Electoral Tidbit: two very predominant family names in US politics. If....


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
...Jeb Bush wins the GOP nomination in 2016, then this would be the SEVENTH time in 36 years that the name "Bush" would be on a presidential ticket:

1980: Reagan / Bush (R)
1984: Reagan / Bush (R)
1988: Bush / Quayle (R)
1992: Bush / Quayle (R)
2000: Bush / Cheney (R)
2004: Bush / Cheney (R)
2016: ?

Were this to happen, this would still not beat the family name "Roosevelt" (also, people who are related to each other):

1900: McKinley / Roosevelt (R)
1904: Roosevelt / Fairbanks (R)
1912: Roosevelt / Johnson (Progressive - "Bull Moose")
1920: Cox / Roosevelt (D)
1932: Roosevelt / Garner (D)
1936: Roosevelt / Garner (D)
1940: Roosevelt / Wallace (D)
1934: Roosevelt / Truman (D)

That makes for EIGHT cycles within 44 years time where the family name "Roosevelt" was on a major presidential ticket.

And the lynchpin between these two generations, if you will, was Prescott Bush, who knew Roosevelt and who convinced Eisenhower to put Nixon on the 1952 GOP ticket. That was the same Nixon who then appointed Bush 41 to be Ambassador to the UN and then, Ford made Bush the head of the CIA.

There are some other family names worth nothing, i.e. Bryan, Stevenson, Harrison and of course, Adams. Perhaps, soon, the family name Clinton.

But no two family names have dominated such long periods of presidential politics like the names Roosevelt and Bush. That is a statistical fact. So, when people complain about the name Bush, remember, this is not a new phenomenon at all.

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