Electric Vehicle sales are sucking!!!

The suck continues..............now, I'm laughing my balls off!!!!

EPower, a retailer selling electric cars in Illinois, Iowa, and Missouri, has only sold two cars in the past three months. President Bruce Wood tells DailyTech that, "while there are a lot of tire kickers", few will actually commit to a purchase.

Evidently, electric car sales are in FREEFALL:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::banana:

DailyTech - Electric Car Sales in Freefall Industry Risks Collapse
LMAO JC.....been busy and haven't gotten in here for a few days......laughing my balls off right now!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still sucking..........when one is forced to look at the facts, the progressive always takes it the fuck on his chin!!:mm:
LMAO JC.....been busy and haven't gotten in here for a few days......laughing my balls off right now!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still sucking..........when one is forced to look at the facts, the progressive always takes it the fuck on his chin!!:mm:
LMAO JC.....been busy and haven't gotten in here for a few days......laughing my balls off right now!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still sucking..........when one is forced to look at the facts, the progressive always takes it the fuck on his chin!!:mm:

Hey JC.....gotta keep updates on this.....developing into perhaps a second epic thread in here!!! With more epic WiNniNg of course............
LMAO JC.....been busy and haven't gotten in here for a few days......laughing my balls off right now!!!:lmao::lmao::lmao:

Still sucking..........when one is forced to look at the facts, the progressive always takes it the fuck on his chin!!:mm:

Hey JC.....gotta keep updates on this.....developing into perhaps a second epic thread in here!!! With more epic WiNniNg of course............
What day is it? Another day of WiNniNg. I just want to celebrate another day of winning!!!!
Another opportunity to educate people coming into this forum that thinks are not as they appear out there..............which is why JC, me, you Billy, Frank, Ian et. all...........have to make sure this particular thread doesn't fall off page one.:boobies::boobies::2up:

Gotta let people know who watch this jackass Obama speaking incoherently about climate change that all his shit is lOsInG:blowup:
By the way........we see a lot of bogus statistics in here thrown out by progressives about EV's getting hugely popular!!!

I say...........really s0ns??:gay:

Over one million TRCKS are sold in the US alone each year!!!:ack-1:

Here is the record of EV sales for the first quarter of 2014...........do the projections yourself on about what the years will end up being!!! And try not to split your sides laughing!!!:spinner::spinner::spinner:

Are here Tesla's sales in Boston have caught fire, so people can stay warm.

Are here Tesla's sales in Boston have caught fire, so people can stay warm.


LMAO.......Ive still not seen a single S model here on Long Island........and I travel the LIE daily, the second most heavily traveled highway in the country.

But think about it.........who spends 100K on that thing? I'll tell you who? Somebody who wants to make some weenie, ghey arrogant statement.

For 100K, which would you rather have?

1) Nismo R35 GTR
2) BMW M5
3) Tesla S

Out of 100 men, 98 would no way pick the Tesla. Mostly, just out of principle!!:coffee:
Electric vehicle sales are running out of gas - LA Times

Said a few years back that nobody would care about EV's. As usual, I'm right!!

Americans dont want these stoopid cars......and the sales numbers cearly show it!!


As always, the AGW k00ks will say, "Well......wait until tomorrow......". Thats always their gay fallback on stuff like this but it never pans out!!! The myths MUST be perpetuated.

Bottom line?

Electric vehicles are a joke.

You remind me of the guy who said " it'll never work" when that guy kept trying to launch a rocket but they kept blowing up. They will figure it out. In 100 years from now they will work and no one will remember you.

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