach and the undoing of previous policy, in some cases, just for the undoing, not that he had a better plan or any plan at all. Clearly not a leader, unifier. Only, unlike trump, there are people in his own party that will effectively stand against his overreach or that of the party. Some things (like his change to border policy) could not be controlled by anyone in his party, to disastrous results.
We cannot allow them to simply replace Biden and get out from under the fact that it is Democrat policies that are the problem.

I don't think they're going to replace him, that would be admitting defeat. Especially replacing him with Kamala Harris. She's even more unpopular than Biden.
Not so much policy in voting against trump, but trump himself and his methods. I didn't actually know or even believe he would try to overthrow free elections at the time I voted, during early in person voting. When he did, it just made me positive, I had done the right thing.
Biden ran as the moderate, but it appears he is but a tool of party politics, a useful idiot. Though still better than having had the election stolen by the loser, trump and the destruction of representative voting, he is no prize to the country in general. His reach or grasp is for overreach and the undoing of previous policy, in some cases, just for the undoing, not that he had a better plan or any plan at all. Clearly not a leader, unifier. Only, unlike trump, there are people in his own party that will effectively stand against his overreach or that of the party. Some things (like his change to border policy) could not be controlled by anyone in his party, to disastrous results.

"Not so much policy in voting against trump, but trump himself and his methods."

I'd like to commend you on this admission.

For the longest time I've posted that rational, intelligent, adult individuals vote based on policies, not persons.

Had all voted in such manner, we wouldn't be faced with this:

I don't think they're going to replace him, that would be admitting defeat. Especially replacing him with Kamala Harris. She's even more unpopular than Biden.


I'm betting on a new face for the old policies of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, the same ones the Nazis and Bolsheviks championed.

I'm betting on a new face for the old policies of totalitarianism, authoritarianism, the same ones the Nazis and Bolsheviks championed.

You're talking about a party that hasn't done anything new since their Jim Crow days. They keep dipping into the same pool of stagnant water, hoping to come out with a bucket full of wine. Like the Clintons: They should have been forgotten years ago, but they keep coming back to screw up the country even more. And even when they do come up with a new face like a Buttgieg or a Beto, like you said, it's the same old Marxist wearing a different mask.
You're talking about a party that hasn't done anything new since their Jim Crow days. They keep dipping into the same pool of stagnant water, hoping to come out with a bucket full of wine. Like the Clintons: They should have been forgotten years ago, but they keep coming back to screw up the country even more. And even when they do come up with a new face like a Buttgieg or a Beto, like you said, it's the same old Marxist wearing a different mask.

The problem is that they lie and the media hides the truth.

Far too many don't pay the attention that we do, and we all suffer for their ignorance.

The most insidious power the news media has is the power to ignore.
Chris Plante
"Not so much policy in voting against trump, but trump himself and his methods."

I'd like to commend you on this admission.

For the longest time I've posted that rational, intelligent, adult individuals vote based on policies, not persons.

Had all voted in such manner, we wouldn't be faced with this:

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I like your meme. Very effective and to your point. I will address a couple of them. He didn't create the inflation. It is worldwide. He didn't create the higher gas prices as they are also worldwide, and prompted from the worldwide pulling out of the pandemic shutdown in all countries as on top of seasonal demands and profit taking by the ones that own stuff to sell as the economies pick up speed again. While not a fan of the profit taking unless on the taking side, I do recognize it when I see it as corporate profits thrive on less production and delivery. I don't really give a damn about rising tensions in the Middle East, as I am 67, and they have risen most of my life.
Rising tensions in the former Soviet and their neighbors bother me, though. It's not as if I haven't predicted this crap for years, ever since the majority of the people just happily said "Hurray, the Cold War is over" whether it was true or not, it was successfully sold as true, but apparently not. We really aren't and can't be the world policeman. If you need us in a minute, we're only 10,000 miles away. Joe hasn't got a plan (big surprise? Not) for this. I wish Europe well.
I don't think they're going to replace him, that would be admitting defeat. Especially replacing him with Kamala Harris. She's even more unpopular than Biden.
Unpopular does not matter, but being even stupider does. I seriously doubt, she gets "a turn".
I like your meme. Very effective and to your point. I will address a couple of them. He didn't create the inflation. It is worldwide. He didn't create the higher gas prices as they are also worldwide, and prompted from the worldwide pulling out of the pandemic shutdown in all countries as on top of seasonal demands and profit taking by the ones that own stuff to sell as the economies pick up speed again. While not a fan of the profit taking unless on the taking side, I do recognize it when I see it as corporate profits thrive on less production and delivery. I don't really give a damn about rising tensions in the Middle East, as I am 67, and they have risen most of my life.
Rising tensions in the former Soviet and their neighbors bother me, though. It's not as if I haven't predicted this crap for years, ever since the majority of the people just happily said "Hurray, the Cold War is over" whether it was true or not, it was successfully sold as true, but apparently not. We really aren't and can't be the world policeman. If you need us in a minute, we're only 10,000 miles away. Joe hasn't got a plan (big surprise? Not) for this. I wish Europe well.

"He didn't create the inflation."


Not 'he'.....Democrat policies.

a. Obviated Trump's energy independence.....doubled gas prices, which added to every product in America.

b. $trillions in spending = inflation.

"Now Biden’s given America the worst inflation in 40 years

The prez and his party can no longer escape blame for the Bidenflation Tax, which hits poorer Americans hardest. Despite warnings (from even their own party mates, like former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers), Dems last year unilaterally pumped $1.9 trillion into an economy that was already rebounding, paid workers bonuses to stay off the job and did little to address predictable supply-chain clogs. The Fed, meanwhile, kept interest rates low and continued to bloat the money supply by buying up bonds, to the tune of $120 billion a month."

"He didn't create the inflation."


Not 'he'.....Democrat policies.

a. Obviated Trump's energy independence.....doubled gas prices, which added to every product in America.

b. $trillions in spending = inflation.

"Now Biden’s given America the worst inflation in 40 years

The prez and his party can no longer escape blame for the Bidenflation Tax, which hits poorer Americans hardest. Despite warnings (from even their own party mates, like former Treasury Secretary Larry Summers), Dems last year unilaterally pumped $1.9 trillion into an economy that was already rebounding, paid workers bonuses to stay off the job and did little to address predictable supply-chain clogs. The Fed, meanwhile, kept interest rates low and continued to bloat the money supply by buying up bonds, to the tune of $120 billion a month."

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What? Democrats worldwide? Sorry. Can't buy it.
What? Democrats worldwide? Sorry. Can't buy it.

When folks like you, so steeped in the propaganda of the Left, are left speechless by a post, as mine left you, you pretend not to understand the post.


American and perrennially tax and spend.

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

Democrat inflation is a 10% tax on everyone, mainly the poor.

And you voted for it and still try to support it.

  • . Revoke permit for Keystone XL pipeline, pause energy leasing in ANWR, obviating Trump’s success in making America energy independent, effectively rewarding our enemies, Russian and Iran.
7. "Republicans win independents 43% to 32% and they win suburban voters 49%-41%.

If the 9% who are undecided break two to one for the Republicans, they could receive a decisive majority of the national congressional vote as high as 54%."
Yes, elections are a long way off, giving you people plenty of time to cook up some new excuses as to why you lost.

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