electrical rates at record levels under obama

I got a notice a week ago that my electric bill was going down. But then again, I'm in a non-profit electric co-op,

so we don't have as much problem with the risk of being ripped off by the capitalist profiteers.

[Obama promised us our electricity rates were going to double. That's one promise he's well on his way to keeping.]

"Our leaders who art in Copenhagen
Alarmists be thy name
Thy climate change come
Cap and trade will be done
As we give a pass to developing countries
Give us this day our carbon offsets
And forgive us our carbon footprint
As we forgive those who hacked our e-mails
And lead us not into Global Warming
But deliver us from CO2
For thine is the Kyoto Protocol
And the power to control our economy

The Week in Pictures, Filibuster Edition | Power Line
Everything is HIGHER because of him and his radicals in his administration

regulations, taxes, threats of regulating a business (coal) out of business

we have become POORER because of him
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Randy Johnson
Randy Johnson, senior vice president of labor, immigration and employee benefits at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, spoke about the cost of federal regulations on the U.S. economy on Sept. 10, 2012 at the business federation's headquarters in Washington, D.C. (CNSNews.com/Penny Starr)

(CNSNews.com) – Over the past three years, the bound edition of the Code of Federal Regulations has increased by 11,327 pages – a 7.4 percent increase from Jan. 1, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2011. In 2009, the increase in the number of pages was the most over the last decade – 3.4 percent or 5,359 pages.

Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

That is more than double the number of pages needed to publish the regulations back in 1975 when the bound edition consisted of 71,244 pages.

The figures were released on Monday at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington, D.C., when the business federation held its annual Labor Day briefing on the state of the economy, obstacles to job creation and the burden of regulations on the labor market.

ALL of it here
.. - See more at: Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News
I got a notice a week ago that my electric bill was going down. But then again, I'm in a non-profit electric co-op,

so we don't have as much problem with the risk of being ripped off by the capitalist profiteers.

Yeah, and we know you would never lie about something like that.

BTW. what manner of fuel does your coop use to produce power?
The fucking monkey president wants electric cars but fails to realize that his great GM feeling, the pile of shit VOLT, relies on coal to charge it's batteries.
Kemper 20X more expensive than 5 gas plants » Opinion » The Picayune Item

Paying 20 times more per kilowatt is bound to raise rates for the one-third of Mississippians who must buy electricity from Mississippi Power Company (MPC).

Already a 22-percent rate increase is being implemented. Many Kemper critics believe rates will eventually go up 60 percent.

Even before Kemper rate hikes are implemented, MPC rates are 40 percent higher than either TVA or Entergy. According to the federal government’s Energy Information Agency, Entergy charges $8.38 per kilowatt hour. TVA charges $7.90 and Mississippi Power charges $11.40.

It gets even worse: Natural gas is a proven technology. The Kemper plant is experimental. Lignite gassification has never been done in the history of the world. The Wall Street Journal recently did a feature story on the failure of gassification technology as an alternative energy.

Coal gassification has been around for decades. When Hitler ran out of gas at the end of World War II, he gassified coal.

Since then, coal gassification has never gotten off the runway. There are only two gassification plants in the world, both are much smaller than Kemper and use coal.

Lignite has one-fifth the carbon content of coal, so gassifying lignite is even more of a challenge. It is, in essence, heavy wet dirt, between coal and peat.

To gassify lignite, Southern has a new patented technology called TRIG, which has never been proven on an industrial scale. It has only worked in small-scale experiments, 100 times smaller than the Kemper plant. As an industrial rule of thumb, the maximum you can scale up experimental results to a manufacturing process is seven times. Past that, the unexpected results — like huge unanticipated cost overruns.


Lignite is a coal in the early stages of coalification, with properties intermediate to those of
bituminous coal and peat. The two geographical areas of the U. S. with extensive lignite deposits are
centered in the States of North Dakota and Texas. The lignite in both areas has a high moisture content
(20 to 40 weight percent) and a low heating value (5,000 to 7,500 British thermal units per pound
[Btu/lb], on a wet basis). Due to high moisture content and low Btu value, shipping the lignite would not
be feasible; consequently, lignite is burned near where it is mined. A small amount is used in industrial
and domestic situations, but lignite is mainly used for steam/electric production in power plants. Lignite
combustion has advanced from small stokers to large pulverized coal (PC) and cyclone-fired units
(greater than 500 megawatt).
The major advantages of firing lignite are that it is relatively abundant (in the North Dakota and
Texas regions), relatively low in cost since it is surface mined, and low in sulfur content which can
reduce the need for postcombustion sulfur emission control devices. The disadvantages are that more
fuel and larger, more capital-intensive facilities are necessary to generate a unit of power with lignite
than is the case with bituminous coal. The disadvantages arise because: (1) lignite's lower heating value
means more fuel must be handled to produce a given amount of power; (2) the energy and maintenance
costs of coal handling equipment are higher; (3) the high inherent moisture content of lignite decreases
boiler efficiency; and (4) the ash characteristics of lignite require more attention to sootblowing and
boiler operation to maintain high availability and reliability

The Kemper power plant is an attempt to use coal to create power using EPA Regs, which are designed to KILL THE COAL INDUSTRY...............

