Electric vehicles serve China and the American elite, NOT We the People (what a shocker)


Platinum Member
Nov 17, 2023
I was watching Fox and this guy they had on, wish I could recall his name, nailed it

He said that the left love these EVs which they are forcing on us against our will, because no one can afford them.. (well, he didn't say NO one but anyhow)

so any non-wealthy American wanting to buy one --or wait... being forced by the sicko gummit to buy one.. will have to be subsidized by gummit. That means that millions more will be dependent on gummit

how communist.

And we see how Communism has worked in history, don't we? Under Stalin, Mao and all the other commies, 100 million... Please remember that figure... 100 million

have been murdered

by the state.

But the elites say they can do communism better than those folks in history.. ! Well, if you are into taking chances...

Most of us don't like the odds
China is already interfering in our elections via tic tok and other methods... if it becomes clear Trump will win I fear what they will do....
Isn't it obvious that China is in control of our government....
China is already interfering in our elections via tic tok and other methods... if it becomes clear Trump will win I fear what they will do....
no wonder even Ds are against Tik Tok, but the Ds are against it mostly because of security reasons. I'm sure they'd like to keep it around until after the election, political hacks that they are.

As brought up on Fox last night... Why is China buying land in America when no American can buy land in China (who'd want to anyhow?)?
I may be asking too much but can you tell me in your own words?
Why can't you read?... China has favored candidates from both parties but mostly they are democrats who will sell out American workers for money and to get elected....
Tik Toc targets certain politicians for fake news stories and throws shade on others in their platform... along with the dumbing down of our younger citizens they can influence the vote....
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They made the Biden family filthy ass rich and then released a bio weapon to undermine Trump's election and now they have their man in the White House.
Yep Obama and Obiden....
China has favored candidates from both parties but mostly they are democrats who will sell out American workers for money and to get elected....
Tik Toc targets certain politicians for fake news stories and throws shade on others in their platform... along with the dumbing down or our younger citizens they can influence the vote....
There are also folks on there who are not political at all. Folks who have no interest in trump or Biden. Native Tik Tok for example. A great source of information on current Native events.
They made the Biden family filthy ass rich and then released a bio weapon to undermine Trump's election and now they have their man in the White House.
always thought the plandemic was... that

But can you point us to a site that more/less proves it?
I bought a Tesla Model 3, largely because of $9,500 in tax credits. But mainly because it is a fantastic AUTOMOBILE...fast, comfortable, insanely efficient, and handsome if inconspicuous.

Does that make me dependent on Government?
always thought the plandemic was... that

But can you point us to a site that more/less proves it?
We know:

1. The virus was created in a Chinese bio weapon factory. That is a fact.

2. We know that the Biden family got filthy rich from the Chinese. That is a fact.

3. We know that the Chinese hated Trump. They were ecstatic with joy when Biden won. That is a fact.

4. We know that the Pandemic allowed the Democrats the opportunity to create fraudulent mail in and harvested ballots in swing states, counted by Democrats. That is a fact.

5. The man that the Chinese made rich is now in the White House. That is fact.

It doesn't take to much to connect those dots, does it?

The only thing in question is were the Democrats in cahoots with the Chinese before hand or did they simply take advantage of the Pandemic to steal the Electoral College delegates from Trump?
There are also folks on there who are not political at all. Folks who have no interest in trump or Biden. Native Tik Tok for example. A great source of information on current Native events.
There are other sources available....

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