The cost is EXTREME, in order to find a way to comply with the EPA. 60% of our power comes from coal currently.............The EPA wants them all gone are forced to do WHAT KEMPER IS NOW DOING............

Cost increase of 22% to local residents................

This is real, and part of the attack on Coal by the Enviro Nuts.
Mississippi Coal Plant Overruns Show Risks of Carbon Rule - Bloomberg

Coal’s future is being built in rural Mississippi, and so far this is what it looks like: a $1 billion cost overrun, a stew of legal battles, a revolt by ratepayers and a credit downgrade for the local utility.

With all those challenges, Southern Co. (SO)’s $4.7 billion project in Kemper County may still be coal’s best hope to survive President Barack Obama’s limits on greenhouse-gas emissions.
“It’s a transformative project,” said John Thompson, a director of the Clean Air Task Force, a Boston-based environmental group. “It will be the largest and cleanest coal plant in the world, but I don’t think it will hold that title for long.”
Clean coal has been a pursuit of industry and government scientists for decades, and its finally bearing fruit in the plant being built about 100 miles east of the state capital, Jackson. Its importance will be highlighted when the Environmental Protection Agency proposes regulations to curb greenhouse gases from new power plants this week.
The rules, the first to limit such emissions, will effectively prohibit construction of coal plants that don’t capture carbon emissions, and will use the Kemper plant as the example that the technology, called CCS, is ready for deployment, according to people familiar with the plans.

Obama keeping his promises.................Change we can believe in.........Higher energy costs..........

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This is the real deal people.............

The Envro types want coal dead...............Period............

Cap and Trade failed in Congress............

And now the EPA creates the laws that Congress refused to pass.............

Power companies now have the choice of paying EPA fines or adapt........

The choice is cheaper natural gas plants, or extremely expensive and low efficient Kemper Power plants...............

60% of the power plants in the country will have to be replaced or pay the fines........all of which will be passed on to the consumer................

Get ready for higher power rates, as the EPA abuses it's power, to pass regulations by EXECUTIVE FIAT.
West Virginia Coal Exports Increase Significantly (Cumberland Times News) | US Coal Exports

W.Va. coal exports up 40 percent over last year

Decreasing domestic demand leaves production down more than 8 percent

Cumberland Times News

David Gutman Associated Press

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia exported 40 percent more coal in 2012 than it did in 2011, but that wasn’t enough to compensate for a decrease in domestic demand, according to government data.

The export data released Monday by the U.S. Department of Commerce shows West Virginia coal exports rose by $2.1 billion to a total of $7.4 billion for the year.

Coal exports to Japan increased more than tenfold, from $29 million to $395 million.

The enviro wacks keep telling us those Kyoto countries are so much better than us. We are the bad guys..........

If the Kyoto countries are so great, then why are they increasing their imports of coal...............

China demand for coal stokes world market|Business|chinadaily.com.cn

US expected to increase exports to China and Europe as power plants close
China's coal imports will continue from a more diversified number of sources over the long term, exerting a major influence on international coal prices, according to Platts, a leading source of benchmark price assessments in the energy, petrochemicals and metals sectors.
James O'Connell, the editor-in-chief of Platts' Coal Trader International, which delivers price assessments for coal trading in the Atlantic and Pacific markets, says that the US in particular will pursue the opportunity to increase coal exports to the country.
He adds that other countries are also expected to export more coal to China, including Indonesia, Australia and Russia.
According to data from Platts, US coal exports will increase from 50 million metric tons in 2012 to 270 million tons by 2016, as the country sees a rapid development of its shale gas resources, with more bound for China and India especially.
O'Connell says: "In the next 10 years, India will become China's biggest competitor in coal imports from Indonesia, which provides thermal coal at the best prices."

Increases to Europe, China, and etc......Europe..............lol.............

The good guys................lol
I'd venture to guess it's because your neighboring states are producing huge volumes of natural gas which in turn is generating that relatively cheap electricity. New York on the other hand still has a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing. Get your heads out of your asses and quit listening to Yoko Ono. Start producing your own energy at home, and generate tens of thousands of jobs while you're at it.

How did everyone miss this gem?

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